Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Introduction to statistical inference based on scalar-valued scores
Fabián, Zdeněk
In the report we maintain consistently the following point of view: Given a continuous model, there are not the observed values, which are to be used in probabilistic and statistical considerations, but their ”treated forms”,the values of the scalar-valued score function corresponding to the model. Based on this modified concept of the score function, we develop theory of score random variables, study their geometry and define their new characteristics, finite even in cases of heavy-tailed models. A generalization for parametric families provides a new approach to parametric point estimation.
Scalar-Valued Score Functions and their use in Parametric Estimation
Fabián, Zdeněk
In the paper we describe and explain a new direction in probabilistic and statistical reasoning, the approach based on scalar-valued score functions of continuous random variables. We show basic properties of score functions of standard distributions, generalize the approach for parametric families and show how to use them for solutions of problems of parametric statistics.

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