National Repository of Grey Literature 321 records found  beginprevious280 - 289nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Analysis of aroma compounds in cosmetics by gas chromatography
Divišová, Radka ; Vítová, Eva (referee) ; Zemanová, Jana (advisor)
This thesis is focused on aroma compounds which are presented in a wide variety of products including perfume, cologne, cosmetics, toiletries, laundry products and detergens. The widespread use and exposure to aroma compounds of aforementioned products could cause a range of the adverse reactions such as contact dermatitis, asthma, eczema and breathing problems. There are a lot of aroma compounds triggering negative allergic reactions but EU regulations limit 26 the most important fragrance allergens. The presence of these substances has to be declared on the product label if a limit of 0,01 % for rinse off and 0,001 % for leave-on products is exceeded. Of these 26 substances, a methodology was elaborated for determination of 12 allergens in a experimental part of this thesis. A method by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) was applied for fragrance allergens identification, extraction and measurement. The optimal extraction conditions of SPME-GC method were investigated including equilibrium time, extraction time and extraction temperature to increase extraction efficiency. Another important point is the method by SPME-GC-FID was validated and following performance parameters were determined: repeatability, linearity, limit of detection (LOD) limit of quantitation (LOQ). SPME-GC-FID was tested and applied to real samples.
Influence of selected active compounds for properties of gel and emulsion cosmetics
Gardoňová, Lenka ; Pekař, Miloslav (referee) ; Zemanová, Jana (advisor)
This master‘s thesis studies problems of chosen active substances in cosmetic emulsions and gels. There is their main characteristics – distribution and properties of cosmetic emulsions and gels, preparation of the active substances, effects on the skin and conditions, which could them influence. In experimental part, preparation of gels and emulsions bases was described which were than enriched by active substances - evening primrose oil, hemp oil, Salvia officinalis extract, Symphytum officinale extract and sea salt. Properties of these cosmetic gels and emulsions bases with the addition of active substances depend on temperature and method of storage, amount of light exposure, method of preparation and another conditions. Action of these factors can cause changes of the stability, thereby the cosmetics effects on the skin can be lost. On the bases of performed rheology measurements (oscillation and flow measurements), pH measurements and sensory analysis were determined, if the properties of examined samples were changed. The measurement was performed in the certain time intervals and the properties were evaluated like at laboratory temperature 23±2 °C, so after exposure to temperature regime 37 °C in thermoregulator. On the basis of performed measurements, there was determined, that gel base with addition of Symphytum officinale extract had the most stability properties.
Influence of elevated carbon dioxide concentration at Rubisco activity and its content in sunny and shaded needles of Norway spruce
Šibravová, Lenka ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
Diploma thesis’s aim was to determine Rubisco activity and its content in sunny and shaded needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and confirm or refuse acclimation on Rubisco enzyme level. Samples were taken on the Experimental ecology station Czech Academy of Sciences at Bílý Kříž (Beskydy Mountains) where needles were cultivated in two cultivation spheres with different concetrations CO2. One cultivation sphere contains atmosphere with ambient (A) concentration CO2 (350 mol CO2 mol-1) and the other contains atmosphere with elevated (E) concentration CO2 (700 mol CO2 mol-1). Rubisco activities were determinated spectrophotometric, Rubisco content was determined by SDS-PAGE method. Samples were taken in the modele of June and in the end of September. Elevated concetration CO2 did not have significant influence on Rubisco activity. Whereas different exposition had significant influence on Rubisco activity in June, when was found lower Rubisco activity in shaded needles than in sunny needles. In September were not find significant differences in Rubisco activity beetwen sunny and shaded needles. We did not find statistically significant differences in Rubisco content between A and E needles in June. Incontrary, we found about 34 % lower Rubisco content in E needles than in A needles, which confirms acclimation on Rubisco enzyme level. In September Rubisco content was several time higher than in June, which evidences the long term building photosynthetic apparatus in coniferous trees.
