Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Production of a replacement accelerator handle using a 3D printer
Vach, Pavol ; Varhaník, Matúš (oponent) ; Zemčík, Oskar (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is the construction of replaceable and variant part of a motorcycle accelerator handle using 3D printing technologies. The theoretical section of thesis focuses on characterisation of methods FDM and DLP, which are used in the practical section, and characterisation of materials and adjustments of final prints. The design of models, technological analysis, verification with FEM, the process itself and evaluation of results is described in the practical section.
Production of a replacement accelerator handle using a 3D printer
Vach, Pavol ; Varhaník, Matúš (oponent) ; Zemčík, Oskar (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is the construction of replaceable and variant part of a motorcycle accelerator handle using 3D printing technologies. The theoretical section of thesis focuses on characterisation of methods FDM and DLP, which are used in the practical section, and characterisation of materials and adjustments of final prints. The design of models, technological analysis, verification with FEM, the process itself and evaluation of results is described in the practical section.

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