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Design of phosphate fertilizer mixer
Adamčík, Martin ; Svěrák, Tomáš (referee) ; Pellant, Karel (advisor)
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá návrhom mixéru pre výrobu fosfátových hnojív s ohľadom na zadané požiadavky. Práca samotná je rozdelená do niekoľkých častí, kde prvá formuluje ciele riešenia. Základné otázky konkrétneho priemyslu sú odpovedané s akcentom na premenné, ktoré priamo ovplyvňujú kvalitu mixovania. Ďalšia časť práce prezentuje ideový návrh so sadou výpočtov, ktoré podporujú požadovaný výkon a mechanický dizajn mixéru. Hriadeľ je kontrolovaný analytickým výpočtom a metódou FEM, vyúsťujúc do zhodných záverov. Navrhnutý dizajn mixéru je prezentovaný 3D modelmi jeho súčastí, ktoré boli vytvorené v prostredí Autodesk Inventor. Práca obsahuje taktiež 2D dokumentáciu.
Contemporary Health and Safety at Work Problems and their Influence on the Functioning of an Organization
Králik, Tomáš ; Svěrák, Tomáš (referee) ; Novák, Jaromír (advisor)
This diploma thesis elaborated on the subject „Contemporary Health and Safety at Work Problems and their Influence on the Functioning of an Organization“ focuses on the description of contemporary state of Health and safety at work problems in work activities, where the source of risk is represented by chemical substances, from the point of view of a company. The thesis sets out a view of legislative definition for the mentioned topic and also the possible application of safety at work management programs. This part also includes a summary description of risk analysis methods. In the practical part of the thesis, there is an organizational directive for a fictive company engaged in chemical production made. This directive will identify possible occupational risks resulting from the manufacturing process, and it will also evaluate the amount of risk for particular work activities in conjunction with hazard factors. The next part of the thesis contains a proposal of measures for risk reduction, based upon the previously mentioned evaluation. In the final part of the thesis, the author contemplates the possibilities of health and safety at work system improvement.
Separation of gaseous pollutants on membrane contactors
Ostrezi, Jan ; Dohnal, Mirko (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the separation of a gasseous pollutant (CO2) from a gas mixture using an experimental technology device - membrane contactor. The theoretical part is mostly focused on the recent progress in the field of membrane contactors. The theoretical part also contains theory of absorption, which is needed to understand the subject properly. The experimental part focuses on the construction of the experimental device. The efficiency of the device in absorption of carbon dioxide to an aqua solution of sodium hydroxide was tested. At the end, experimental data are discussed.
Separation of lipids from cell tissues
Kotland, Vojtěch ; Lacina,, Lubor (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
This master’s thesis is focused on lipid separation from tissue cells. Thesis is divided into theoretical and experimental part. In the theoretical part is summarized current knowledge about lipids, their properties and methods used to separate them from tissue cells. Those methods were compared and one of them was chosen to be used in the experimental part. Theoretical part is ended with reviews aimed towards the research in this area of chemistry. Experimental part describes factors affecting chosen method of lipid separation from tissue cells. The measurements were chosen so that they could be easily reproduced. Values for each factor were experimentally determined to increase the amount of fat separated. All factors were compared and based on their summarization the optimization for whole method was produced.
Separation of pollutants on photoreactors
Kurťák, Marek ; Šolcová, Olga (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with photocatalytic degradation of organic polutants on water- suspended UV activated anatase particles. The measurements are executed on a pilot plant UV photoreactor and the aim the thesis is to figure out the time course of azo dyes degradation under different photoreactor settings and subsequently infer the effectivity of the photoreactor under different settings. The degree of the aze dyes degradation is evaluated via UV-VIS spectrometry.
Development of a Web Invoicing Tool in a Corporate Environment
Bohdálek, Tomáš ; Svěrák, Tomáš (referee) ; Dydowicz, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the design and development of a web application for financial management in the company Proof & Reason, s.r.o. The company provides services in the field of digital products. The process of design and development of the application is based on the requirements of the company and analysis of the current solution, which will be replaced by this application. The frontend of the web application is implemented using the Next.js framework and the React.js and Material UI libraries. The application also communicates with the REST API which was already created by the company.
