National Repository of Grey Literature 11 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Increasing resistance to self-excited oscillations in CNC machine tools for machining non-rotating workpieces
Prchalová, Michaela ; Pavlík, Jan (referee) ; Marek, Jiří (advisor)
The Master’s Thesis is focused on increasing resistance to self-excited oscillations in CNC machine tools for machining non-rotating workpieces. The main goal of the thesis is to perform a system analysis of the solved problematics and justification of the chosen way of solving the assigned task. Another goal of this thesis is to perform an analysis of the current state of science and technology in the specified problematics. Based on the analysis of the current state, a proposal for the methodology of prediction of self-excited oscillations for a specified type of machine was made, including recommendations for future users on how to proceed. The whole thesis is based on a real problem occurring during machining of a structurally difficult workpiece.
Electromagnetic damper
Mikyska, Jan ; Huzlík, Rostislav (referee) ; Ondrůšek, Čestmír (advisor)
This master´s thesis is focused on obtaining electrical energy from vibration control car using electromagnetic dampers. The primary use of the electromagnetic damper is the production of electrical energy, which can then be used to power electrical appliances in your car or battery charging. The thesis is divided into six main parts: a literature review of possible ways of getting electricity from the car damping, theoretical and mathematical analysis of problems, the choice of design with computational analysis of dampers and power calculation.
Optimization of Modal Damping of Blades in High Pressure Stages of Steam Turbine
Lošák, Petr ; Zeman,, Vladimír (referee) ; Pešek, Luděk (referee) ; Kellner,, Josef (referee) ; Malenovský, Eduard (advisor)
Steam turbine rotor is a very complicated assembly, typically consists of several rotor rows. Due to design limitations and increasing demands on the efficiency of the steam turbines, it is practically impossible to avoid all of the resonant states. The significant vibrations can occur, for example, due to passing resonance state during turbine start up or run out. In the worst case the turbine operates state is close to the resonance state of the rotor row. This leads to the significant oscillation of the bladed disk, and may results in the blade (or blade to disk joints) high cycle fatigue. These parts are highly loaded components and any cracks are unacceptable. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to damp vibration by using, for example, passive damping elements. The damping element analyzed in this thesis is a strap with an isosceles trapezoidal cross section, which is placed in the circumferential dovetail groove in the blade segmental shrouding. The sliding between the contact surfaces leads to the dissipation of energy which causes decreasing of undesirable vibrations. The main aim is to design the optimal dimensions of the strap cross-section with a view to the most effective damping of vibration for a particular turbine operating state. Considered bladed disk has 54 blades which are coupled in 18 packets by segmental shrouding. The damping element is paced in circumferential dovetail groove created in the shrouding. This type of damping element is suitable especially for damping vibrations in the axial direction and only with the mode shape with the nodal diameters. The modal properties of the bladed disk are influenced by the sliding distance. Since the friction force depends on centrifugal force acting on the damping element and on the angle of the side walls of the strap and groove, the sliding distance can be influenced by the damping element dimensions. During the optimization process the best possible size of middle width, height and angle of damping element cross-section is searched. The strap weight, contact area size and flexural stiffness of damping element can be influenced by these parameters. Their change has also impact on the size of the contact pressure and thus on the size of relative motion as well. As stated previously, the damping efficiency is influenced by the relative motion between the damping element and shrouding. Numerical simulation in time domain is very time-consuming, especially for systems containing nonlinearities. In order to verify dynamic behavior of the computational model with the passive friction element in numerical simulations, the simplified model is created. The model is created in the ANSYS environment. The main requirement imposed on this model is to have as small number of degrees of freedom as possible, so the time needed to perform the simulation is reduced to a minimum. To satisfy this requirement the simplified model is a cantilever beam with rectangular cross section. The dovetail groove is created in this model in longitudinal direction. In this groove is damping element. In addition to damping element dimensions optimization, the influence of each design variable on model dynamic behavior is studied. The results are verified experimentally. Experiment also shows other interesting results that confirm the damping element influence on the modal characteristics. The gained knowledge is used to optimize the dimensions of the damping element in the model of the bladed disk.
