Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Methods for testing of analog circuits
Kincl, Zdeněk ; Vlček, Čestmír (oponent) ; Husák, Miroslav (oponent) ; Kolka, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with methods for testing of linear analog circuits in the frequency domain. The goal is to develop new efficient methods for automatic test plan generation. To reduce test costs a minimum number of measurements as well as less computational demands are the fundamental aims. The thesis is focused on the multi-frequency parametric fault diagnosis which was fully implemented in the Matlab program. The fundamental problem consists in selection of test frequencies which can reduce the influences of measurement errors and errors caused by tolerances of well-working components. The proposed methods for test frequency selection were statistically verified by the MonteCarlo method. To improve the accuracy and reduce the computational complexity of fault diagnosis, the methods based on least-square techniques and approximate symbolic analysis were presented.
Methods for testing of analog circuits
Kincl, Zdeněk ; Vlček, Čestmír (oponent) ; Husák, Miroslav (oponent) ; Kolka, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with methods for testing of linear analog circuits in the frequency domain. The goal is to develop new efficient methods for automatic test plan generation. To reduce test costs a minimum number of measurements as well as less computational demands are the fundamental aims. The thesis is focused on the multi-frequency parametric fault diagnosis which was fully implemented in the Matlab program. The fundamental problem consists in selection of test frequencies which can reduce the influences of measurement errors and errors caused by tolerances of well-working components. The proposed methods for test frequency selection were statistically verified by the MonteCarlo method. To improve the accuracy and reduce the computational complexity of fault diagnosis, the methods based on least-square techniques and approximate symbolic analysis were presented.

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