Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 41 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Král, Lubomír ; Čermák, Jiří ; Roupcová, Pavla
The improvement of hydrogen storage properties of ball-milled Mg-Al-Ti-Zr-C composite was studied in this\npaper. It has been previously shown, that the addition of Ti, Zr, Al and C improves storage properties of Mg.\nThis beneficial effect of additives upon hydrogen storage properties can be explained by catalysis by the\nnanoparticles rich in Ti, Zr or Al located on the surface of Mg grains. They provide effective pathways for the\nhydrogen diffusion into the MgH2. The morphological and microstructural characteristics were investigated by\nscanning electron microscope Tescan Lyra 3 and by X-ray diffraction. The hydrogen sorption was measured\nby Sieverts method using Setaram PCT-Pro device.\nStudied experimental composite absorbed 4.2 wt.% H 2 at 573 K and 3 wt.% H 2 at 523K within 10 min. The\nhydrogen storage capacity of the composite was about 4.6% wt.% H 2 and 4.2% wt.% H 2 at 573K and 523K,\nrespectively.
Magnetic properties of 42CrMo4 steel
Bulín, T. ; Švábenská, Eva ; Hapla, Miroslav ; Roupcová, Pavla ; Ondrušek, C. ; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
Low alloyed high-grade chrome-molybdenum ferritic steel was investigated from the point of views of magnetic properties in dependence on heat and mechanical treatment. This steel can be used as components of magnetic circuits or some parts in electrical equipment. The basic information on structure and phase composition was obtained by optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray Powder Diffraction and Mössbauer Spectroscopy. The temperature stability of the material was proved by measurements of temperature dependences of magnetic moment. The magnetic parameters were obtained by measuring of magnetic hysteresis loops in dependence on saturation field and their frequencies. The results are discussed from the point of view of possible applications as a magnetic material in the very extremely environment, where high mechanical stresses and elevated temperatures can occur.
Bulín, T. ; Hapla, Miroslav ; Roupcová, Pavla ; Ondrůšek, Č. ; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
We have measured magnetic parameters and electrical resistivity of 41CrMo4 steel. It consist ferrite, Cr7C3 and Cr23C6 type of carbides. The\nmeasurements of temperature dependences of magnetic moments and electrical resistivity confirm phase stability of ferrite. The room temperature resistivity, saturation magnetization at room temperature, as well as AC measurements was measured. The power losses are strongly dependent on frequency and excitations.
Chemical Wet Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-Silver Nanoparticles
Zobač, O. ; Sopoušek, J. ; Vykoukal, V. ; Buršík, Jiří ; Roupcová, Pavla
AgCu nanoparticles (NPs) of near-eutectic composition were prepared by various route of wet synthesis. Nanoparticles suspended in nonpolar solvents were synthesized by solvothermal synthesis from metalloorganic precursors. AgCu colloids in aqueous solution were obtained by the hydride reduction of Ag and Cu nitrates under action of different stabilization agents. Chemical characterizations of as-synthesized AgCu NPs were done using inductively-coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The optical properties of nanoparticles were monitored using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The size of colloid nanoparticles were measured by both dynamic light scattering (DLS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method in some extra cases.
Král, Lubomír ; Čermák, Jiří ; Roupcová, Pavla
The hydrogen storage properties of ball-milled Mg-Ti-Zr-C composite (1.8 wt.% Ti, 1.9 wt.% Zr and 0.2 wt.% C) were investigated. It has been previously shown, that the addition of Ti, Zr and C improved its storage properties. This beneficial effect of additives upon hydrogen storage properties can be explained by catalysis by the particles rich in Ti or Zr located on the surface of Mg grains. They provide effective pathways for the hydrogen diffusion into the MgH2. The morphological and microstructural characteristics were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and by X-ray diffraction. The hydrogen sorption was measured by Sieverts method using Setaram PCT-Pro device. In this paper, sorption behaviour of the composite after ball-milling and after aging on the air was compared. The ball-milled composite adsorbed 3.5 wt.% H2 within 10 min at 623 K. However, hydrogen storage capacity of the composite aged on the air for 7 months remarkably decreased: The aged composite adsorbed within 10 min only 2 wt.% H2 at 623 K and the sorption capacity decreased from 4.7 wt.% H2 to 2.1 wt.% H2.
Changes in structure and phase composition in the surface of tram rail
Švábenská, Eva ; Roupcová, Pavla ; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
We have investigated structure and phase composition of surface layer of tram rails after long time running and the results were compared with those obtained on the original part of material. Changes due to effects of severe plastic deformation together with thermal shocks by friction process were expected. The information about structure and phase composition was obtained by optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Glow Discharge Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) and this was completed by microhardness measurements. The results show that the surface layer in comparison with the original material exhibits important changes in grain structure, an increase in microhardness and high content of iron oxide and hydrooxides. According to the depth profile of the chemical composition measured by GDOES there is an increase in carbon content in the surface layer which can be effect of up-hill diffusion.
