National Repository of Grey Literature 166 records found  beginprevious140 - 149nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The coins of the soldier emperors in the collection of the Charles University
Lužický, David ; Musil, Jiří (referee) ; Marek, Václav (advisor)
The thesis Coins of the soldier emperors in the Collection of the Charles University is drawn up as a two-peiced study. First part of the study relates to the history, striking of the coinage, iconography and economy of the period under consideration. Historical events from 235 to 284 AD are briefly outlined, mentioned are also the extraordinary state formations, which arose after 260 AD. Further is described the grow of the mints in provinces, grow of the mint production, iconography and typical features of particular mints. In the passage relates to economy are described particular nominals, their gradual debasement, including the impact of these steps on the monetary system and the Aurelian's reform. Outlined are the revenues and expenses of the state budget and their estimation for the 3rd century AD based on grow of the soldiery salary. The second part of the thesis is created by the catalogue of 558 coins of the soldier emperors. Evaluation of the processed material is carried out in form of charts and graphs. The catalogue is composed by virtue of modern processes by use of the literature commonly used in the foreign publications. The notes of the catalogue mainly records inconsistency between the processed material and literature, only in four cases, where the inconsistencies are considerable, had...
Finds of Roman-provincial utility ware from Bohemia
Rypka, Luboš ; Musil, Jiří (referee) ; Košnar, Lubomír (advisor)
Tato bakalářská práce se snaží podchytit jednotlivé nálezy římsko-provinciální, tzv. spotřební keramiky v Čechách. Již označení "spotřební" či také často užívaný název "užitková" keramika je ovšem mírně zavádějící a nepřesný. Termínem spotřební keramika lze v užším slova smyslu označit běžnou, většinou nezdobenou keramiku, sloužící mnohdy jen v kuchyňském provozu, k uchování potravin, či k transportním účelům. Tohoto označení je zde použito v širším slova smyslu, podobně jako jej již dříve užili jiní badatelé (Jančo 2003; Jančo 2004, 482; Košnar- Břicháček 1999, 168; Petznek 1998; Petznek 1999; Petznek 2000; Sakař 1978). Měli bychom se spíše držet přesnější názvu římsko-provinciální keramika či keramika římských provincií1 . Ovšem do této kategorie lze zařadit i nálezy terry sigillaty, takže ani tento termín nepostihuje zcela okruh zpracovávaného keramického zboží, i přesto se ale (narozdíl od vlastního názvu bakalářské práce) raději přidržuji neutrálnějšího označení římsko-provinciální či jen provinciální keramika2 , jakkoliv nepřesné toto označení může být. ...
Maritime trade in the Northern Pontic region in Byzantine era
Jiroušková, Martina ; Musil, Jiří (referee) ; Bouzek, Jan (advisor)
The thesis is divided into a few chapters-History, Ships and Wrecks, Pottery. The first chapter-History-deals with the History of northern Black Sea Region, history of maritime trade and history of Crimea and Chersonesos, which became the only Byzantine town on that peninsula in the process. The second chapter-Ships and wrecksis engaged in ships development during the Middle Ages, their constructions and building. A short history of underwater archaeology is part of this chapter just before the part about shipwrecks. There have been found quite a lot of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea but only a few of them were properly excavated. The most significant wrecks are those from Yassi Ada, Bozburun and Serce Limani in the Mediterranean, as well as shipwrecks in the Sea of Marmara and Pisa shipwreck on the shores of Crimea. These wrecks are important because of their cargo and in case of Yassi Ada, Bozburun and Serce Limani wrecks also because of the extant hull. The third chapter discuss pottery that was found in northern Black Sea region including the pottery found at the Pisa wreck. The chapter is divided into two sections: 1) glazed pottery, 2) amphoras. There are two more articles as supplements, the first one deals with the Black Sea Shipwreck Research Project, the other one considers...
Coloring of materials in classical antiquity
Krejčiříková, Karolina ; Musil, Jiří (referee) ; Ondřejová, Iva (advisor)
This work deals shortly with the most common textile materials used in antiquity, then it turns to history of the dyer's craft, process of dyeing and various mordants and dye-stuffs used. Fuller's work is also described. One of the main parts of this work is a section in which particular dye-stuffs are divided by the colour they produce on fabrics. The work also includes a practical part.
