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Is genetic diversity congruent with morphological diversity across the distributional range of the Melampyrum subalpinum group (Orobanchaceae)?
Allozymes were used to assess the genetic structure of 27 populations of Melampyrum subalpinum group and an artificial pollination experiment was carried out to examine the possibility of autogamy. Genetic variation was generally congruent with the known morphological variation of the group. The results corresponded with the central-marginal concept. Allelic enrichment due to hybridization with M. nemorosum was observed in some Austrian populations. Czech and Slovak populations do not differ from Austrian populations. The high inbreeding coefficient and the pollination experiment do not contradict the possibility of autogamy.
Dispersal, distribution and genetic diversity of Melampyrum subalpinum group
This thesis is focused on the dispersal, distribution, and genetic diversity of the taxonomically highly diverse Melampyrum subalpinum group. A complete revision of the localities of M. subalpinum in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is presented. The genetic variation and population structure of the M. subalpinum group across its distribution range is described based on allozymes, nuclear and chloroplast gene sequencing, and genome size. Signs of historical hybridization with M. nemorosum were found in some populations. A comparison of seed dispersal by ants between the co-occurring M. subalpinum and M. pratense and the influence of differences in this process are presented. A new mean of seed dispersal (endozoochory) is introduced for Melampyrum. Myrmecochorous dispersal distances are tested and Holocene migration possibilities are discussed taking into account endozoochory.
New methods for analyzing the hybrid zone of our fire-bellied toads (genus Bombina)
In this elaborate the methods that are used for studying the hybrid zone of Bombina bombina and B. variegata were summarized. The principals, advantages and disadvantages of these methods are mentioned.

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