Bioengineering testing of the human skin and the use of cosmetic products
Freudlová, Michaela ; Omelková, Jiřina (referee) ; Zemanová, Jana (advisor)
Kůže chrání organismus zejména proti vlivům mikroorganizmů a chemickým látkám. Kůže se skládá ze čtyř základních částí: pokožka, bazální membrána, škára a podkožní tukové vazivo. Rohová vrstva je nejsvrchnější vrstvou pokožky a je důležitá v dermatologicko-kosmetickém průmyslu. Rohová vrstva je tvořena proteinovými buňkami, které jsou odklopeny lipidovou dvouvrstvou. Neporušeností lipidové dvouvrstvy je dána bariérová funkce kůže. Bariéra kůže není souvislá. Voda může difundovat k povrchu ze spodních, lépe hydratovaných vrstev kůže. Tento tok vody se nazývá přirozená ztráta vody pokožkou (TEWL) a může být měřen. TEWL se měří bioinženýrskymi metodami a je jím hodnocena bariérová funkce kůže. Hydratace rohové vrstvy se měří také bioinženýrskými metodami. tyto metody jsou založeny na elektrických vlastnostech kůže. Tato práce se zabývá hodnocením hydratace kůže, funkcí kožní bariéry a srovnáním měřících přístrojů. K měření bylo použito několik různých přístrojů. Tewameter měří evaporaci vody nad pokožkou, Skicon 200-EX měří elektrickou konduktanci, zatímco analogický i digitální Corneometr měří elektrickou kapacitanci. Měření byla uskutečněna před specifickým ošetřením a po specifickém ošetření, jako je stripování nebo aplikace kosmetického produktu. Ze získaných výsledků je možno říci, ze hodnoty TEWL se s stripováním zvyšují a hodnoty hydratace se po aplikaci hydratačního produktu také zvyšují. Srovnání měřících přístrojů se hodnotilo Pearson korelačním koeficientem. Koeficienty byly kladné a platné, což znamenalo lineární korelaci mezi dvěma určitými přístroji.
Study of fruit ripening and storage
Langová, Jiřina ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Babák, Libor (advisor)
There are many changes in fruit quality during its ripening and storage. The following four apple varieties were studied: Champion, Glostr, Golden Delicious and Idaret. Amount of reducing sugars, total amount of sugars, quantities of acids, refractive solids and loss of starch were monitored. The changes of parameters, the differences between the varieties and differences in storage were compared. Parameters were monitored from mid-August 2008, when the apples ripened. After the harvest, apples were stored in a cool box at 2 - 3 ° C and at room temperature 20 - 23 ° C. Apples stored in the cool box were analyzed till the end of March 2009, and apples stored at room temperature until the beginning of January 2009. Total quantity of sugars in all varieties increases before harvest, while it decreases after picking the apples. The quantity of reducing sugars in apples rises gradually and after their picking it falls significantly in apples stored at 20 - 23 ° C. In apples stored in the cool box it continues rising until the end of November, and then it also decreases. Losses of starch are considerable and they are accelerated after the harvest. The quantity of acids also decreases throughout and amounts of refractive solids increases. For all varieties there are significant changes in storage at 20 - 23 ° C. Temperature, therefore, significantly affects processing of sugars and acids in fruit respiration.
Determination of caseins by capillary electrophoresis
Mičíková, Ivana ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Vespalcová, Milena (advisor)
The diploma thesis, Determination of the caseins by the capillary electrophoresis, is dealing with a creating of the analytical method for a determination of the caseins in cow‘s milk. The capillary electrophoresis was used as a separative method. The developed procedure was optimalized and verified on standards of the caseins and the real samples. The theoretical part gives an information about the compound of cow's milk, caseins, their usage in the food industry and the non-food technologies. There are mentioned some further nutritional factors, whose application in the cattle nutrition can affect the milk composition. The experimental part describes the procedure of the caseins isolation from milk, the used separative system and the determination of the caseins in the lyophilisated samples of milk. The separation was performed in two untreated fused-silica capillaries. Both of them had the same internal diameter: 50 m. The total length of the first capillary was 96 cm (71 cm of effective length) and of the second used capillary 125 cm (effective length 100 cm) The phosphate buffer (10 mM, pH 2,5) served as a basic electrolyte. The diploma thesis has arisen on the basis of the cooperation of the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology and the Research Institute for Cattle Breeding, Ltd., Department of Animal Nutrition Physiology in Pohořelice.