Čermák, Jiří ; Král, Lubomír ; Roupcová, Pavla
Hydrogen solved in amorphous alloys (AAs) influences their magnetic characteristics. AAs are also perspective\nas additives that can improve hydrogen storage kinetic in certain types of ball-milled hydrogen storage\nmaterials (HSMs). Therefore, knowledge of hydrogen solubility and hydrogen sorption kinetics in AAs are of a\ngreat importance for aimed design both AAs with optimal magnetic parameters and HSMs with desired sorption\ncharacteristics. In the present paper, amorphous alloy Co30Fe55B15 (an example of the type a-TM1xTM2y Bz ;\nTM - transition metal) was investigated. Hydrogen concentration c H was measured by Sieverts method in\ntemperature interval from T = 150 °C to T = 350 °C under hydrogen pressure p up to 6 MPa. It was found that\nc H was an increasing function of p and its maximum value was typically 0.5 wt.% H2 at 350 °C and 6 MPa.\nHowever, when the alloy was preliminary hydrogen charged (PHC), the pressure dependence of total c Htot in\nthe first absorption cycle(s) is non-monotonous in dependence on PHC conditions. For the sake of comparison,\nthe same absorption characteristics were measured also in Mg2Ni intermetallic that is a common constituent\nin Mg-based HSMs. Comparing Co30Fe55B15 and Mg2Ni, it was concluded that Co30Fe55B15 shows lower\nhydrogen solubility, but much better absorption kinetics.
Reakční syntéza objemových intermetalických materiálů z kineticky nanášených depozitů
Stejskal, Pavel ; Roupcová, Pavla (oponent) ; Jan, Vít (vedoucí práce)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou přípravy intermetalických materiálů na bázi alu-minidů železa, niklu a titanu. Pracuje přitom s myšlenkou přípravy objemového materiálu reakční syntézou z objemového nástřiku základních materiálů metodou cold spray. Teoretická část pojednává o použitelných fázích a sloučeninách těchto aluminidů pro strukturní aplikace, jejich charakteristice a dosavadní výrobě. V experimentální části jsou studovány mikrostruk-tury vzniklé žíháním kineticky naprášených depozitů.
Chlupová, Alice ; Kruml, Tomáš ; Roupcová, Pavla ; Heczko, Milan ; Obrtlík, Karel ; Beran, Přemysl
Cast TiAl alloys with high Nb content are subject of extensive research with the aim to develop material with low density, good corrosion resistance and high strength at elevated temperatures. Disadvantage of their broad applications is restricted workability, machinability and low fracture toughness especially at room temperature. Improvement of properties of TiAl based materials can be achieved by tailoring the microstructure by modification of chemical composition. For this purpose 5 types of TiAl alloys with 7 % of Nb were prepared having variable content of Mo and/or C. Addition of Mo and/or C resulted in three types of microstructure and different phase composition. All modified alloys contain colonies consisting of thin lamellae of a and g phases sometimes complemented by g and/or b phase at the grain boundaries. Variable microstructure and phase composition resulted in differences in mechanical behaviour. The most promising tensile properties at both room and elevated temperature were observed for alloy doped with 2 % of Mo having the mixed microstructure containing b phase and for alloy doped with 0.5 % of C with nearly lamellar microstructure without b phase. 2Mo alloy exhibited reasonably good ductility while 0.5C alloy reached the highest tensile strength. Also low cycle fatigue behaviour of these two materials was the best of all five materials under investigation. Fatigue deformation characteristics were better in the case of 2Mo alloy while 0.5C alloy exhibited higher cyclic stresses. Fracture mechanisms were determined using fractographic analysis. The major fracture mode of all alloys was trans-lamellar.
Analysis of nanoparticles released from the car brakes
Švábenská, Eva ; Roupcová, Pavla ; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
Our research is focused on the phase, structure and chemical analysis of the powder particles released by braking of cars from their brake components – discs and pads. The basic information on structure and phase composition was obtained by X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Mössbauer Spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with EDX. The results of the particle analysis are compared with materials used for manufacturing brake components and with the powder prepared by ball milling of the mixture of the pad composite and disk steel. Most of recognized nanoparticles are based on carbon, silica/silicates and iron oxides. Their effects on street environment are mentioned.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 41 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
Viz též: podobná jména autorů
9 Roupcová, Pavla
6 Roupcová, Petra
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