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Místní akční skupiny ve vybraných krajích České republiky z pohledu zapojení lokálních aktérů
Jílková, Marie
The diploma thesis entitled "Local action group in selected regions of the Czech Republic from the point of view of the involvement of local actors" deals with the classification of the LAG partner structure created as an average of seventy LAGs from six regions. The goal of this thesis is to classify the structure of LAG partners, typologize LAG according to the representation of types of partners in managing authorities, identify the spatial concentration of LAG partners and reveal the im-pact of LAG partner structure in supporting implemented projects. This informati-on is obtained through the created detailed database, which contains information of all partners from all examined LAGs. Before the research itself, a literature search is conducted, which tries to explain concepts such as neo-endogenous deve-lopment, the LEADER and CLLD method, the Local Action Group (its partners and managing authorities) and project financing within the LAG. In conclusion, the ob-tained information is summarized and the individual goals are fully answered. For example, within the influence of the partnership structure on supported projects, there is the greatest concentration of implemented projects in municipalities with a seat or a member of the LAG's governing body, or in general the public sector partners can be considered the most numerous, active and successful.
European Cultural Lobby. The Case of We Are More Campaign
Frajtová, Věra ; Tomalová, Eliška (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
Master thesis "European cultural lobby. Case of We Are More campaign" is analyzing the European lobbying in the cultural domain. As an area of European policies, culture has been established continuously since the 80's of the 20th century. The role that culture gained at the European Union (EU) level is specific by its double dimension. At the same time, culture is perceived as a source of common values and an area with high economic potential. This thesis examines whether the exclusive role of culture within the EU signifies specific features of lobbying in the cultural domain. Theoretical part of this work is using the concept of europeanization in order to explain how culture became an area of European public policy. The same part develops the theory of European lobbying to demonstrate division of the EU interest groups into public and private. Second part of this thesis presents the case study of the nowadays biggest European cultural lobby, Culture Action Europe, and We Are More campaign organized by this lobby in order to influence future European framework programmes for culture and audiovisual in 2014-2020 period. Features that decide whether an interest group is public or private, as defined by the theoretical part of this thesis, are studied on the case of Culture Action Europe. In order to...
The Interest Group the Union of Cities, Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic in the Process of Public Policy in the Czech Republic
Srnová, Eva ; Kotlas, Petr (advisor) ; Linek, Lukáš (referee)
Diploma thesis "The Interest Group the Union of Cities, Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic in the Process of Public Policy in the Czech Republic" is a deeper analysis of one of the important interest groups associating cities, towns and communities in the Czech public space, the Union of Cities, Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic. Activities of the Union and its contribution to the Czech public policy are in depth analyzed against a background of social movements and the theory of interest groups. The Union is assessed from the perspective of its history, types of interest groups and resources it manages (namely the membership base, financial means and means of public policy lobbying). The analysis indicates that the negative image that lobbying has in the Czech Republic needs not necessarily be fair. As an organization addressing peer groups, yet defending public interests due to the fact that the Union's members are as a part of public administration municipalities, the Union advocates those things that finally bring positive effects to lives of all citizens in the Czech Republic. In relation to challenges the Union currently faces the thesis covers also a case study of emergence of Sdružení místních samospráv. This Association of Local Governments that pursuant to the amended...
Union of towns and municipalities of the Czech republic and its influence on political system of CR
Paulů, Jiří ; Jüptner, Petr (advisor) ; Mrklas, Ladislav (referee)
SMOČR (Union of town and municipalities of the Czech republic) of is a non- governmental organization, founded as a interest group of corporate bodies, members of Union are municipalities and towns. Union is a partner for governmental and parliamental political representation and participates in preparation and creation of legislative projects in a suggestion proceeding in areas touching competences of municipalities and towns. Enforcing its interests Union seek accenting municipalities and towns interests and subsidiarity principle. Activity of Union is ground on mayors, chief magistrates and representatives, who dedicate common self-government problem as warrant members of Union. Proclaimed goal of Union is legitimate lobbying as well. Thesis also touch a cooperation of Union with similar partner-unions in other countries and its influence as a partner organization to EU institutions.
Alternative theories of the firm
Myakotskiy, Dmitriy ; Soukupová, Jana (advisor) ; Džbánková, Zuzana (referee)
This paper covers the issue of alternative theories of the firm. The theoretical part is separated into two chapters and their goal is to acquaint readers with this topic of microeconomics. On the base of described models will be explained ambiguous approach to theme. After this, follows the explanation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This chapter contains conceptual bases and model of CSR, which reference to the main theme of the paper - alternative theories of the firm and help to answer the question: Can Corporate Social Responsibility be concerned as a theory of firm? The next chapter describes the concept of CSR at the examples of CSR projects in Marks & Spencer company.