Optimization of the direct feed drive by the vibration damper
Hradil, Jan ; Neugebauer, Reimund (referee) ; Koch, Thomas (referee) ; Blecha, Petr (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací třech metod omezení rezonancí kritických frekvencí a popisem jejich vlivu na rychlostní smyčku řízení lineárního motoru. K tlumení kmitání pokusného standu byl použit jak elektromagnetický hltič vibrací, tak i pružné uložení sekundárního dílu lineárního pohonu. Obě metody byly doplněny aktivováním Cauerova filtru v řízení motoru. Systematicky byla analyzována a vybrána měřící technika pro zjištění těchto frekvencí. Dále jsou v této práci popsány modely mechanické struktury a řízení pokusného standu. Jejich porovnání a modifikace byly prováděny v software Matlab®/Simulink®, stejně jako zpracování naměřených dat.
Increasing resistance to self-excited oscillations in CNC machine tools for machining non-rotating workpieces
Prchalová, Michaela ; Pavlík, Jan (referee) ; Marek, Jiří (advisor)
The Master’s Thesis is focused on increasing resistance to self-excited oscillations in CNC machine tools for machining non-rotating workpieces. The main goal of the thesis is to perform a system analysis of the solved problematics and justification of the chosen way of solving the assigned task. Another goal of this thesis is to perform an analysis of the current state of science and technology in the specified problematics. Based on the analysis of the current state, a proposal for the methodology of prediction of self-excited oscillations for a specified type of machine was made, including recommendations for future users on how to proceed. The whole thesis is based on a real problem occurring during machining of a structurally difficult workpiece.
Optimization of Modal Damping of Blades in High Pressure Stages of Steam Turbine
Lošák, Petr ; Malenovský, Eduard (advisor)
Steam turbine rotor is a very complicated assembly, typically consists of several rotor rows. Due to design limitations and increasing demands on the efficiency of the steam turbines, it is practically impossible to avoid all of the resonant states. The significant vibrations can occur, for example, due to passing resonance state during turbine start up or run out. In the worst case the turbine operates state is close to the resonance state of the rotor row. This leads to the significant oscillation of the bladed disk, and may results in the blade (or blade to disk joints) high cycle fatigue. These parts are highly loaded components and any cracks are unacceptable. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to damp vibration by using, for example, passive damping elements. The damping element analyzed in this thesis is a strap with an isosceles trapezoidal cross section, which is placed in the circumferential dovetail groove in the blade segmental shrouding. The sliding between the contact surfaces leads to the dissipation of energy which causes decreasing of undesirable vibrations. The main aim is to design the optimal dimensions of the strap cross-section with a view to the most effective damping of vibration for a particular turbine operating state. Considered bladed disk has 54 blades which are coupled in 18 packets by segmental shrouding. The damping element is paced in circumferential dovetail groove created in the shrouding. This type of damping element is suitable especially for damping vibrations in the axial direction and only with the mode shape with the nodal diameters. The modal properties of the bladed disk are influenced by the sliding distance. Since the friction force depends on centrifugal force acting on the damping element and on the angle of the side walls of the strap and groove, the sliding distance can be influenced by the damping element dimensions. During the optimization process the best possible size of middle width, height and angle of damping element cross-section is searched. The strap weight, contact area size and flexural stiffness of damping element can be influenced by these parameters. Their change has also impact on the size of the contact pressure and thus on the size of relative motion as well. As stated previously, the damping efficiency is influenced by the relative motion between the damping element and shrouding. Numerical simulation in time domain is very time-consuming, especially for systems containing nonlinearities. In order to verify dynamic behavior of the computational model with the passive friction element in numerical simulations, the simplified model is created. The model is created in the ANSYS environment. The main requirement imposed on this model is to have as small number of degrees of freedom as possible, so the time needed to perform the simulation is reduced to a minimum. To satisfy this requirement the simplified model is a cantilever beam with rectangular cross section. The dovetail groove is created in this model in longitudinal direction. In this groove is damping element. In addition to damping element dimensions optimization, the influence of each design variable on model dynamic behavior is studied. The results are verified experimentally. Experiment also shows other interesting results that confirm the damping element influence on the modal characteristics. The gained knowledge is used to optimize the dimensions of the damping element in the model of the bladed disk.
