Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Modernization of the manipulator control unit for the placement of magnetic points
Adámek, Adam ; Appel, Martin (oponent) ; Formánek, Martin (vedoucí práce)
This work is being taken up by upgrading the manipulator control unit. It is a so-called pick and place minupulator with CNC machine elements that places magnetic points on a film. On the manipulator, Arduino MEGA control unit with RAMPS v1.3 shield and control computer will be supplemented with Raspberry Pi microcomputer and a camera that will recognize QR codes on individual foils and accordingly select the appropriate program for placing the aformentioned magnetic points. The initial state of the manipulator will be assessed, its control unit and the pneumatic the system responsible for the transmission and placement of the magnetic points. The next section will describe the design of the new control, the use of the open-source G-code interpreter PyCNC, the setup of this software and also its incorporation with the already existing elements on the manipulator such as limit switches and solenoid valves. The last part of the thesis deals with the comparison of the achieved result, whether it is the functionality of the manipulator and its improvement, or the aesthetic aspect of installing the Raspberry Pi and the camera module on the manipulator. Also, the turn-on time and the duration of one cycle of placing the magnetic points on the film of the manipulator will be compared.

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