Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 19 záznamů.  1 - 10další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Identification of Parameters of the Feigenbaum-Dafalias Directional Distortional Hardening Model
Parma, Slavomír ; Plešek, Jiří ; Hrubý, Zbyněk ; Marek, René ; Feigenbaum, H. P. ; Dafalias, Y.F.
Distortion of yield surface was observed in numerous experiments with various types of metals. The distorted surface shows high curvature in the direction of load and flattening in the opposite direction. Feigenbaum and Dafalias (2008) proposed a new phenomenological model to capture this phenomenon. In sum, Feigenbaum-Dafalias directional distortional model includes six independent material parameters to be identified. The present paper describes an identification algorithm for parameters of the model.
Frictionless contact of elastic bodies: comparison of treatment in finite element analysi and isogeometric analysis
Kopačka, Ján ; Kolman, Radek ; Gabriel, Dušan ; Plešek, Jiří
Artificial oscillations in contact force due to non-smooth contact surface are treated by isogeometric analysis (IGA). After brief overview of B-splines and Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) representation, the mortar-based contact algorithm is presented in the frictionless small deformation regime. Contact constraints are regularized by penalty method. The contact algorithm is tested by means of contact patch test.
Mass lumping methods for the semi-loof shell element
Sháněl, Vít ; Kolman, Radek ; Plešek, Jiří
Mass matrix diagonalization in terms of a finite element method (FEM) is essential for an effective deployment of the explicit method as one of the direct integration methods of the motion equations of elastodynamics. A particular attention is focused on the mass matrix diagonalization of the semi-loof shell element. Its diagonalization requires a specially designed universal diagonalization scheme that is derived from the scaling HRZ method. Another analyzed aspect is the problem of preserving the moment of inertia for various types of finite elements. The proposed scheme is implemented in the finite element program and consequently tested on several problems
FEM simulation of an integrated longitudinal and tangential wave probe
Hora, Petr ; Červená, Olga
The aim of contribution is the finite element modeling of integrated longitudinal and shear wave probe. This type of probe was investigated by Cheng-Kuei Jen and Makiko Kobayashi in Jen (2007). Finite element calculations are performed in the commercial environment COMSOL Multiphysics. The ultrasonic transducer excitation was modeled as total force load. The received ultrasonic signal was obtained by integration of velocities at place of ultrasonic transducer. Though these simplifications the resulting ultrasonic signals are in good agreement with results presented by Cheng-Kuei Jen and Makiko Kobayashi.
The secular equation for surface waves in 2D anisotropic elastodynamics
Červ, Jan ; Plešek, Jiří
The secular equation for the surface (Rayleigh-edge) waves propagating in a thin semiinfinite anisotropic elastic continuum is derived. The secular equation is obtained as a quartic one for the squared wave velocity. Some numerical examples are shown.
Finite element contact-impact algorithm in explicit transient analysis
Gabriel, Dušan ; Kopačka, Ján ; Plešek, Jiří ; Ulbin, M.
This work addresses three issues in computational modelling of contact-impact problems: i) overviews a contact algorithm proposed by these authors, ii) local search treatment based on the modification of the Nelder-Mead simplex method, iii) discusses an algorithmic aspects of contact algorithm in conjunction with the explicit time integration scheme. The talk closes with the presentation of several numerical examples including the longitudinal impact of two thick plates, for which analytical solution is available.
Estimation of the critical time step for explicit integration
Plešek, Jiří ; Kolman, Radek ; Gabriel, Dušan
Explicit integration plays a key role in many problems of linear and non-linear dynamics. For example, the finite element method applied to spatial discretization of continua leaves a system of ordinary differential equations to be solved, which is often done by the central difference method.
B-spline finite element method in one-dimensional elastic wave propagation problems
Kolman, Radek ; Plešek, Jiří ; Okrouhlík, Miloslav
In this paper, the spline variant of finite element method (FEM) is tested in one-dimensional elastic wave propagation problems. The special attention is paid to propagation of stress discontinuities as an outcome of the shock loading and also to spurious oscillations occurring near theoretical wavefronts. Spline variant of FEM is a modern strategy for numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Diagonalizace matice hmotnosti u skořepinového prvku typu semiloof
Sháněl, Vít ; Kolman, Radek ; Plešek, Jiří
Zvláštní pozornost je věnována diagonalizaci matic hmotnosti skořepinovému prvku typu semiloof. Diagonalizace matice hmotnosti v metodě konečných prvků má zásadní význam pro efektivní využití explicitních přímých integračních metod pro řešení problémů elastodynamiky.
Jednorozměrná disperzní analýza B-Spline varianty metody konečných prvků
Kolman, Radek ; Plešek, Jiří ; Okrouhlík, Miloslav ; Gabriel, Dušan
V tomto příspěvku je studováno disperzní chování B-spline varianty metody konečných prvků a tyto výsledky jsou porovnány s klasických přístupem varianty metody konečných prvků.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 19 záznamů.   1 - 10další  přejít na záznam:
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