Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Dependence of Thermal Plasma Flow Velocity on Arc Current Determined by Correlation Analysis of Optical Records
Gruber, Jan ; Šonský, Jiří ; Hlína, Jan
Optical radiation of thermal plasma jet was recorded in two parallel cross-sections perpendicular to the jet axis and separated by 3.5 mm. Sufficient sampling rate was a prerequisite to obtain detectable shift between the time-series recorded in closer and farther cross-sections. We have determined time lags between the recorded signals both in the core and boundary regions by correlation analysis and subsequently determined associated velocities of plasma flow. Arc current was gradually increased in respective measurements, gas flow was fixed. Determined flow velocities are in the range 140 m/s - 280 m/s in the jet core and 110 m/s – 220 m/s in the boundary region. This is in agreement with the results obtained for similar plasma torches by other methods in the past. Velocity increases with arc current almost linearly and this dependence and velocity profile in the plasma jet cross-section are presented in this paper.
Nelinearní procesy v koróně laserového plasmatu
Jungwirth, Karel
Ve zvané přednášce byly prezentovány výsledky systematického výzkumu urychlování iontu, zachycení elektronu, vzniku virtuální katody, samofokusace laserového svazku a generování plazmových "jetu" na PALSu.

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