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Modelling of water transport in the polymer electrolyte membrane of a fuel cell
Šimek, M. ; Němec, Tomáš ; Maršík, František
A brief review of recent literature on proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) modelling is presented and the governing equations of the transport processes in the proton exchange membrane are presented. Consequently, the model of water transport in the membrane electrode assembly of a fuel cell in commercial software FLUENT is investigated. The aim of this work is to test the possibilities of the PEMFC modelling using FLUENT. Special attention is given to the water management and the properties of the fuel cell membrane.of four binary mixtures, i.e. diethylether - nitrogen, propane - carbon dioxide, isobutane - carbon dioxide, and chlorodifluoromethane - carbon dioxide. The predictions of the classical nucleation theory show very good agreement with the measured nucleation rates.

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