National Repository of Grey Literature 47 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Anna Regina Husová (1857-1945)
Tůmová, Marie ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
The main theme of the presented dissertation is life's work of Anna Regina Husová (1857 - 1945). The autor, ethnology student Marie Tůmová (Department of Ethnology Charles University in Prague), prowides a comprehensive overview of many aspects of her life which hasn't been mapped in the academic scene of the Czech republic yet. The author proposes first, that she was an outstanding personality in ethnology of our regional history. The work itself is divided into two main sections (life and life's work of Anna Regina Husová) and subsections which analysing the topic in a specific context: a brief introduction, structure, proposition, conclusion and full bibliography. There are also seven appendices (activities, friends, a brief look into her prose and poetry, illustrations, this English summary and CD disk), literature and sources. The methodological backround of the presented thesis was grounded in the professional qualifications, archive's sources, literature and recent literature as well. Cardinal method used in this thesis is a dense and holistic case study: a mohography. Although the thesis of graduate student Marie Tůmová, led by lecturer Irena Štěpánová, concerns many aspects selected regional personality exceeding 180 pages in lenght, it still raises several unanswered questions.
Folk religion in Scandinavia. Dwarf, giant and elf in changes
Jiráková, Anežka ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
Anežka Jiráková Folk Religion in Scandinavia Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 2011 Abstract The bachelor thesis called Folk Religion in Scandinavia with the subtitle Dwarf, Giant and Elf in Changes is focused on the development of three supernatural beings - dwarf, giant and elf. More theoretical first part is focused on the analysis of spoken and written word and its application on the scandinavian mythology. The main topic is the characterization of development and changes of dwarf, giant and elf from the earliest surviving references to the present. The emphasis on the etymology of words is seen throughout of this text. The thesis includes research conducted among four danish respondents. One of the questionnaries is included in the text, as well as the part with pictures.
Evolution of amusing literature
Volný, Sláva ; Kašpar, Oldřich (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
The present doctoral thesis focuses on a literal phenomenon, which is still difficult to outline and classify - the so-called second-rate literature - in the context of historical and cultural developments in the Czech lands. The accent is put primarily on the so-called mass entertaining (bedside) literature for men, which was and, to a certain degree, still is represented by such adventure paperback serials (Western pulp fiction) as Rodokaps, Dodokaps, Rozruch G. F. Unger, etc. In the introductory chapter of this thesis, the author attempts to define this kind of literature terminologically, confronting his considerations with the views presented by classical literary critics - primarily the writer, journalist, playwright and essayist Karel Čapek and the literary historian Josef Hrabák. Detailed attention is paid to the historical predecessors of the mass literature in four subsequent chapters: travel books, chronicles, broadside ballads and folk reading, and adventure stories. The author gives detailed description of their respective historical developments, highlighting the features in each of them that boosted the mass growth of men's reading. The chapters devoted to a specifically Czech phenomenon - the existence of inter-war adventure paperback serials, the so-called Western pulp fiction (e.g....
Celebration of the Cult of St. Nicholas in Bari. Traditions and Rituals and their Significance for Local Inhabitants.
Zábranská, Agáta ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Pargač, Jan (referee)
in English The aim of present bachelor thesis is to observ, describe and analyze the phenomenon of the Cult of St. Nicholas in Bari, who is also patron saint of the town. The thesis discusses the tradition as a religious, cultural, historical and social event as well as its meaning for the local people, especially the young generation. The methods used in the thesis consisted of the analysis and interpretation of questionnaires, literature and field research. The thesis is also concerned with the mentality of the people from southern and easternmost part of Italy. Saint Nicholas represents the symbol of unity and identification for local people, as well as the bridge between eastern and western world. He is also seen as patron saint of dialogue and peace. The Cult and its celebrations still connect people, believers and also no-believers in these days and has also become important for many pilgrims from all over the world. The object was to observ rituals as a symbolic translation, processions and also to describe traditional costumes and local cuisine and entertainment. The conclusion of the thesis contemplates the meaning of the celebrations in present-day globalised and chaotic world and also how far the tradition has retained its religious and spiritual character and how far it has rather become...
Specifics of Serbian and Romanian oral folklore - fairy tales of magic
Krucká, Barbora ; Otčenášek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
The work is focused on mapping the historical circumstances of collecting oral folklore literature in the territory of Serbia and Romania and to cultural, religious, geographical and political influences that formed the folk traditions of these ethnic groups. It describes the role that oral folk literature played in the given environment. The historical circumstances and influences mentioned are then compared. The work provides an overview of translations of the anthologies of fairy tales from given languages into Czech. Then it focuses on a comparison of concrete fairy tales from chosen anthologies, comparison of particular fairy tale themes and elements of Serbian and Romanian fairy tales of magic.
