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Ultrasonic flow measurement
Mikan, Lukáš ; Boušek, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Šteffan, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This work deals with ultrasonic flow meters which represent a very viable alternative to conventional mechanical solutions. The first part gives an overview of the gas metering industry, different types of gas meters are presented with emphasis on how they compare to the ultrasonic approach. Then, the physics that go into ultrasonic flow measurement are explained. In particular, the Transit Time method is explored which utilizes the time of flight of an ultrasonic signal to calculate the velocity of gas in a pipe. In the second part, a simple functional model is implemented with three ultrasonic paths. This model can measure gas velocity, flow rate, and accumulated volume. It emulates the industry-standard pulse output in order to communicate the volume. The technical solution is based on AS6040 which is a dedicated SoC for ultrasonic flow meters of the Transit Time kind. Presented are the various features of AS6040, the algorithmic measurement system, and key issues faced during development. The functional model is then brought to a sonic nozzle test bench. The third part of this work analyzes the obtained data.

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