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Pole Vault Training Analysis
Tihonová, Lucie ; Krátký, Petr (advisor) ; Hojka, Vladimír (referee)
Název práce: Analýza sportovní přípravy skokanky o tyči. Cíle práce: Cílem bakalářské práce je zhodnotit vlastní výkonnostní vývoj a posoudit vlastní trénink v etapách specializované a výkonnostní přípravy. Metoda práce: V bakalářské práci byla požita kvantitativní analýza, komparativní metoda, logická analýza a metoda věcného rozboru. Výsledky práce: Kvantitativní a věcné posouzení sportovní přípravy skokanky o tyči. Klíčová slova: Skok o tyči, trénink, atletika, analýza.
800 meters elite runner training analysis
Kužílek, Ondřej ; Kaplan, Aleš (advisor) ; Hojka, Vladimír (referee)
Abstract Title: 800 meters elite runner training analysis Objectives: The main goal of my thesis deals with pedagogical evaluation of 800 meters elite runner training process. It concerns analysis of teoretical background esential for the performance growth of the two annual macrocycles through 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. I mainly focused on the relationship between the volumes of general and specific training indicators and achieved performance indicator in tracked event. The conslusion of the work should provide us with recommendations for the training process improvement in future periods. Methods: The education analysis of training process is based on the values that were obtained by content analysis of training documents and training records of the coach. I used a percentage expression for a quantitative comparison. For the qualitative comparison I used a distribution of training indicators devided into 17 categories, 5 as indicators of general training and 12 as special indicators. Results: The growth of sports performance in 800 meters discipline was primarily achieved by training loads of special training indicators and focus on its main field. The resulting performance was most influenced by changes in speed and special endurance development, which were supported by the growth of tempo and...
Local and global effect of sub-maximal squat on post-activation enhancement of muscle power output
Kolinger, Dominik ; Šťastný, Petr (advisor) ; Hojka, Vladimír (referee)
Title: Local and global effect of sub-maximal squat on post-activation enhancement of muscle power output. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to determine whether the phenomenon of post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) manifests locally or globally in terms of improved muscle power output. That is, to determine whether activation of a complex muscle chain will lead to improvements in the muscle power output of other muscle groups and muscle groups included in the activated muscle chain. In this way, to indicate the relationship between global and local physiological mechanisms causing PAPE. Methods: The quasi-experimental method and the method of analysis were used in this work. Eleven basketball players aged 18-28 years completed two measurements in random order. The measurements started with a non-specific warm-up followed by a pre- activation test (pre-CA) to obtain baseline values. Next, the players performed a specific warm-up and activation exercise (CA) in the form of a squat with an intensity of 2 × 4 × 90 % of one repetition maximum (OM) with a rest interval of 3 min. After the activation exercise, post-CA values were measured at minutes 5, 8 and 11 on force plates and at minutes 6, 9 and 12 on an isokinetic dynamometer (IKD). Pre-CA and post-CA test of the protocol one...
The influence of PAP phenomenon on performance indicators in sprint from crouch start
Horák, Jan ; Hojka, Vladimír (advisor) ; Šťastný, Petr (referee)
Title: Evaluation of post-activation potentiation effect on performance indicators of sprint following crouch start Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of post- activation potentiation phenomenon on sprinter step performance indicators following crouch start by using Optojump system. Secondary objectives are firstly - to complile systematic up-to-date review based on recently published evidence, and secondly - to compare acquired results with current trends described in this review. Methods: Fifteen (n = 15) moderate to well trained male athletes completed the experimental procol of controlled sprints (20 m), activation of post-activation potentiation / post-activation performance enhancement elicited by series of squats (3 series, 5 repetition, load of 75 % of 1RM, resting interval 2 mins). Following the activation, all participants completed 1x20 m of sprinting performance from crouch start at 5 min, 10 min, 20 min and 40 min. All measurments were made by using the Optojump system. Acquired measurments were further analyzed and statistically evaluated. Results: Evaluation of acquired data did not result in significant positive effect of activation protocol on measured variables. Furthemore, series of squats were associated with decreased peak velocity and...
The condition ability in football. Comparasion of top and high performance level of the 16- to 18- year-old football players.
Stockinger, Marek ; Heller, Jan (advisor) ; Hojka, Vladimír (referee)
Title: The condition ability in football. Comparasion of top and high performance level of the 16- to 18- year-old football players. Objective: The objective of my work was to assembly of data about the condition abilitiy of football players. And subsequently testing and comparasion of the condition ability of the 16- to 18- year-old football players in the different achievement categories. Methods: The research was made through the testing according to the test battery including 4 exercises focused on the fitness ability. It included 4 field exercises -Cooper test, long jump with the closed legs from place, 4 x 10 metres repetitive run and repetitive 6 metres jump. It also comprised laboratory tests - aerobics test in vita maxima on a treadmill ergometer and anaerobic intermittent test on a bicycle ergometer. Results: The results should show the differences of the fitness abilities of football players of variol achievement abilities. Key words: Football, teen-agers, condition, practise, intermittent load.