Influence of the military-industrial complex on the making of foreign policy of the state
Golubenko, Darya ; Dubský, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Eichler, Jan (referee)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the degree of influence of the military-industrial complex on the foreign policy decision-making process of the state by examining the examples of certain countries with a large and developed defense industry. In terms of this thesis there were analyzed the contemporary trends in global military expenditures and the dynamics of the global arms transfers. A critical point is evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the extensive investing in the military-industrial complex of state.
Divisive Factors of Immigration Policy in the Republican Party: A Case Study of Representatives from California
Vaculová, Lucia ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Raška, Francis (referee)
Bachelor thesis deals with different opinions on the measures of the proposed immigration reform between representatives of the Republican Party. The aim of this work is to present the reasons for the split during the first session of the 113th Congress by analyzing the views of Members representing the state of California and the effects of their decisions. The first part describes the development of the party since the elections in 2010. It outlines a change in approach of the party leaders on immigration issue and the opinions of different factions to proposed legislation. Following the presentation of the proposal of the reform adopted in the Senate in the summer of 2013, it explains the main dimensions of immigration policy. The second half consists of case study that focuses on the influences that shape views of politicians on immigration. The work thematically sorts aspects of immigration policy into categories of border protection, legal and illegal immigration. Based on the results of other works, it describes three variables that have a determining influence on the views of the representatives: electorate, interest groups and the ideology of the politician. The application of the presented theories allows for the analyses of the casual connection between said data and view of politicians...
Thanks, we are leaving" Campaign in 2010-2011. Case study.
Šimandlová, Nikola ; Mašková, Pavla (advisor) ; Tušková, Eva (referee)
This thesis is concerned with the Czech doctor's campaign "Thanks, we are leaving" on the background of the health care system in the Czech Republic. The campaign started in 2010 by the Czech doctors trying to focus on the working conditions, salary conditions, educational system and some failures of the health care system with the aim to improve it. The campaign resulted in February 2011 in a compromise between doctors and Ministry of Health. This thesis focuses especially on media and on the interest group LOK (Medical union trade club) which set the agenda. The perception of the campaign is ambiguous both for the public and for the doctors themselves. The individual milestones of campaign are explained by the theory of punctuated equilibrium from the authors Bryan D. Jones and Frank R. Baumgartner. Using many helpful methods such as content analysis of media messages, semi- structured interviews with particular actors, analysis of secondary sources, stakeholder analysis or analysis of selected events in health policy I explained the core events and actors who participated in this campaign. The theoretical concepts used in this thesis are: public policy in its multidisciplinary meaning, health policy and health care system, punctuated equilibrium theory, theories concerned with interest groups...
European Cultural Lobby. The Case of We Are More Campaign
Frajtová, Věra ; Tomalová, Eliška (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
Master thesis "European cultural lobby. Case of We Are More campaign" is analyzing the European lobbying in the cultural domain. As an area of European policies, culture has been established continuously since the 80's of the 20th century. The role that culture gained at the European Union (EU) level is specific by its double dimension. At the same time, culture is perceived as a source of common values and an area with high economic potential. This thesis examines whether the exclusive role of culture within the EU signifies specific features of lobbying in the cultural domain. Theoretical part of this work is using the concept of europeanization in order to explain how culture became an area of European public policy. The same part develops the theory of European lobbying to demonstrate division of the EU interest groups into public and private. Second part of this thesis presents the case study of the nowadays biggest European cultural lobby, Culture Action Europe, and We Are More campaign organized by this lobby in order to influence future European framework programmes for culture and audiovisual in 2014-2020 period. Features that decide whether an interest group is public or private, as defined by the theoretical part of this thesis, are studied on the case of Culture Action Europe. In order to...
Internal communication in an organization active in the field of culture
Rogos, Jan ; Surynek, Alois (advisor) ; Siegelová, Romana (referee)
Bachelor thesis aims to describe the internal communication in particular interest group, which operates in the field of culture, and create an analysis of the effectiveness of communication channels that are used in the group. The thesis first describes internal communication in group in general. Then looks at the situation in a particular amateur theater group "S bojkou v zádech, o.s.". The main part deals with the observation of selected communication situations that arose during the preparation of the latest play, and analysis of available documents. In conclusion, it evaluates the phenomena studied.

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