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Score correlation for skewed distributions
Fabián, Zdeněk
Based on the new concept of the scalar-valued score function of continuous distributions we introduce the score correlation coefficient ”tai-lored” to the assumed probabilistic model and study its properties by means of simulation experiments. It appeared that the new correlation method is useful for enormously skewed distributions.
Scalar-Valued Score Functions and their use in Parametric Estimation
Fabián, Zdeněk
In the paper we describe and explain a new direction in probabilistic and statistical reasoning, the approach based on scalar-valued score functions of continuous random variables. We show basic properties of score functions of standard distributions, generalize the approach for parametric families and show how to use them for solutions of problems of parametric statistics.
A Bootstrap Comparison of Robust Regression Estimators
Kalina, Jan ; Janáček, Patrik
The ordinary least squares estimator in linear regression is well known to be highly vulnerable to the presence of outliers in the data and available robust statistical estimators represent more preferable alternatives. It has been repeatedly recommended to use the least squares together with a robust estimator, where the latter is understood as a diagnostic tool for the former. In other words, only if the robust estimator yields a very different result, the user should investigate the dataset closer and search for explanations. For this purpose, a hypothesis test of equality of the means of two alternative linear regression estimators is proposed here based on nonparametric bootstrap. The performance of the test is presented on three real economic datasets with small samples. Robust estimates turn out not to be significantly different from non-robust estimates in the selected datasets. Still, robust estimation is beneficial in these datasets and the experiments illustrate one of possible ways of exploiting the bootstrap methodology in regression modeling. The bootstrap test could be easily extended to nonlinear regression models.
Recent Trends in Machine Learning with a Focus on Applications in Finance
Kalina, Jan ; Neoral, Aleš
Machine learning methods penetrate to applications in the analysis of financial data, particularly to supervised learning tasks including regression or classification. Other approaches, such as reinforcement learning or automated machine learning, are not so well known in the context of finance yet. In this paper, we discuss the advantages of an automated data analysis, which is beneficial especially if a larger number of datasets should be analyzed under a time pressure. Important types of learning include reinforcement learning, automated machine learning, or metalearning. This paper overviews their principles and recalls some of their inspiring applications. We include a discussion of the importance of the concept of information and of the search for the most relevant information in the field of mathematical finance. We come to the conclusion that a statistical interpretation of the results of theautomatic machine learning remains crucial for a proper understanding of the knowledge acquired by the analysis of the given (financial) data.
Spatio-Spectral EEG Patterns in the Source-Reconstructed Space and Relation to Resting-State Networks: An EEG-fMRI Study
Jiříček, Stanislav ; Koudelka, V. ; Mantini, D. ; Mareček, R. ; Hlinka, Jaroslav
In this work, we present and evaluate a novel EEG-fMRI integration approach combining a spatio-spectral decomposition method and a reliable source localization technique. On the large 72 subjects resting- state hdEEG-fMRI data set we tested the stability of the proposed method in terms of both extracted spatio-spectral patterns(SSPs) as well as their correspondence to the BOLD signal. We also compared the proposed method with the spatio-spectral decomposition in the electrode space as well as well-known occipital alpha correlate in terms of the explained variance of BOLD signal. We showed that the proposed method is stable in terms of extracted patterns and where they correlate with the BOLD signal. Furthermore, we show that the proposed method explains a very similar level of the BOLD signal with the other methods and that the BOLD signal in areas of typical BOLD functional networks is explained significantly more than by a chance. Nevertheless, we didn’t observe a significant relation between our source-space SSPs and the BOLD ICs when spatio-temporally comparing them. Finally, we report several the most stable source space EEG-fMRI patterns together with their interpretation and comparison to the electrode space patterns.
A Measure of Variability WIthin Parametric Families of Continuous Distributions
Fabián, Zdeněk
A continuous probability measure on an open interval of the real line induces in it a unique geometry, "center of gravity" of which is the typical value of the distribution. In the paper is identified a score variance as a finite measure of variability of distributions with respect to the typical value and discussed its properties and methods of estimation. Itroducing a generalized Rao distance in the sample space one can appraise the precision of the estimate of the typical value.
Large Perimeter Objects Surrounded by a 1.5D Terrain
Keikha, Vahideh
Given is a 1.5D terrain T , i.e., an x-monotone polygonal chain in R2. Our objective is to approximate the largest area or perimeter convex polygon with at most k vertices inside T . For a constant k > 0, we design an FPTAS that efficiently approximates such polygons within a factor (1 − ǫ). For the special case of the´largest-perimeter contained triangle in T , we design an O(n log n) time exact algorithm that matches the same result for the area measure.
DC 5.3 Základní statistický model velkého měřítka
Brabec, Marek ; Malý, Marek ; Malá, I. ; Hladká, Adéla
BIBLIOGRAFICKÉ ÚDAJE: Výzkumná zpráva č. SS02030031-V94, evidenční č. ENV/2021/118018. Praha: ICS CAS, 2021. 47 s. ANOTACE: Obsahem tohoto dokumentu je popis prostorového statistického modelu velkého měřítka vyvinutého z dosavadních dat poskytnutých ČHMÚ. Prostorový model bude (po nezbytných aktualizacích a případných modifikacích daných jak časovým vývojem samotného znečištění, který lze očekávat např. v souvislosti s dopady pandemie covid-19, tak dalším vývojem statistické metodologie) v dalších letech používán jako podklad pro vývoj algoritmu prostorové optimalizace umístění měřicích stanic na základě statistického designu. Jde o několik variantních řešení, která zohledňují různé aspekty statistického chování pole koncentrací vybraných znečišťujících látek.

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