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Activities of the SKPOS National Service Center
Ferianc, Martin ; Smolík, Karol
The National Service Center of the Slovak Real-time Positioning Service (SKPOS NSC) does not perform only operation of the national positioning service, management of the service users and handling of the control software. It ensures many other interesting activities, such as detailed testing of the real-time service, checking the data quality of the SKPOS reference stations, processing the SKPOS network using Bernese software, analyzing the geokinematics of Slovakia, modernization of the network by searching for suitable potential locations for new reference stations or building the so-called National Reflector Network connecting GNSS and InSAR technologies. To work with data SKPOS NSC uses commercial software, as well as its own developed applications and scripts. It also operates a website and a Facebook funpage. In addition, NSC SKPOS is an EPN operation center, which manages reference stations in Slovakia included in the permanent EUREF network (EPN), contributes with daily or weekly network coordinate solutions to the EPN Densification project. Within the E-GVAP and HUSKROUA projects, it contributes with hourly near-real-time station data to the weather forecast predictions. Besides that, it performs quality control of selected international real-time networks within the European Position Determination System (EUPOS) initiative. The post describes individual activities in detail.
RTK Measurement to the Nearest Reference Station in SKPOS Service
Smolík, Karol ; Ferianc, Martin ; Butkovská, Simona
Since 2006 SKPOS provides its real-time positioning services based on the RTK method using a virtual reference station. The network RTK method compensates the lack of a classic RTK measurements directly at the reference station, where the accuracy decreases with the increased distance from the reference station. With more Galileo and BeiDou satellites, generating a network solution becomes more complicated and it is not possible to generate a network solution from all received satellites. Therefore, it may be more appropriate in the vicinity of reference stations and in worse observing conditions such as urban canyons, etc., to use data directly from the nearest reference station with the full number of observed satellites. This article represents the results of several RTK tests comparing network RTK measurement with RTK measurement at the nearest reference station by the quality parameters such as accuracy, length of initialization time, number of satellites and PDOP parameter.
Impact of GNSS Signal Interference on Geodetic Measurement
Global Navigation Satellite Systems are based on receiving GNSS signals from Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites around 20 000 km above the Earth. It represents a high susceptibility to interference of these signals. Recently, our users have been contacting us as SKPOS service administrators with problems when measuring near the road infrastructure. Since 2010, vehicles over 3.5 tons have paid electronic tolls in Slovakia according to mileage, which are tracked using GPS. This has caused an increased usage of simple GNSS signal jammers. The author of the article conducted an experiment with the aim to determine the influence of the GNSS signal jammer on geodetic measurements.
15 Years of SKPOS Current Status, News, Curiosities
Droščák, Branislav ; Smolík, Karol
Slovak real-time positioning service (SKPOS) celebrated in 2021 its fifteenth anniversary. SKPOS is the most used geodetic controls service and is available to its users 24/7/365 with minimal outages. SKPOS represents with its GNSS permanent stations infrastructure the active geodetic controls of Slovakia and an important part of the National Spatial Network. Geodetic and Cartographic Institute Bratislava, as the service administrator, carries out its constant development and modernization, e.g. recently the SKPOS Online Postprocessing application was the launch. The application allows users to process static measurements online without importance to have their own computation software. Another modernization represents the relocation of several reference stations from the roofs to pillar monumetation collocated with InSAR corner reflector.

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