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Earthen Threshing Floor Construction
Novotný, Martin
Earthen threshing floors were a traditional floor construction placed in working sections of barns. They were based on cob. Cob is thoroughly homogenized mud mixed with chopped straw, chaff, and tow. According to regional customs, one could also use other admixtures, such as beef blood and animal hair. The earthen threshing floor was an example of an extremely stressed floor which had to carry high load during manual threshing with flails, when grains were separated from their husks (chaff). A flexible and tough floor was required, which could not peel off to reach the highest effectiveness of this activity and to avoid grain losses during the threshing process. The submitted methodology deals with two techniques for a double-layer construction of earthen threshing floor with a coated surface. Both cases include the production of mud dough and the double-layer construction of earthen threshing floor on an adapted subbase, which consists of round pebbles or coarse gravel set in moistened subbase. Then a layer of manually compacted homogenized mud dough is spread over the rammed round pebbles / gravel. Both layers are of the same height.
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