National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Enhancing scholarly communication: National initiatives to manage research data in the V4 countries : kick off meeting of all project members representatives
Pejšová, Petra
6. 3. – 8. 3. 2014 v Debrecíně (Maďarsko) proběhla úvodní schůzka k projektu Enhancing scholarly communication: National initiatives to manage research data in the V4 countries. Za Národní technickou knihovnu se schůzky zúčastnila PhDr. Petra Pejšová. Na schůzce byl stanoven harmonogram projektu, ujasněn cíl projektu a diskutován způsob provedení průzkumu. Dále byly probrány též finanční záležitosti - rozpočet, způsob čerpání jednotlivých položek, možnosti spoluúčasti atd.
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Evaluation Report of Conference on Grey Literature and Repositories 2014
Vyčítalová, Hana ; Charvátová, Michaela
Národní technická knihovna (NTK) uspořádala 7. ročník Konference o šedé literatuře a repozitářích. Prostřednictvím této akce je zajištěna českému publiku prezentace informací a aktualit o šedé literatuře v ČR i v zahraničí a příbuzných tématech. Konference se uskutečnila 22. října 2014 v Ballingově sále v Národní technické knihovně v Praze. K získání informací o názorech a spokojenosti účastníků konference vyl opět použit evaluační dotazník (viz. Příloha č. 2). Výsledky z dotazníků byly využity ke zhodnocení této akce a ke zlepšení přípravy, organizace a obsahové náplně příštího ročníku konference.
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Enhanced publications in the Czech Republic
Pejšová, Petra ; Vyčítalová, Hana
The aim of this article is to introduce the notion of enhanced publications to the Czech audience. Enhanced publications are a new type of scholarly publishing. This concerns extra materials linked with electronic publications, such as research data, models, algorithms, figures, metadata, postpublication data (e.g. commentaries) and other items. The article includes a presentation of a survey of the state of enhanced publications in Czech research institutions.
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Survey of Enhanced publications in the Czech Republic
Pejšová, Petra ; Vyčítalová, Hana
The poster presents survey about the state of enhanced publications in the Czech Republic. The goal of this survey was to find out situation of enhanced publications at research institutions in the Czech Republic. What research data arise? How are they stored and archived? To whom they made available? Are there the real enhanced publications, i.e. research publications linked directly to research data? 113 Czech research institutions were contacted with online questionnaire during 11th September to 7th October 2013. The poster will show the results from 65 Czech research institutions which filled in the questionnaire.
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Fifteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: The Grey Audit: A Field Assessment in Grey Literature
Pejšová, Petra ; Vyčítalová, Hana
Účelem zahraniční služební cesty byla účast PhDr. Petry Pejšové a Mgr. Hany Vyčítalové na dvoudenní konferenci „Fifteenth International Conference on Grey Literature“ v Bratislavě. Konference se koná každý rok, zaměřuje se na problematiku šedé literatury a mezinárodní odbornou diskusi o šedé literatuře. Na konferenci byl prezentován poster s názvem „Survey of Enhanced Publications in the Czech Republic“.
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Výzkum v kontextu
Schirrwagen, Jochen ; Jahn, Najko
Context of scholarly results improves discovery, sharing and re-use in library and research communities. OpenAIREplus facilitates access to European research. Its mission is to interlink research publications, data, contributors and grants. Introducing pilots for the Social & Life Sciences we show how disciplinary services can be used to enhanced publications in cross-disciplinary environments. The approach followed originate from text-mining and interlinks innovative repository services and initiatives like DataCite.
Fulltext: idr-685_1 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-685_2 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-685_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: Schirrwagen - Download fulltextMP4
Enhanced publications in the Czech Republic
Pejšová, Petra ; Vyčítalová, Hana
The main goal of this paper is to introduce the term "enhanced publications” to Czech audience. Enhanced publications are a new type of scientific publication. This is a special additional materials related to electronic publications, such as research data, models, algorithms, images, metadata, post-published data (eg comments) and more. As a part of the paper will be presented survey about the state of these publications in the Czech Republic.
Fulltext: idr-683_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-683_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-683_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-683_4 - Download fulltextMP4
Repurposing Grey Literature - Linking Research Data to Full-Text Publications: Some Preliminary Results
Farace, Dominic
This presentation deals with the research design and preliminary results of EPP, an Enhanced Publications Project carried out among a pool of over 280 authors in the International Conference Series on Grey Literature. In a way, this project seeks to circumvent the data vs. documents camp in the grey literature community by way of a middle ground provided through enhanced publications. Enhanced publications allow for a fuller understanding of the process in which data and information are used and applied in the generation of knowledge. The enhanced publication of grey literature precludes the idea of a random selection of data and information, and instead focuses on the human intervention in data-rich environments. Enhanced publications inherently contribute to the review process of grey literature as well as the replication of research and improved visibility of research results in the scholarly communication chain.
Fulltext: nusl-_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: nusl-_2 - Download fulltextPDF; nusl-_4 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: nusl-_1 - Download fulltextMP4

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