National Repository of Grey Literature 40 records found  beginprevious25 - 34next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Universal data storage for IoT applications
Kadlíček, Matej ; Myška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Šteffan, Pavel (advisor)
The master’s thesis is written about the topic of data warehouse and the technology associated with it. The aim of the theses was to select programming tools for creating a website. Next aim was to design the functionality, appearence and datastorage. Subsequent implementation of design was done after. Theses was divided into 5 chapters. The first one includes selections of programming tools for a creating a backend. Second chapter includes design of database storage. Third chapter includes design of functionality and user interface. Fourth chapter includes implementation of the application and the last one includes testing.
Smartphone application for optical fiber monitoring system
Vaverka, Jan ; Myška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Dejdar, Petr (advisor)
The main goal of this master thesis is to develop a multi-platform mobile application in the Flutter framework for iOS and Adnroid platforms. The application will remotely communicate with a fiber optic monitoring system through a server. In the introduction of the thesis, the issues of fiber optics and fiber optic security options are described. The next section describes the communication options between the application and the server, also the Flutter framework is described. In the practical part, the communication between the application and the server is proposed. A large part of the practical section is focused on the design and programming of the multiplatform application. The last part is focused on testing the communication between the application and the server.
Detection Of Road Surface Defects From Data Acquired By A Laser Scanner
Myska, Vojtech
Research in the field of automatic detection of road surface defects has been relativelywidespread in recent years. Most of the existing works solve this issue by processing the imageacquired by camera technology. The contribution of this study is the proposal of the LRS-CNN algorithmfor the detection of defects on road surfaces based on their laser scans. The advantage ofLRS-CNN is the ability to detect so-called microcracks, which can not be recognized from camerarecordings. We have also found that transfer learning methods are not suitable for the use of road defectdetection from their laser scans. Our LRS-CNN algorithm has been trained on unique nonpublicdata and is able to achieve up to 99.33% of success depending on the type of task.
Graph Convolutional Neural Networks For Sentiment Analysis
Myska, Vojtech
Commonly used approaches based on deep learning for sentiment analysis task operating over data in Euclidean space. In contrast with them, this paper presents, a novel approach for sentiment analysis task based on a graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs) operating with data in Non-Euclidean space. Text data processed by the approach have to be converted to a graph structure. Our GCNs models have been trained on 25 000 data samples and evaluated 5 000 samples. The Yelp data set has been used. The experiment is focused on polarity sentiment analysis task. Nevertheless, a relatively small training data set has been used, our best model achieved 86.12% accuracy.
Interactive web presentation of audiovisual works
Paulech, Matúš ; Myška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Sikora, Pavel (advisor)
The bachelor thesis contains a presentation of audiovisual works processed by a calibrator based on neural networks (deep learning and artificial intelligence). The work deals with uploading video files to a web application and then playing them on a website. Data, that have been processed by neural networks, are added to the videos. This data is divided according to the classification into given tags, in which it is written what is currently in the image of video. These tags can be used to classify videos, and these classifications are also displayed in real time during video playback.
Image data segmentation using deep neural networks
Hrdý, Martin ; Myška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Kiac, Martin (advisor)
The main aim of this master’s thesis is to get acquainted with the theory of the current segmentation methods, that use deep learning. Segmentation neural network that will be capable of segmenting individual instances of the objects will be proposed and created based on theoretical knowledge. The main focus of the segmentation neural network will be segmentation of electronic components from printed circuit boards.
Segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions using deep neural networks
Sasko, Dominik ; Myška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Kolařík, Martin (advisor)
Hlavným zámerom tejto diplomovej práce bola automatická segmentácia lézií sklerózy multiplex na snímkoch MRI. V rámci práce boli otestované najnovšie metódy segmentácie s využitím hlbokých neurónových sietí a porovnané prístupy inicializácie váh sietí pomocou preneseného učenia (transfer learning) a samoriadeného učenia (self-supervised learning). Samotný problém automatickej segmentácie lézií sklerózy multiplex je veľmi náročný, a to primárne kvôli vysokej nevyváženosti datasetu (skeny mozgov zvyčajne obsahujú len malé množstvo poškodeného tkaniva). Ďalšou výzvou je manuálna anotácia týchto lézií, nakoľko dvaja rozdielni doktori môžu označiť iné časti mozgu ako poškodené a hodnota Dice Coefficient týchto anotácií je približne 0,86. Možnosť zjednodušenia procesu anotovania lézií automatizáciou by mohlo zlepšiť výpočet množstva lézií, čo by mohlo viesť k zlepšeniu diagnostiky individuálnych pacientov. Našim cieľom bolo navrhnutie dvoch techník využívajúcich transfer learning na predtrénovanie váh, ktoré by neskôr mohli zlepšiť výsledky terajších segmentačných modelov. Teoretická časť opisuje rozdelenie umelej inteligencie, strojového učenia a hlbokých neurónových sietí a ich využitie pri segmentácii obrazu. Následne je popísaná skleróza multiplex, jej typy, symptómy, diagnostika a liečba. Praktická časť začína predspracovaním dát. Najprv boli skeny mozgu upravené na rovnaké rozlíšenie s rovnakou veľkosťou voxelu. Dôvodom tejto úpravy bolo využitie troch odlišných datasetov, v ktorých boli skeny vytvárané rozličnými prístrojmi od rôznych výrobcov. Jeden dataset taktiež obsahoval lebku, a tak bolo nutné jej odstránenie pomocou nástroju FSL pre ponechanie samotného mozgu pacienta. Využívali sme 3D skeny (FLAIR, T1 a T2 modality), ktoré boli postupne rozdelené na individuálne 2D rezy a použité na vstup neurónovej siete s enkodér-dekodér architektúrou. Dataset na trénovanie obsahoval 6720 rezov s rozlíšením 192 x 192 pixelov (po odstránení rezov, ktorých maska neobsahovala žiadnu hodnotu). Využitá loss funkcia bola Combo loss (kombinácia Dice Loss s upravenou Cross-Entropy). Prvá metóda sa zameriavala na využitie predtrénovaných váh z ImageNet datasetu na enkodér U-Net architektúry so zamknutými váhami enkodéra, resp. bez zamknutia a následného porovnania s náhodnou inicializáciou váh. V tomto prípade sme použili len FLAIR modalitu. Transfer learning dokázalo zvýšiť sledovanú metriku z hodnoty približne 0,4 na 0,6. Rozdiel medzi zamknutými a nezamknutými váhami enkodéru sa pohyboval okolo 0,02. Druhá navrhnutá technika používala self-supervised kontext enkodér s Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) na predtrénovanie váh. Táto sieť využívala všetky tri spomenuté modality aj s prázdnymi rezmi masiek (spolu 23040 obrázkov). Úlohou GAN siete bolo dotvoriť sken mozgu, ktorý bol prekrytý čiernou maskou v tvare šachovnice. Takto naučené váhy boli následne načítané do enkodéru na aplikáciu na náš segmentačný problém. Tento experiment nevykazoval lepšie výsledky, s hodnotou DSC 0,29 a 0,09 (nezamknuté a zamknuté váhy enkodéru). Prudké zníženie metriky mohlo byť spôsobené použitím predtrénovaných váh na vzdialených problémoch (segmentácia a self-supervised kontext enkodér), ako aj zložitosť úlohy kvôli nevyváženému datasetu.
Object detection in video using neural networks
Mikulský, Petr ; Sikora, Pavel (referee) ; Myška, Vojtěch (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the detection of moving objects in a video recording using neural networks. The aim of the thesis was to detect road users in video recordings. Pre-trained YOLOv5 object detection model was used for a practical part of the thesis. As part of the solution, an own dataset of traffic road video recordings was created and annotated with following classes: a car, a bus, a van, a motorcycle, a truck and a trailer truck. Final version of this dataset comprise 5404 frames and 6467 annotated objects in total. After training, the YOLOv5 model achieved 0.995 mAP, 0.995 precision and 0.986 recall on the dataset. All steps leading to the final form of the dataset are described in the conclusion chapter.
Object detection in video using neural networks and Android application
Mikulec, Vojtěch ; Kiac, Martin (referee) ; Myška, Vojtěch (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with the implementation of functional solution for classifying road users using mobile device with Android operating system. The goal is to create Android application which classifies vehicles in real time using rear-facing camera and saves timestamps of classification. Testing is performed mostly with own, diversely modificated dataset. Five models are trained and their performance is measured in dependence on hardware. The best classification performance is from pretrained MobileNet model where transfer learning with 6 classes of own dataset is used – 62,33 %. The results are summarized and a method for faster and more accurate traffic analysis is proposed.
Language-Independent Text Classifier Based On Recurrent Neural Networks
Myska, Vojtech
This paper deals with a proposal of language independent text classifiers based on recurrent neural networks. They work at a character level thus they do not require any text preprocessing. The classifiers have been trained and evaluated on a multilingual data set that is privately collected from film review databases. It contains Czech (Slovak), English, German and Spanish language subset. The resulting accuracy of the proposed language independent classifiers base on the recurrent neural networks in polarity sentiment analysis task is 78.55%.

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