The effect of a storage conditions on fatty acids in processed cheese
Němcová, Tereza ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Vítová, Eva (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the changes in content of fatty acids in long-lasting stored sterilized processed cheeses. Cheeses were stored under different temperatures 6 ± 2 °C, 23 ± 2 °C and 40 ± 2 °C during 23 months. Measurements was made in 16th and 23rd month of storage. The samples of sterilized processed cheeses were extracted by using mixture of solvents (ethanol, diethylether and petrolether). The obtained fat was then saponified by methanolic solution of potassium hydroxide. The methylesthers were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. Lauric, myristic, palmitic, oleic and stearic acids were the most abundant in cheeses. The yield was measured in these main acids. To summarize the content of fatty acids decreased during time of storage and also by influence of storage temperature higher than in refrigerator.
Determination of caseins in cow milk
Gejdošová, Lucie ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Vespalcová, Milena (advisor)
The diploma thesis is dealing with design of analytical method for determination of caseins in cow‘s milk. Capillary electrophoresis was used as separative method. The developed procedure was verified on real samples. Theoretical part gives basic information about caseins. Their chemical and physical properties, structure, way of manufacturing, usage in food industry and non-food applications are described. There are further some nutritional factors mentioned, whose application in cattle nutrition can affect milk composition, especially milk protein concentration. Literary part contains summary of capillary electrophoresis methods used for casein determination. Experimental part describes used separative system, procedure of casein isolation from milk and casein content in individual milk samples. Separation of milk caseins was performed in an untreated fused-silica capillary with dimensions of 50 um i.d. x 96 cm total length (71 cm effective length). Phosphate buffer (10 mM, pH 2,5) served as the background electrolyte. Casein from milk was obtained by isoelectric precipitation at pH 4,6 after adding 10% acetic acid. Product was washed with acetone to remove fat and dried. Total casein yield was the highest in bio-milk (27,04 g/l), the lowest in skim long-life milk (22,04 g/l). The diploma thesis has arisen on the basis of cooperation of Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology and Research Institute for Cattle Breeding, Ltd., Department of Animal Nutrition Physiology in Pohořelice.
An antimicrobial activity of Stevia rebaudiana extracts
Mlatečková, Tereza ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Vespalcová, Milena (advisor)
This master thesis is oriented on study antimicrobial effects extracts and macerates from cure Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Teoretical part describes basic information about plant Stevia, summary of health significant matters contained in Stevia and posobilities preparing extracts from Stevia. Antimicrobial effects extracts and macerates from cure Stevia were testing on food-borne bacteria (Bacillus cereus and Micrococcus luteus) and yeasts (Geotrichum candidum and Hansenula anomala). Microorganism, extracts and macerates were chosen on basis previous study (Study of antimicrobial effects Stevia Rebaudiana extracts, Eva Rakovská). For screening antimicrobial activity were determined the growth curves by using turbidimetrie for bacteria and direct treetment metod of cells number for yeasts. Antimicrobial effects were confirmed aplication with diffusion pit method on the agar ranges. From the results flow the testing extracts and macerates from stevia analysed antimicrobial effects. The best effect was demostrated on macerates and the most sensitive was bacteria Micrococcus luteus with the best inhibitoring effects.
Thermophilic Microorganisms Application for Lignocellulose Materials Biodegradation
Klašková, Lenka ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Babák, Libor (advisor)
The plant cell wall consists of several layers: cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and pectin. These biopolymers are degraded by many microorganisms. Extracellular enzymes are used for biodegradation by microorganisms. This thesis was focused on studying the impact of cultivation conditions on the production of extracellular enzymes at carboxymethyl cellulase and pectin when a mixed thermophilic culture containing Bacillus and Thermus microorganisms is used. The cultivation was carried out in flasks on a shaking machine with a shaking speed of 99 min-1 at a temperature of 60°C. The monitoring covered cellulolytic and polygalacturonase activities, protein concentration by the Biuret method, concentration of reducing substances by the Somogyi and Nelson methods, and the temperature optimum.

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