Czech social songbooks as a cultural phenomenon in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries
Svobodová, Věra ; Tyllner, Lubomír (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
This thesis is based on the catalogue of Czech social songbooks put together by the author in a form of a computer database for Department of Ethnomusicology, Ethnological Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences. Analyzis of these songbooks is complemented by taking research conducted in the past by wide range of scholars (E. Meliš, B Václavek, R. Smetana, M. O adlík, J. Plavec, V. Pletka, V. Karbusický, J. Kotek) into account. This provides basis for characterization of origin and developement of Czech social singing in the first half of the 19th century including characteristics of its key personalities (A. J. Puchmajer, J. J. Ryba, V. J. Tomášek, V. Hanka, F. M. Kníže, A. Jelen, J. K. Chmelenský, F. Škroup, F. L. elakovský, F. J. Vacek Kamenický, J. K. Tyl, V. J. Picek a K. Havlí ek Borovský) as well as characteristics of important publications (among others V nec ze zp v vlastenských, 1835-39, 1843-44). Following section provides an overview of the century long tradition of Czech social songbooks (1848-1948); the founding importance of Spole enský zp vník eský by J. B. Pichl (1851), later in musical cooperation with J. L. Zvona (1863) is highlighted. In the last chapter author thoroughly discusses the principles of the computer catalogue of songbooks and possibilities of its future use for other types of...
The illegitimated children in the Czech lands in 18th and 19th century
Bayerová, Vanda ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Štěpánová, Irena (referee)
Moje diplomová práce nebyla založena na dlouhodobějším a rozsáhlém výzkumu, přesto si dovolím zhodnotit stav zkoumaného tématu. První část mé práce spočívala ve vyhledávání pramenů a literatury k nastolenému jevu ve snaze tyto poznatky konfrontovat. Existuje dostatek dílčích prací, ale zatím neexistuje souborné pojednání, které by mohlo být přehledem vývoje postavení svobodných matek a nemanželských dětí v novověku na našem území. Studium postavení svobodných matek a jejich dětí je přitom pro dnešní dobu velmi atraktivní v důsledku zvýšení zájmu o "historii každodenního života", "gender" problematiku a "historii dítěte", jejichž rozvoj se ve středoevropském prostoru odstartoval po roce 1989 ve snaze dohnat západní trend posledních desetiletí. Prameny a literatura by se daly rozdělit do několika skupin. V první skupině mohou být ty, kde by nějaké informace mohly být, ale nejsou, např. lékařské knihy nebo některé etnografické monografie. Z toho by se dalo při rychlém a povrchním soudu vyvodit, že se zkoumané jevy vyskytovaly v tak malé míře, že ani nestály autorům za zmínku. Další skupina informací pochází z pramenů, které např. antikoncepci a aborty připouštějí, ale ve velmi omezené míře, postoj např. některých etnografických prací. Poslední skupina vypovídá o takřka neuvěřitelném rozšíření všeho výše...
Provincial town, culture and etnography
Jeníčková, Kateřina ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
Eleonora and Marie Prosek were the teachers and ethnography research workers, which on the break 19 and 20 century worked in Turnov. Their fates show us what acceptance had ideas of women emancipation among active women in small provincial town. Their interest in ethnography show us beginning of ethnography as a scientific branch and what importance had women in that. Eleonora was born on 13 th December 1844 in Prague and Marie was born on 10 th February 1858 also in Prague. Sisters obvious come from family, which came under the middle classes. In Prague sisters attended the school. Sisters were venerable much distant and so possibilities of education they had different. Eleonora gained education of teacher of needlework, but Marie was able to gain education on school for teachers and started to teach also specialist subjects. To Turnov came Eleonora in 1872 and started to teach needlework on school for girls. In this time she was interesting of national dresses and textile. This interest she specified from 1886 in cooperation with museum in Turnov. She cooperated also on preparation on big exhibitions in 90. 19 century, which took place in Prague. She completed national dress of Turnov and lake the first she described national dress of Turnov, which retained in 80. 19 century. With museum she cooperated to...
Social Life of Sofie Podlipská
Oudová, Radka ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
The aim of this thesis is based on historical and archival documents to describe social life of Sofie Podlipská. In the first part of this thesis is described the life of Sofie Podlipská. The further part is focused on her publications and translations. In the main part of the bachelor thesis I am concentrated on her work in associations and lecture activities in some representative woman institutions.
Magic fairytale and its metamorphoses in works of 17th to 19th century
Šestáková, Adéla ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (referee)
Abstact This bachelor thesis focuses on examining the development of fairytales with an emphasis on literary adaptations of magic fairytales of the 17th to the 19th century. It consists of theoretical and practical parts. The first chapter discusses the basic characteristics of fairytales, its definition, features, classification. Furthermore, the work deals with theories about the origin of folktales and ways of their analysis from a scientific point of view. At the end of the this part fairytales are analysed as a literary genre. The second part represents writers Charles Perrault, Brothers Grimm, Karel Jaromír Erben Božena Němcová. Each of these authors approaches to their fairytale works in a different way, which is described in this section. In chapters of each writer, we first learn about their biography, as well as the time in which they lived, along with its historical and social background and last but not least, with their literary production with an emphasis on fairytale work. The last chapter contains a practical part of thesis. There is comparison of two magic fairytales, that appear in the works of authors from the second chapter. First we meet with a history and short plot of the tales, followed by analysis of their characters and differences in the various versions, and ultimately the story...

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