Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Information System Proposal for Automation of Selected Processes
Mruškovičová, Timea ; Oravec, Matej (oponent) ; Luhan, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of business processes and its automation. The starting point of the assignment is the result of the analysis of the current situation of the company VEEM Ltd. and the requirements of the company. The analysis focuses on the company’s processes, its competitors and internal resources. As a solution to the problem of non-optimal processes this thesis presents a part of the information system via an Internet interface and a special Web application. These enhancements provide competitive advantages for the company, attractiveness and transparency for the customers and the main purpose is simplification and speeding up work of the employees.
Information System Proposal for Automation of Selected Processes
Mruškovičová, Timea ; Oravec, Matej (oponent) ; Luhan, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of business processes and its automation. The starting point of the assignment is the result of the analysis of the current situation of the company VEEM Ltd. and the requirements of the company. The analysis focuses on the company’s processes, its competitors and internal resources. As a solution to the problem of non-optimal processes this thesis presents a part of the information system via an Internet interface and a special Web application. These enhancements provide competitive advantages for the company, attractiveness and transparency for the customers and the main purpose is simplification and speeding up work of the employees.

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