Processing of selected species of edible insects for food purposes
Masár, Martin ; Lacina,, Lubor (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
Táto diplomová práca je zameraná na nutričné zhodnotenie vybraných práškov hmyzu zo svrčkov domových, z lariev múčiara obyčajného a potemníka stajňového a jedného potravinového produktu na báze hmyzu, ktorý bol tiež vyvinutý ako jeden z cieľov tejto práce. Okrem základných nutričných analýz boli použité aj ICP-OES pre zistenie obsahu minerálov a GC-FID pre zistenie zloženia mastných kyselín. Tiež bol stanovený obsah hrubej bielkoviny pomocou CHNSO analyzátora a stanovený obsah EAA. Pomocou PCA analýzy sa úspešne podarilo rozlíšiť vzorky jednotlivých hmyzích práškov, ktoré potvrdili rozmanitosť jednotlivých druhov hmyzu a vďaka projekcii do roviny hlavných komponent je možné vidieť, v ktorých nutričných parametroch sa najviac líšia. Bola tiež vykonaná senzorická analýza novo vyvinutého produktu na báze hmyzu s prídavkom prášku z potemníka stajňového v porovnaní s konkurenčnými produktmu. Súčasťou práce je aj rozsiahly spotrebiteľský prieskum na vzorke 2 019 účastníkov, týkajúci sa vnímania entomofágie v Českej republike a na Slovensku, ktorý sa uskutočnil online.
Preparation of WDXRF analysis cement tablets
Kozlová, Romana ; Lerch, Jiří (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is focused on the sample preparation for the X-ray fluorescent analysis (XRF) of cement. The thesis aims to contribute to finding optimal method of the sample preparation of cement in the form of tablets, which would then provide the most accurate XRF analysis. This activity is related with finding a method of the sample preparation with an appropriate granulometry and homogeneity of the powder material, and also is related with creating the conditions of pressing of this material in the form of compact tablets, which are not prone to fracture. Selected problem was solved by adjusting twenty possible parameters of the mill and press. The milling was evaluated by granulometric composition of the sample, which was determined by a laser diffraction. For the smallest sample the repeatability of measurement was performed. Sieve distribution was used to achieve a finer sample, followed by XRF analysis. Tests of strength of samples pressed into ringlets were performed using a three-point tensile strength in bending, for samples with the finest and most coarse composition. The chemical composition of the finest and most coarse sample, which was prepared by milling and also the sample after milling and sieve distribution, was verified with the XRF analysis. By combining the 20 parameters during the sample preparation, maximum accuracy of the XRF analysis was achieved. The final setting meet the granulometric requirements and also abrasive and strength tests of tablets after pressing the sample. The contribution of this work is an increase in accuracy of the XRF analysis to a better level than ever before. As a result the negative impacts, which directly affect he accuracy and reproducibility of the sample preparation for the XRF analysis, were minimized. The resulting sample preparation was applied to the laboratory of quality and quality control at Českomoravský cement a.s., Mokrá plant, for which this work has been performed.
Induced siphonage of air into the flowing fluid.
Matlák, Jiří ; Opravil, Tomáš (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to deepen the knowledge in the field of drain liquid from vessel with free surface due to the effluent jet with defined profile. Formation of complete suction vortex is taken place gradually depending on the starting conditions. In the diploma thesis basic relations in liquids considering whirl are described and the types of vortex are divided on the bases of circulation intensity. In the experimental part of diploma thesis the possibilities of liquid level prediction are searched for, where the whirl is formed depending on the size of effluent jet.
Liquid-vapor mass exchange in stripping processes
Liman, Martin ; Kalivoda, Josef (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the solution of ammonia separation from waste raw materials of agricultural production. It focuses on determining the efficiency of desorption from an experimental stripping device depending on the measurement temperature. Ammonia water solutions and liquid digestate samples from technical practice were used to verify the functionality of the equipment. Increasing separation efficiency with increasing temperature has been demonstrated. The device was gradually improved during the measurement for a better profitability of the separation process. The results of the experiments are discussed concerning the theoretical assumptions and compared with other methods of ammonia separation.

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