Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 113 záznamů.  1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Risk Assessment on Geodiversity Sites
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Nováková, Eva ; Kuda, František ; Kirchner, Karel ; Bajer, A. ; Balková, M.
Geoconservation is an action of conserving and enhancing geological, geomorphological, hydrological and soil features and processes. Particular geoconservation measures are very often applied on the site-level to protect important geodiversity sites. Nevertheless, despite established legal protection and related geoconservation activities, threats to geodiversity sites related to the multiple use and human society demands can arise and reaching a compromise can be difficult. In this contribution, a two-level threat assessment is applied and discussed. The first level of threat assessment is based on the already used criteria within geosite/geomorphosite concept. The second level of threat assessment is represented by Risk Assessment Matrix, which may be considered a useful tool providing a complex view on the threats to geodiversity sites. The methods are applied on two different sites and their advantages and limits are discussed. Based on the assessment, specific management proposals may be implemented in order to balance conservation needs and demands resulting from human activities related to the sites.
Underground Spaces In Bosonožský Hájek Nature Reserve And Their Geoeducation Importance
Kirchner, Karel ; Kuda, František ; Baldík, V. ; Kubalíková, Lucie
Bosonožský hájek Natural Reserve (Brno, South Moravia) is a very important site from the Earth Science point of view, however, its geodiversity values have been rather overlooked and omitted in the past (the object of legal protection is the occurrence of well-preserved forest ecosystems and endangered species). In the last decades, a series of field work and geophysical measurements has been carried out and the Earth Science phenomena have been identified and described here. These are represented by a dense network of gullies that developed in Pleistocene loess and that are both of natural and anthropogenic origin (some gullies probably developed along the old paths) and specific underground spaces (so called dugouts). Until now, the dugouts in South Moravia have been investigated mainly by archaeologists and those in Bosonožský hájek NR have not been described in detail yet. This brief contribution brings new information about three underground landforms and their possible relationship to the age and development of the gullies. The possibility of different interpretations of the origin of these specific landforms can be considered an opportunity in the field of Earth Science (geosciences) education and as an interesting complement of tourist and recreational activities on site.
Postup identifikace segmentů předindustriální krajiny v České republice
Kolejka, Jaromír ; Kirchner, Karel ; Ondráček, Stanislav ; Zapletalová, Jana ; Batelková, Kateřina ; Krejčí, Tomáš ; Nováková, Eva
Zjištěné segmenty předindustriální krajiny představují cenné kulturní dědictví venkova. Představují předmět ochrany krajiny a krajinného rázu. Mohou se stát atraktivitou cestovního ruchu a zdrojem příjmů venkovských obcí. Novost metodiky spočívá v účelovém využití nejnovějších a současně nejstarších spolehlivých kartografických podkladů k identifikaci segmentů krajinného kulturního dědictví. Metodika podává identifikační znaky daných segmentů v současné krajině a jejich ověření na bázi historických mapových podkladů. Jde o inovativní postup orgánů veřejné správy a pověřených subjektů, jehož výsledky by měly přispívat k evidenci, péči a rozumnému využití málo známého kulturního dědictví.
Viewpoint geosites and their potential for geoeducation and geotourism
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Kirchner, Karel ; Kuda, František
Viewpoint geosites are locations which allow observation of the surrounding landscape and comprehension of geodiversity (or Earth history recorded in rocks, structures and landforms) visible from this locality. The sites themselves don‘t have to be attractive from the Earth-sciences point of view, so they may be both natural (e.g. rock outcrops, mountain tops) and man-made objects (e.g. watchtowers, view terraces). These sites represent a very important resource for geotourism and geoeducation as they allow understand landscape, its history and relationships between its components. In this paper, we present examples of viewpoints from Podyjí National Park (both natural and man-made structures) that allow to observe geodiversity of the area. For an effective management and rational use of these specific and important sites, it is necessary to identify their characteristics and potential, so the guidelines for inventorying and method for assessment their potential are proposed. These procedures can contribute to the development of geotourist and geoeducational activities and above all, they enable better understanding of geodiversity’s position within landscape and justify its conservation and sustainable use.
Geological paths – their use for the regional geography teaching
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Drápela, E. ; Bajer, A. ; Zapletalová, D. ; Balková, M. ; Zágoršek, K. ; Kirchner, Karel ; Kuda, František ; Roštínský, Pavel
Geological paths (geopaths, geotrails) represent a type of educational paths that connect sites, which are interesting from the Earth-sciences point of view. These sites (e.g. outcrops, old quarries, historical buildings built of local stone or viewpoints) often represent the links between geodiversity and other phenomena within a region (which is in accordance with a holistic approach to geotourism). Thus, they can give complex information not only about the abiotic nature but also about biodiversity, history or culture of the region, usually through narrative. Suitable interpretation of geodiversity and its relationships to the biodiversity and cultural heritage allows to identify regional specifics, it helps to find the mutual connections between particular phenomena within the region and it supports the holistic perception of a given region. The contribution presents an example from the Brno city where the urban geopath can be used for teaching regional geography of Brno and its surroundings.
