National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Parenting styles and priorities from the perspective of Vietnamese parents living in the Czech Republic.
This Bachelor´s thesis is focused on the problems of family upbringing in the context of the opinions and experience of Vietnamese parents. It collects perspectives on various conceptions of parenting, preferences of parenting styles and priorities in connection with the value and cultural world of the Vietnamese minority in the Czech Republic. In the practical part of the thesis, the opinions of parents from the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic on the upbringing of their own children are evaluated based on the qualitative methodology. In the respective categories there are identified the relevant data resulting from the description of a choice of a parenting style and designation of priorities regarded by such informants as fundamental in upbringing of their children.
Verification of the Hofstede´s Dimension on the Example of Vietnamese Culture
Vacková, Adéla ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Zeman, Jiří (referee)
Vietnamese are the third largest minority in the Czech Republic. Most of the inhabitants meet with its members on a daily basis. Awareness of their culture is, however, very low. The opportunity to learn more about foreign cultures is a variety of cultural researches, including the Cultural Dimension of Geert Hofstede. They were, however, created predominantly in the 1980s and 1990s. That is why this Diploma thesis aims to verify their validity and on the example of Vietnamese culture. In addition, two groups of respondents are compared - Vietnamese living in Vietnam and Vietnamese living in the Czech Republic. The aim is to verify whether a long-term stay in a foreign environment influences the culture.

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