National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Emptying of the rotating vessel
Hideghéty, Attila ; Koutný, Luděk (referee) ; Haluza, Miloslav (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis handles with happenings related to hydromechanics. For all stands Euler´s equations of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and Bernoulli´s equation. The water has got a characteristic surface in the rotating vessel, by increasing the revolutions the water begins to pour out. The task is analyzing the events that can occur when the vessel is rotating with the water.
Emptying of the rotating vessel
Hideghéty, Attila ; Koutný, Luděk (referee) ; Haluza, Miloslav (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis handles with happenings related to hydromechanics. For all stands Euler´s equations of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and Bernoulli´s equation. The water has got a characteristic surface in the rotating vessel, by increasing the revolutions the water begins to pour out. The task is analyzing the events that can occur when the vessel is rotating with the water.

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