Last horizont of the house number 2 in Pistiros (architecture contrast with connections of finds)
Mačková, Marcela ; Bouzek, Jan (referee) ; Musil, Jiří (advisor)
The subject of this work deals with descripriton of archeological research on emporion Pistiros, which lies close the Plovdiv in west side of Hornothrack lowland along the river Marici. His position had strategic meaning because it presented important join with Aegean sea. In ancient world the town was found by settlers from Thassos and worked as business station. The name of emporion we know because of the stone notice found not far off Roman road station. Archeological researches on this locality have been leading already a lot of years. Czech expedition researched mainly the house number 2., which is with its work structure similar to houses on other localities just like in Olynth or Priéné where we are able to look for parallels. Found material acknowledges not only business but either craft usage of the house. The discovery of large collection of coins which was saved below the floor of the building is prooving this fact. This all happened as a result of invasion of Kelts which has been guessed to cause the ruin of emporion.
Iconography of marine life in Greek and Roman art
Štampachová, Michaela ; Musil, Jiří (referee) ; Ondřejová, Iva (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to define and to summarize the manner, the context and the meaning of depictions of marine fauna in the Ancient Art from 8th century BC to 5th century AD in the Mediterranean region. Based on remarks of ancient authors and on current secondary literature it compiles and comments on some pieces of Acient Art. Artistic motives with marine fauna were very popular in the ancient times and they can join a wide range of situations and contexts: from attributes of divinities and symbols of marine location to filling ornaments. Their significance was economic, social, as well as mythological and symbolical. The peak of their popularity is represented by black-figure vases, south Italian fish-plates and Hellenistic mosaics. Realistic and ornamental tendencies of style coexisted. While drawing and painting suited better to fish and cephalopods, sculpture flattered dolphins.
Noric-Pannonian belt garnitures and their socio-ethnical meaning
Krištofová, Veronika ; Ondřejová, Iva (referee) ; Musil, Jiří (advisor)
Thesis concerns with question of occurrence of norlc-pannonian beh gamitures in Czech barbari cum. White in roman provinces were these be1ts wom by women, in Bohemia are they often found in graves with warrior equipment. By solving these problems were osed iconographic, written and archaeological evidences. In appropriate cases were used nondestructive metallographic analyses or stereomicroscope. Belts were explored from point of view of social status of their owners, total graves equipment, or ethnicity. Special attention was devoted to so-called Germanic imitations of noric-pannonian belts, which do not occur in Roman provinces and so they are typical for barbaricum area. Thesis also concerns with appearance of noric-pannonian and Germanic dress and their reconstruction. With dresses were also reconstructed noric-pannonian belt and his Germanic imitation.
Carnuntum. Roman city on Danube (1st - 4th Century AD)
Broncová, Lucie ; Bouzek, Jan (referee) ; Musil, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis deals with questions of urban development in the Roman city of Camuntum. The main foeus is foremost to specify and review the global strueture of settlement, urbanism and civilian architecture during the first four hunderts AD. In the first chapters provide an overview of loeation and historical situation of Camuntum. In the following chapters the description of the urban settlement is divided jnto "civilian" and , "military" territory. including description of several archaeologieal findings and monuments, maily publie buildings and religious areas. Furthermore, questions related to typology of dwelling-houses and their interior have not been omitted. The thesis also tries to summarize other topics associated with the area of Roman provinees, for example trade and burialground. The last part of the thesis is devoted to comparison and parallels with other important sites in the area of Rhine and Danube.
Spatial Dynamics of the Population in the Czech Republic, 1989 - 2007
Vobecká, Jana ; Fialová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Musil, Jiří (referee) ; Marty, Pascal (referee)
3 Abstract The aim of the thesis is to describe, analyse and discuss the development of spatial population dynamics in the Czech Republic between 1989 and 2007. Demographic structure and migration, the two components of spatial population dynamics, are analysed using two spatial dimensions, the urban-suburban-rural gradient and the core-periphery region distinction, using quantitative analyses, including gravity regression modelling of migration. The analysis primarily focuses on domestic migration as the main vehicle of spatial population dynamics. It discusses the structure, determinants, and temporal evolution of migration and its consequences on the population structure in different spatial categories. The thesis indicates that suburbanisation has recently become the main factor influencing Czech spatial population dynamics. The key factor determining migration destination is the social status of migrants, whereas age has only secondary importance. However, since Czechs are not very mobile, population dispersal is less large-scale than in Western-Europe. This explains why recent domestic migration patterns have had only a small measurable influence on the social or demographic structures of the population across spatial categories. Key words: suburbanisation, domestic migration, gravity modelling,...
Etruscan and Greek chimeras of the archaic period
Kučová, Stanislava ; Bouzek, Jan (referee) ; Musil, Jiří (advisor)
This work describes the presence of an archaic view Chimera time in Greece and Etruria and development of mixed beings. I will follow the creation of basic types and predominant tendencies. Chimera is a popular theme in předovýchodním, Greek and Etruscan art. Although it is perceived as a three-part monster, its varied forms depending on the time and place of occurrence. My intention is to consider this issue and evaluate the iconographic significance, which was display attached.

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