Myodynamics of the support phase during different take-off tasks in human locomotion
Hojka, Vladimír ; Jelen, Karel (advisor) ; Otáhal, Jakub (referee) ; Kampmiller, Tomáš (referee)
Title: Myodynamics of the support phase during different take-off tasks in human locomotion Objectives: Six types of take-off movement were analyzed in terms of support limb kinematics, take-off dynamics and muscle activation, in order to identify differences in motor control. Methods: 14 male athletes (22.6 ± 4.4 years; 182.4 ± 5.3 cm; 74.7 ± 6.2 kg) took part in laboratory experiment. Each athlete performed six different take-off movements (running, acceleration - first and second step, long jump take-off, high jump take-off and take-off to the hurdle). System Qualisys was used to analyze kinematics of the support limb. Dynamic of the suport phase was measured with Kistler 9281 EA force- plate. ME6000 apparatus was used to measure the muscle activation. Results were processed and statistically evaluated in Matlab (MathWorks, Inc) environment. Pair ANOVA, T-test and Friedmann test were performed to identify differences between take-off movements. regression analysis was introduced to find the relationship between parameters. Results: Significant differences in take-off dynamics are realized with not so significant differences in kinematic and electromyographic parameters. high jump and long jump take-offs acted most specifically in comparison with other types of take-offs. Two typically...
Comparison of physical demands of fifteens and sevens rugby
Macháček, Jan ; Kaplan, Aleš (advisor) ; Hojka, Vladimír (referee)
Thema works: Comparison of physical demands of fifteens and sevens rugby Student: Jan Macháček Supervisor: Aleš Kaplan Aims: Outline the differences between rugby 7s and XVs based on a literature search. An analysis of the literature to find the terms that define the issue. Methodology: The method of literary research was used in the work, mainly from foreign sources. To meet the goal, concepts were chosen that helped to compile the idea of the structure of sports performance in rugby sevens and fifteens. Results: Over 250 electronic sources were acquired and researched as part of the fulfillment of the objectives of this work, based on the definitions of search keywords. All these sources were, with exceptions, in the English language. Of these, 60 articles covered men's sevens, 14 women's 7s, 68 men's and 7 women's XV, 32 youth rugby. Further 66 sources consisted of statistical yearbooks, periodization, talent identification articles, and coaching manuals. Three studies were identified, using a research method to compare aspects of different versions of rugby, but not in a systematic comprehensive form nor with the inclusion of both genders. Results of the research showed clear differences in per-minute running distances, higher frequency and length of sprints and high-intensity runs in the...
Warming-up and toning in foolball
Slicho, Tomáš ; Jebavý, Radim (advisor) ; Hojka, Vladimír (referee)
Title: Warm-up and toning in football Objectives: Comparison of the two types of warm-ups on repeated tests of explosive force of upper, lower limbs, acceleration and agility test. Methods: The research group consisted of 17 players in the category of U15, who passed four tests of two selected types of warm-ups, warm-up with toning and warm-up without toning. The measured tests consisted of a acceleration test to 30 meters, a shuttle run, a medicine ball throw and a long jump. A total of three training sessions were measured, with a weekly pause between tests, within a field training experiment. In the result part we used the method of analysis to analyze the results of all tests. The comparison was used to compare the results of all tests after two different types of warming-ups. The measured values were processed by using tables and graphs. Results: The values of the players in the tests after the toning warm-up were better than the results of the players after the warm-up without toning but on the limit of a low substantive signifikance. The biggest difference was in the acceleration test to 30 meters, the smallest difference was in the throw of the medicine ball. The first hypothesis was not confirmed but the second one was succesfully confirmed. Summary: Even when the results we measured did...
Influencing Shooting Speed in Football
Čáp, Ondřej ; Jebavý, Radim (advisor) ; Hojka, Vladimír (referee)
Title: Influencing the shooting speed in football Objectives: The aim of my thesis was to record, evaluate changes and verify the effectiveness of the implemented intervention during the reference period in the development of shooting speed together with a rebound ability in a long jump in a football team which is operating in the 5th highest football competition in Germany. Methods: Quantitative research was carried out in the form of motor testing of a football team from a selected foreign football league during the autumn part of the competition. Two tests were selected to determine the development of the explosive force of the lower limbs. It was a specific test of the explosive force of the lower limbs - a kick from a one-step rhythm and a test of the general explosive force of lower limbs - jump. It was a so-called cross over study. Team was divided in two groups, where group A was doing implemented intervention in a different part of reference period than group B. Results: Based on the analysis of descriptive statistics, there was an increase in the statistics in the long jump and a decrease in the statistics in both monitored groups, while group A has the observations with the greatest improvement, but in the group B can be seen mostly an improvement across the whole group. For the second...
Effect of warm-up on performance of football players
Křížová, Anna ; Jebavý, Radim (advisor) ; Hojka, Vladimír (referee)
Title: The Effects of a warm-up on the performance of football players Objectives: The comparison of influence of two types of warm-up before and after a physical activity on performance of U19 football players. Testing of subsequent post-warm-up performance focused on acceleration, explosive power and agility. Methods: In this empirical-theoretical thesis, a total of twenty-four U19 football players, divided in two experimental groups, is tested. The players within each group undertook either a complete dynamic warm-up or a shorter warm-up without the dynamic component. The performance was tested after the warm-up utilizing four tests - an acceleration run test on 30 m, a standing long jump, a foul throw and a shuttle run. The same tests were conducted again after an interlaid physical activity. The same procedure was repeated after a week when the two groups swapped the warm-up methods. Statistical analyses were employed to evaluate the results. Results: The hypothesis 1, assuming a positive effect of a complete dynamic warm-up on the performance before the physical activity was on one hand supported in the acceleration run on 30 m and the foul throw. On the other hand, no distinctive advantage of a complete dynamic warm-up was observed for the standing long jump and the shuttle run. Hypothesis 2...

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