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Modern Methods for Image Quality Assessment
Nováček, Petr
This paper deals with the comparison of Image Quality Assessment (IQA) algorithms. The test gallery of colour calibre images were captured for comparison of IQA algorithms. Test gallery was captured by two cameras with a different type of sensors – CMOS with Bayer mask and a Foveon sensor.
Invisible Image Watermarking using Frequency Domain Feature Points
Pacura, Dávid
For robust invisible watermarking scheme for images, it is crucial to withstand both malicious and common image manipulations (e.g. JPEG compression, pixel jittering or cropping). In this paper, local image features are used. For this, a Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) detector, which is fast and invariant to affine transformations, is used. The watermark itself is embedded multiple times in circular areas across image. This is achieved by manipulation of magnitude coefficients in frequency domain. During detection, watermark is recovered using majority criterion.

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