Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 8 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Biotribologie kloubní chrupavky
Furmann, Denis ; Látal, Roman (oponent) ; Nečas, David (vedoucí práce)
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá biotribológiou kĺbnej chrupky. V prvej časti sa zaoberá analýzou jednotlivých stavebných zložiek chrupky. Ďalšia časť je venovaná definovaniu tribologických vlastností chrupky s ohľadom na trenie, opotrebenie aj mazanie. V práci sú tiež stručne analyzované vybrané publikácie zaoberajúce sa biotribológiou kĺbnej chrupky. Na základe spracovaných článkov boli formulované a overené dve hypotézy. Klesne pri väčšej záťaži koeficient trenia? Zväčší koeficient trenia hodnotu pri vyššej rýchlosti? Experimentálne bolo potvrdené, že hodnota koeficientu trenia rastie so zväčšujúcou sa rýchlosťou a zmenšujúcim sa zaťažením.
The effect of synovial fluid composition on friction of joint cartilage
Furmann, Denis ; Daniel, Matej (oponent) ; Nečas, David (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with the study of the effect of the constituents of the model synovial fluid on the frictional properties of articular cartilage. The influence of constituents, concentration, speed and load is observed. Experiments were performed on a commercial tribometer at configuration pin-on-plate. Several types of lubricants containing synovial fluid constituents have been selected for the experiments. Lubricants were prepared at two concentrations, the concentration of healthy individuals and at a concentration typical of for osteoarthritic patients. Speeds 5 and 10 mm/s and 5 and 10 N loads were used for all experiments. It is shown that when using only lubricant containing proteins, no difference in the coefficient of friction is observed and the effect of concentration is also not observed. The addition of hyaluronic acid has a synergistic effect with -globulin, however in the case of lubricants containing albumin, the effect is opposite. After the addition of phospholipids, no significant effect on friction is observed in -globulin containing lubricants. No significant effect of the composition and concentration of the lubricants is observed with the load change.
Research of Coatings of Hydrodynamically Lubricated Sliding Bearings for Combustion Engines
Repka, Martin ; Čermák, Roman (oponent) ; Petrůj, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Havlica, Jaromír (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this thesis is the research and characterisation of new sliding bearing overlay with advanced tribological properties based on the polyamide-imide matrix and solid lubricants. The background for the material composition came from the joint initial expertise of commercial coating layer, respectively its surface observation under boundary operational conditions which provided input for improved wear and friction characteristics. Oil characterisation before and after tribotesting and detailed surface chemistry analysis was performed to investigate polymer coating behaviour in stressed lubricated condistions. Further development of coating technique with preparation of newly formulated paint is introduced. Finally, the developed PAI coating with MoS2 and graphite as lubricants for frictional improvement and calcium hydroxide as potential wear improvement additive were studied and evaluated for bearing application.
The effect of synovial fluid composition on friction of joint cartilage
Furmann, Denis ; Daniel, Matej (oponent) ; Nečas, David (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with the study of the effect of the constituents of the model synovial fluid on the frictional properties of articular cartilage. The influence of constituents, concentration, speed and load is observed. Experiments were performed on a commercial tribometer at configuration pin-on-plate. Several types of lubricants containing synovial fluid constituents have been selected for the experiments. Lubricants were prepared at two concentrations, the concentration of healthy individuals and at a concentration typical of for osteoarthritic patients. Speeds 5 and 10 mm/s and 5 and 10 N loads were used for all experiments. It is shown that when using only lubricant containing proteins, no difference in the coefficient of friction is observed and the effect of concentration is also not observed. The addition of hyaluronic acid has a synergistic effect with -globulin, however in the case of lubricants containing albumin, the effect is opposite. After the addition of phospholipids, no significant effect on friction is observed in -globulin containing lubricants. No significant effect of the composition and concentration of the lubricants is observed with the load change.
Research of Coatings of Hydrodynamically Lubricated Sliding Bearings for Combustion Engines
Repka, Martin ; Čermák, Roman (oponent) ; Petrůj, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Havlica, Jaromír (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this thesis is the research and characterisation of new sliding bearing overlay with advanced tribological properties based on the polyamide-imide matrix and solid lubricants. The background for the material composition came from the joint initial expertise of commercial coating layer, respectively its surface observation under boundary operational conditions which provided input for improved wear and friction characteristics. Oil characterisation before and after tribotesting and detailed surface chemistry analysis was performed to investigate polymer coating behaviour in stressed lubricated condistions. Further development of coating technique with preparation of newly formulated paint is introduced. Finally, the developed PAI coating with MoS2 and graphite as lubricants for frictional improvement and calcium hydroxide as potential wear improvement additive were studied and evaluated for bearing application.
Biotribologie kloubní chrupavky
Furmann, Denis ; Látal, Roman (oponent) ; Nečas, David (vedoucí práce)
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá biotribológiou kĺbnej chrupky. V prvej časti sa zaoberá analýzou jednotlivých stavebných zložiek chrupky. Ďalšia časť je venovaná definovaniu tribologických vlastností chrupky s ohľadom na trenie, opotrebenie aj mazanie. V práci sú tiež stručne analyzované vybrané publikácie zaoberajúce sa biotribológiou kĺbnej chrupky. Na základe spracovaných článkov boli formulované a overené dve hypotézy. Klesne pri väčšej záťaži koeficient trenia? Zväčší koeficient trenia hodnotu pri vyššej rýchlosti? Experimentálne bolo potvrdené, že hodnota koeficientu trenia rastie so zväčšujúcou sa rýchlosťou a zmenšujúcim sa zaťažením.
Povrchové vlastnosti nanokompozitů silika/epoxy nátěrů
Bláhová, O. ; Špírková, Milena ; Farkačová, T.
Byly stanoveny mechanické vlastnosti hybridních organicko-anorganických nátěrů připravených z funkcionalizovaných organokřemičitých prekurzorů, oligomerních diaminů a triaminů a koloidních silika částic nebo montmorilonitu.
Mechanické vlastnosti nanokompozitních organicko - anorganických povlaků
Farkačová, T. ; Bláhová, O. ; Špírková, Milena
Tribologické vlastnosti hybridních organicko anorganických epoxidových povlaků byly určeny na tribometru metodou pin-on-disc s monitoringem frikčního koeficientu a odolnosti proti opotřebení. Vzorky byly připraveny z funkcionalizovaných organosilikonových prekurzorů, oligomerních di- a triaminů a koloidních křemenných částic Produkt je dán dvěma nezávislými procesy: sol-gel a epoxy-amino adiční reakcí.

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