Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Characterization and preparation of PVDF nanofiber matrices for wearable electronics
Zajacová, Lucia ; Papež, Nikola (oponent) ; Macků, Robert (vedoucí práce)
The presented bachelor thesis deals with the process of production PVDF nanofiber matrices uising electrospinning and subsequent electrical characterization of the produced material. At the beginning, it introduces nanotechnologies and their undeniable importance in medical applications. It focuses on the influence of process parameters, production enviroment and the very properties of the spinning solution itself, leading to final character of the spun fiber. Various morphological differences obtained by individual process settings then continue to influence their piezoelectric properties, which are the subject of the reaserch in the experimental part of this thesis. The obtained results are applied to devices uising the piezoelectric effect with the potential for application in the biotechnological fields.
Characterization and preparation of PVDF nanofiber matrices for wearable electronics
Zajacová, Lucia ; Papež, Nikola (oponent) ; Macků, Robert (vedoucí práce)
The presented bachelor thesis deals with the process of production PVDF nanofiber matrices uising electrospinning and subsequent electrical characterization of the produced material. At the beginning, it introduces nanotechnologies and their undeniable importance in medical applications. It focuses on the influence of process parameters, production enviroment and the very properties of the spinning solution itself, leading to final character of the spun fiber. Various morphological differences obtained by individual process settings then continue to influence their piezoelectric properties, which are the subject of the reaserch in the experimental part of this thesis. The obtained results are applied to devices uising the piezoelectric effect with the potential for application in the biotechnological fields.

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