Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Spiritual brownfield Olomouc - Zlín
Greguška, Peter ; Nový, Jindřich (oponent) ; Štěpán, Marek (vedoucí práce) ; Nový, Alois (vedoucí práce)
The diploma thesis is the proposal of the pilgrimage church with the addition of the second functional unit as the pilgrimage area near to the stream „Svatá voda – Kaménka“. The proposal claims to raise former pilgrimage area and natural element, and also to provide spiritual and psychological support to pilgrims/visitors. For that reason, there are provided residential programs in the area. The building program corresponds to demanding enter and capacity. Capacity of the church is up to 250 people, in the main liturgical space on the ground floor. The growth is possible on the gallery on the second and third floor. Areal also including restaurant, lecture hall and spiritual centre. That works on a spiritual stay program for singles or couples. There is also a meditation garden and parking lot aloof.
Spiritual brownfield Olomouc - Zlín
Greguška, Peter ; Nový, Jindřich (oponent) ; Štěpán, Marek (vedoucí práce) ; Nový, Alois (vedoucí práce)
The diploma thesis is the proposal of the pilgrimage church with the addition of the second functional unit as the pilgrimage area near to the stream „Svatá voda – Kaménka“. The proposal claims to raise former pilgrimage area and natural element, and also to provide spiritual and psychological support to pilgrims/visitors. For that reason, there are provided residential programs in the area. The building program corresponds to demanding enter and capacity. Capacity of the church is up to 250 people, in the main liturgical space on the ground floor. The growth is possible on the gallery on the second and third floor. Areal also including restaurant, lecture hall and spiritual centre. That works on a spiritual stay program for singles or couples. There is also a meditation garden and parking lot aloof.

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