Anthropogenic relief transformations - their knowledge and evaluation with regard to the uniqueness and cultural identity of regions
Kirchner, Karel ; Kubalíková, Lucie ; Kuda, František ; Havlíček, M.
Within the development of new regional geography, the role of human geographic research in the study of regions is emphasized. Regional uniqueness, a consciousness of belonging to a particular However, physical geography disciplines, e.g. geomorphology, can also contribute to the knowledge of these aspects with regard to the definition of regions. Currently, within the framework of geomorphology, attention is paid to the diversity of anthropogenic landforms. The knowledge and evaluation of these anthropogenic landforms, which are an important part of the historical elements of the landscape and are also referred to as cultural artefacts of the landscape, enables to supplement the cultural-historical values of the region and to specify the cultural identity of the region. On the example of sites - Staré Hradisko and Hostýn - we will present the specifics of secondary geodiversity with respect to the cultural identity of the sites.
New opportunities for geotourism development at geoarcheological site Holedná Hill (Brno, Czech Republic)
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Kirchner, Karel ; Kuda, František
Special Interest Tourism is often seen as a form of ‘alternative’, ‘ethical’ or ‘environmentally responsible’ tourism and it occurs when the tourists’ motivation and decision-making are primarily determined by a particular special interest with a focus either on activities and/or destinations and settings and search for novel experiences (Novotná et al. 2019). \nOne of the types of sites are called geocultural sites (Reynard and Giusti 2018). Geoarcheological sites can be considered a type of geocultural sites and can be defined as sites where geological aspects are accompanied and closely related to archaeological issues. \nThe Holedná Hill (Brno, Czech Republic) can be considered an example of such geoarcheological site. It is important from the Earth-science point of view and it includes specific archaeological issues that are closely related to the geodiversity. This paper briefly sums the natural and cultural values of Holedná Hill and based on the geomorphosite assessment and SWOT analysis.\n
Analýza podmínek vzniku svahových deformací ve Vsetínských vrších
Klimeš, Jan ; Vilímek, Vít (vedoucí práce) ; Kirchner, Karel (oponent) ; Krejčí, Oldřich (oponent)
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Pohřbené půdy jako odraz vlivu člověka a klimatu na krajinu od svrchního pleistocénu po středověk
Vejrostová, Lenka ; Lisá, Lenka (vedoucí práce) ; Kirchner, Karel (oponent) ; Strouhalová, Barbora (oponent)
Kombinace sedimentologických, geochemických, geofyzikálních a paleobiologických metod obvykle umožňuje více či méně komplexní rekonstrukci vývoje environmentálního prostředí zachyceného v pedosedimentárních záznamech. V případě holocenních záznamů je možno rozšířit toto portfolio i o geoarcheologické metody. Cílem této práce bylo poskytnout odpovědi na otázky využití pedogeochemických a geoarcheologických metod ve výzkumu pohřbených půd a pokusit se odpovědět na to, jak velká byla role klimatu nebo člověka pedosedimentárního záznamu. Multidisciplinární analýza provedená na celkem pěti lokalitách Česka (Kly, Brno Přízřenice, Česká Bělá), Slovenska (Bíňa Čata) a Polska (Sowin) poskytla řadu poznatků o vývoji půd a vztahu člověka, klimatu a krajiny od svrchního pleistocénu (MIS 3) po středověk. Detekce klimatických změn v rámci glaciálních paleopůd lokality Bíňa Čata byla soustředěna na období od raného MIS 3 do přelomu MIS 3/ MIS 2. Použité metody umožnily korelaci vzniklých půd s interstadiály Oerel, Glinde a Denekamp, stejně jako rozlišení změn teplotních či vlhkostních charakteristikách v době vzniku půd i po ní. Iluviální vrstvy archeologických lokalit Sowin a Kly jsou zajímavým příkladem klimaticky podmíněného texturního prvku v lokalitě prokazatelně antropogenně ovlivněné. Jejich geneze je podmíněna...
Developing urban geotourism in Brno (Czech Republic)
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Kirchner, Karel ; Bajer, A. ; Balková, M. ; Kuda, František
The term “urban geotourism” is defined as tourism based on the places within the city boundary (both in the form of built heritage - monuments, buildings, statues - and rock outcrops) that is related to geological concepts and features. As a first step for the development of urban geotourism it is necessary to identify and inventory the geotourist resources, which should take into account both natural (geological, geomorphological, hydrological or palaeontological, and ecological aspects related to geodiversity), and cultural aspects related to geodiversity (e.g. monuments, building stone, geo-toponyms, anthropogenic landforms). Based on the classification of geotourist sites, selected examples from Brno (Czech Republic) are given, supplemented by geotourist and geo-educational activities. In the conclusion, the advantages of urban geotourism are summarized and its importance for the protection of abiotic nature and sustainable management of valuable sites is suggested.\n\n

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 113 záznamů.   1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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