Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Analysis of Vibration Energy Harvester with Free Moving Mass
Moravčík, Patrik ; Rubeš, Ondřej (oponent) ; Hadaš, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
This thesis is focused on analysis of piezoelectric harvester, with unattached mass, finding out best combinations of masses, which would be the best for desing this type of generator. Adding different masses on this beam, we can see different responses to the sinusoidal harmonical signal excitation as well as the pulsating signal. The resulting most suitable combinations will also be subjected to simulations with the piezoelectric layer, the results of the output voltage and power evaluated.
Optimization of HV power generator f = 13.56 MHz
Potúček, Patrik ; Drexler, Petr (oponent) ; Fiala, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with the optimization of a high-frequency class D power generator, designed for power excitation of a plasma chamber operating at frequency f = 13.56 MHz. The main goal is to optimize generator parameters to ensure best performance regarding the given plasma chamber, whose intended application is to affect the surface of the materials: improvement of the surface wettability, or modification of materials electrical properties: for example, an increasement of dielectric strength of insulators. For the purpose of the generator’s output power monitoring and electromagnetic parameters measurement, a suitable set of sensors which are able to repeatedly measure up to frequency fm = 400 MHz were constructed. A probe for electrical field intensity E evaluation was constructed and tested. This probe is used in the vicinity of plasma incidence on the sample surface. Constructed device (power generator – plasma chamber – sensors) was subjected to tests and results are briefly discussed.
Analysis of Vibration Energy Harvester with Free Moving Mass
Moravčík, Patrik ; Rubeš, Ondřej (oponent) ; Hadaš, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
This thesis is focused on analysis of piezoelectric harvester, with unattached mass, finding out best combinations of masses, which would be the best for desing this type of generator. Adding different masses on this beam, we can see different responses to the sinusoidal harmonical signal excitation as well as the pulsating signal. The resulting most suitable combinations will also be subjected to simulations with the piezoelectric layer, the results of the output voltage and power evaluated.

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