Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 

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Study of Technical Preparation of a Production Portfolio for Production Organization
Cabúk, Matej ; Tesař, Rostislav (oponent) ; Jurová, Marie (vedoucí práce)
Launching a new product on the market requires a lot of preparatory work. In international companies, procedures and rules are clearly given. And while theory defines the technical production preparation activities, the actual processes vary from company to company. This diploma thesis focuses on the analysis and optimization of partial tasks, mainly on the design preparation of production. It proposes solutions to improve processes from a designer's point of view. In order to understand the appropriateness of the proposed solutions, it is necessary to know the nature of the analyzed company, which will be briefly presented. The proposals deal with software equipment in the workplace, the potential of which is not fully exploited by the employees. And although good quality software is an important part of the efficient operation of any company, for some activities it is preferable to limit the software used and simplify the processes. The specialists do their job with high quality and in less time. Creating a position of a specialist in photorealistic visualizations gives room to employee to develop in the field. Various factors, such as motivation and work environment, affect the performance of employees. Introducing new benefits, improving transport infrastructure and promoting alternative ways of travelling to work can have a positive impact on employee performance and satisfaction. The final part evaluates the proposals from a technical and economic perspective.

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