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Interference Optimization in Cellular Communication Systems
Kassem, Edward ; Marchevský, Stanislav (oponent) ; Masopust, Jiří (oponent) ; Blumenstein, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter clarifies the differences between uplink layers of LTE and LTE Advanced systems. It investigates the channel characteristics of device to device (D2D) communication underlaying LTE Advanced network and provides the main key mechanisms of interference management. The structure of Software Defined Radio platform which can be used in channel sounding is also presented. The second chapter evaluates and compares both LTE and LTE Advanced uplink layer performances. Therefore, the structure of previously described LTE Advanced transmitter and receiver with all signal processing stages are implemented in MATLAB. The generated signals of both above mentioned systems are transmitted over different ITU-R channels. Different channel estimation and signal detection techniques to recover the transmitted signal are used. The results are presented in terms of BER and throughput performance curves. The third chapter suggests fractional frequency reuse with three power levels technique to be used as a type of Advanced interference mitigation method. The normalized capacity densities of the cells and their regions with three different cases of user distribution inside the cells are considered. The correlation between the overall capacity and the radius of each region is presented. The achieved results of the proposed scheme are compared with traditional frequency reuse (Reuse-$3$) technique. The fourth chapter provides a research about another method of interference mitigation. The verification of cooperative spectrum sensing methods using four different real channel conditions is conducted. Indoor-indoor, indoor–outdoor, outdoor-indoor, and outdoor-outdoor environments are taken into consideration. The defined system is tested using the Universal Software Radio Peripheral devices. Two types of detectors; the energy detector and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical detector have been implemented at the receiver for signal sensing evaluation. One of the main requirements of D2D communication is a good channel impulse response characteristics knowledge. Therefore, the fifth chapter presents the proposed frequency domain Zadoff-Chu sounding as an alternative technique of channel sounding. Using the proposed method, the basic channel characteristics like RMS delay spread, mean excess delay, path-loss and coherence bandwidth are extracted in ($20$x) shorter time period compared to the continuous wave method. The channel characteristics of an outdoor long range static channel campaign for both ultra-high and super-high frequency bands with co-polarized horizontal and vertical antenna configurations are also investigated. The sixth chapter concludes the thesis.
Interference Optimization in Cellular Communication Systems
Kassem, Edward ; Marchevský, Stanislav (oponent) ; Masopust, Jiří (oponent) ; Blumenstein, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter clarifies the differences between uplink layers of LTE and LTE Advanced systems. It investigates the channel characteristics of device to device (D2D) communication underlaying LTE Advanced network and provides the main key mechanisms of interference management. The structure of Software Defined Radio platform which can be used in channel sounding is also presented. The second chapter evaluates and compares both LTE and LTE Advanced uplink layer performances. Therefore, the structure of previously described LTE Advanced transmitter and receiver with all signal processing stages are implemented in MATLAB. The generated signals of both above mentioned systems are transmitted over different ITU-R channels. Different channel estimation and signal detection techniques to recover the transmitted signal are used. The results are presented in terms of BER and throughput performance curves. The third chapter suggests fractional frequency reuse with three power levels technique to be used as a type of Advanced interference mitigation method. The normalized capacity densities of the cells and their regions with three different cases of user distribution inside the cells are considered. The correlation between the overall capacity and the radius of each region is presented. The achieved results of the proposed scheme are compared with traditional frequency reuse (Reuse-$3$) technique. The fourth chapter provides a research about another method of interference mitigation. The verification of cooperative spectrum sensing methods using four different real channel conditions is conducted. Indoor-indoor, indoor–outdoor, outdoor-indoor, and outdoor-outdoor environments are taken into consideration. The defined system is tested using the Universal Software Radio Peripheral devices. Two types of detectors; the energy detector and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical detector have been implemented at the receiver for signal sensing evaluation. One of the main requirements of D2D communication is a good channel impulse response characteristics knowledge. Therefore, the fifth chapter presents the proposed frequency domain Zadoff-Chu sounding as an alternative technique of channel sounding. Using the proposed method, the basic channel characteristics like RMS delay spread, mean excess delay, path-loss and coherence bandwidth are extracted in ($20$x) shorter time period compared to the continuous wave method. The channel characteristics of an outdoor long range static channel campaign for both ultra-high and super-high frequency bands with co-polarized horizontal and vertical antenna configurations are also investigated. The sixth chapter concludes the thesis.

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