Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Development of Light Emitting Electroluminescent Device by Means of Material Printing
Hrabal, Michal ; Syrový,, Tomáš (oponent) ; Boušek, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Vala, Martin (vedoucí práce)
The topic of this thesis is development of a printed alternating current powder-based phosphor electroluminescent (ACPEL) light source. It is the only present technology suitable for fabrication of large area, flexible and patterned light sources by the means of material printing and so it represents a promising alternative to some traditional light sources. Emphasis is placed on introduction and investigation of some red brick wall problems associated with this technology. These are a limited hue of colors of emitted electroluminescent light and an operation lifetime of panels exposed to environment. The first part of this thesis is focused on identification of suitable deposition techniques and their operation conditions leading to reproducible preparation of panels followed by determination of appropriate physical parameters suitable to characterize large area light sources. Therefore relevant coating and printing techniques are introduced along with their practical advantages and disadvantages with respect to preparation of the ACPEL panels. A photometric quantity luminance L together with electric energy consumption P was evaluated to determine driving conditions for a suitable application of ACPEL panels. The maximum luminance L = 133 cd•m2 was achieved on a blue panel driven by Upp = 500 V and f = 1000 Hz. Achieved values of power consumption per unit area are (7 ± 3) mW make the light sources based on this technology interesting for practical applications. The effect of driving conditions on stability of panels together with means to improve a long term stability of ACPEL panels is important topic this thesis deals with. Parameters L50 and L75 were established from the values of spectral irradiance. It was found that increasing the frequency has a negative effect on the long term stability of panels. A panel driven by 3 times higher frequency with the same voltage showed almost 3 times less values of L50 and L75 with the same type of lamination while a panel encapsulated by glass showed almost 7 times higher stability than the laminated panel. Optimal stability conditions were achieved when the driving frequency was set between 400 Hz and 800 Hz with robust encapsulation between two glass panels. Limited hue of colors of light emitted by ACPEL panels is one of the known problems this thesis addresses. This work investigates a promising method, an addition of a color conversion material (CCM) with suitable spectral characteristics. A derivative of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) was found to be a suitable novel CCM for blue phosphor. Using this CCM a 7-times increase of spectral irradiance of a blue panel at 580 nm was easily achieved. An ease of fabrication, very low power consumption and long life time of the developed ACPEL panels together with developed possibility to modify a hue of emitted light, make them potentially ideal light sources for low-light background illumination for example in automotive industry, safety signs in public buildings, indoor decorative illumination or “branding”etc.
Development of Light Emitting Electroluminescent Device by Means of Material Printing
Hrabal, Michal ; Syrový,, Tomáš (oponent) ; Boušek, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Vala, Martin (vedoucí práce)
The topic of this thesis is development of a printed alternating current powder-based phosphor electroluminescent (ACPEL) light source. It is the only present technology suitable for fabrication of large area, flexible and patterned light sources by the means of material printing and so it represents a promising alternative to some traditional light sources. Emphasis is placed on introduction and investigation of some red brick wall problems associated with this technology. These are a limited hue of colors of emitted electroluminescent light and an operation lifetime of panels exposed to environment. The first part of this thesis is focused on identification of suitable deposition techniques and their operation conditions leading to reproducible preparation of panels followed by determination of appropriate physical parameters suitable to characterize large area light sources. Therefore relevant coating and printing techniques are introduced along with their practical advantages and disadvantages with respect to preparation of the ACPEL panels. A photometric quantity luminance L together with electric energy consumption P was evaluated to determine driving conditions for a suitable application of ACPEL panels. The maximum luminance L = 133 cd•m2 was achieved on a blue panel driven by Upp = 500 V and f = 1000 Hz. Achieved values of power consumption per unit area are (7 ± 3) mW make the light sources based on this technology interesting for practical applications. The effect of driving conditions on stability of panels together with means to improve a long term stability of ACPEL panels is important topic this thesis deals with. Parameters L50 and L75 were established from the values of spectral irradiance. It was found that increasing the frequency has a negative effect on the long term stability of panels. A panel driven by 3 times higher frequency with the same voltage showed almost 3 times less values of L50 and L75 with the same type of lamination while a panel encapsulated by glass showed almost 7 times higher stability than the laminated panel. Optimal stability conditions were achieved when the driving frequency was set between 400 Hz and 800 Hz with robust encapsulation between two glass panels. Limited hue of colors of light emitted by ACPEL panels is one of the known problems this thesis addresses. This work investigates a promising method, an addition of a color conversion material (CCM) with suitable spectral characteristics. A derivative of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) was found to be a suitable novel CCM for blue phosphor. Using this CCM a 7-times increase of spectral irradiance of a blue panel at 580 nm was easily achieved. An ease of fabrication, very low power consumption and long life time of the developed ACPEL panels together with developed possibility to modify a hue of emitted light, make them potentially ideal light sources for low-light background illumination for example in automotive industry, safety signs in public buildings, indoor decorative illumination or “branding”etc.

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