Optimization of Modal Damping of Blades in High Pressure Stages of Steam Turbine
Lošák, Petr ; Zeman,, Vladimír (referee) ; Pešek, Luděk (referee) ; Kellner,, Josef (referee) ; Malenovský, Eduard (advisor)
Steam turbine rotor is a very complicated assembly, typically consists of several rotor rows. Due to design limitations and increasing demands on the efficiency of the steam turbines, it is practically impossible to avoid all of the resonant states. The significant vibrations can occur, for example, due to passing resonance state during turbine start up or run out. In the worst case the turbine operates state is close to the resonance state of the rotor row. This leads to the significant oscillation of the bladed disk, and may results in the blade (or blade to disk joints) high cycle fatigue. These parts are highly loaded components and any cracks are unacceptable. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to damp vibration by using, for example, passive damping elements. The damping element analyzed in this thesis is a strap with an isosceles trapezoidal cross section, which is placed in the circumferential dovetail groove in the blade segmental shrouding. The sliding between the contact surfaces leads to the dissipation of energy which causes decreasing of undesirable vibrations. The main aim is to design the optimal dimensions of the strap cross-section with a view to the most effective damping of vibration for a particular turbine operating state. Considered bladed disk has 54 blades which are coupled in 18 packets by segmental shrouding. The damping element is paced in circumferential dovetail groove created in the shrouding. This type of damping element is suitable especially for damping vibrations in the axial direction and only with the mode shape with the nodal diameters. The modal properties of the bladed disk are influenced by the sliding distance. Since the friction force depends on centrifugal force acting on the damping element and on the angle of the side walls of the strap and groove, the sliding distance can be influenced by the damping element dimensions. During the optimization process the best possible size of middle width, height and angle of damping element cross-section is searched. The strap weight, contact area size and flexural stiffness of damping element can be influenced by these parameters. Their change has also impact on the size of the contact pressure and thus on the size of relative motion as well. As stated previously, the damping efficiency is influenced by the relative motion between the damping element and shrouding. Numerical simulation in time domain is very time-consuming, especially for systems containing nonlinearities. In order to verify dynamic behavior of the computational model with the passive friction element in numerical simulations, the simplified model is created. The model is created in the ANSYS environment. The main requirement imposed on this model is to have as small number of degrees of freedom as possible, so the time needed to perform the simulation is reduced to a minimum. To satisfy this requirement the simplified model is a cantilever beam with rectangular cross section. The dovetail groove is created in this model in longitudinal direction. In this groove is damping element. In addition to damping element dimensions optimization, the influence of each design variable on model dynamic behavior is studied. The results are verified experimentally. Experiment also shows other interesting results that confirm the damping element influence on the modal characteristics. The gained knowledge is used to optimize the dimensions of the damping element in the model of the bladed disk.
Optimization of the direct feed drive by the vibration damper
Hradil, Jan ; Neugebauer, Reimund (referee) ; Koch, Thomas (referee) ; Blecha, Petr (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací třech metod omezení rezonancí kritických frekvencí a popisem jejich vlivu na rychlostní smyčku řízení lineárního motoru. K tlumení kmitání pokusného standu byl použit jak elektromagnetický hltič vibrací, tak i pružné uložení sekundárního dílu lineárního pohonu. Obě metody byly doplněny aktivováním Cauerova filtru v řízení motoru. Systematicky byla analyzována a vybrána měřící technika pro zjištění těchto frekvencí. Dále jsou v této práci popsány modely mechanické struktury a řízení pokusného standu. Jejich porovnání a modifikace byly prováděny v software Matlab®/Simulink®, stejně jako zpracování naměřených dat.
Electromagnetic damper
Mikyska, Jan ; Huzlík, Rostislav (referee) ; Ondrůšek, Čestmír (advisor)
This master´s thesis is focused on obtaining electrical energy from vibration control car using electromagnetic dampers. The primary use of the electromagnetic damper is the production of electrical energy, which can then be used to power electrical appliances in your car or battery charging. The thesis is divided into six main parts: a literature review of possible ways of getting electricity from the car damping, theoretical and mathematical analysis of problems, the choice of design with computational analysis of dampers and power calculation.
Analysis of the vibrations attenuation of rotors supported by magnetorheological squeeze film dampers as a multiphysical finite element problem
Zapoměl, Jaroslav ; Ferfecki, P.
To achieve optimum performance of rotating machines the damping effect of the damping devices added to the rotor support elements must be controllable. This is enabled by application of squeeze film dampers lubricated by magnetorheological oils. This article deals with approaches, based on utilization of the finite element method, to analysis of mechanical vibrations of rotors effected by several mutually coupled multiphysical phenomena (electric, magnetic, hydraulic) occurring in the damping devices.

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