The EU as a world power
Myslík, Martin ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Martinková, Viera (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic, whether European union is a world power or not at all. The aim of this diploma thesis was to find out if European union is a world power in hard power or soft power, alternatively what is stopping EU from becoming world power in those phenomenas. Futhermore thesis is working with the hypothesis, that EU is world power and in its foreign policy uses primarily soft power tools. Within qualitative research was used method of comparative analysis. EU was compared with United states, China and Russia. In the summary are results of observation from which emerged, that EU is world power mainly in soft power. Even through the fact, that according to realism as a theory of international relantions it possess all capabilities needed to be a world power in hard power. The main obstacle to become a world power in the field of hard power is mainly the lack of political will or decades long underfundation of member states armies.
Perception of Russia power status from point of view of Western powers
Haleš, Richard Samuel ; Romancov, Michael (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut politologických studií Bc. Richard S. Haleš Vnímání mocenského postavení Ruska z perspektivy západních velmocí Abstract Over twenty years had passed since the world was separated into two spheres represented by two superpowers. During that time international relations changed and formerly separated Europe began to cooperate and new alliances were formed. Former superpower USSR collapsed and Federation of Russia is the transformed successor and world power. International scene has changed and simultaneously international relations. Also the power of Russia was reduced after the collapse of USSR. But even so Russia with its size, with the population of 141 mil., with all the nuclear arm power and high reserves of mineral resources remains a significant regional and world power. Main aim of this work is to find out how western powers consider Russia as a power. We cannot address such issue only from the perspective of Russia potential or from the perspective of our mass media where people can get the feeling that Russia is on its way to conquer whole Europe. We should be much more interested in the approach to Russia from representatives of various countries from Euro Atlantic area. From the area which was tied very closely to the Cold war. This thesis...
European Union information policy at the time of the Bangemann's activities in comparison with USA
Mikanová, Helena ; Vlasák, Rudolf (advisor) ; Očko, Petr (referee)
(in English) The thesis "Information Policy of European Union in Bangemann's activities period in comparison with USA" is devoted to the Information policy issue applied by the European Union and the United States of America. The thesis structure is defined at the earliest; afterwards the basic terms are followed. The thesis describes the European Union history, which provides context needed to be able to understand the European Union Information policy. The description and evaluation of the European Information policy in Bangemann's activities period in comparison with USA in the same time period and the possibility of mutual utilization of pros of the Information policy of both countries is the aim of this thesis. The following part is occupied with the comparison of EU and USA Information policy at the beginning of 21st century.
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Perception of Russia power status from point of view of Western powers
Haleš, Richard Samuel ; Romancov, Michael (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut politologických studií Bc. Richard S. Haleš Vnímání mocenského postavení Ruska z perspektivy západních velmocí Abstract Over twenty years had passed since the world was separated into two spheres represented by two superpowers. During that time international relations changed and formerly separated Europe began to cooperate and new alliances were formed. Former superpower USSR collapsed and Federation of Russia is the transformed successor and world power. International scene has changed and simultaneously international relations. Also the power of Russia was reduced after the collapse of USSR. But even so Russia with its size, with the population of 141 mil., with all the nuclear arm power and high reserves of mineral resources remains a significant regional and world power. Main aim of this work is to find out how western powers consider Russia as a power. We cannot address such issue only from the perspective of Russia potential or from the perspective of our mass media where people can get the feeling that Russia is on its way to conquer whole Europe. We should be much more interested in the approach to Russia from representatives of various countries from Euro Atlantic area. From the area which was tied very closely to the Cold war. This thesis...
European Union information policy at the time of the Bangemann's activities in comparison with USA
Mikanová, Helena ; Vlasák, Rudolf (advisor) ; Očko, Petr (referee)
(in English) The thesis "Information Policy of European Union in Bangemann's activities period in comparison with USA" is devoted to the Information policy issue applied by the European Union and the United States of America. The thesis structure is defined at the earliest; afterwards the basic terms are followed. The thesis describes the European Union history, which provides context needed to be able to understand the European Union Information policy. The description and evaluation of the European Information policy in Bangemann's activities period in comparison with USA in the same time period and the possibility of mutual utilization of pros of the Information policy of both countries is the aim of this thesis. The following part is occupied with the comparison of EU and USA Information policy at the beginning of 21st century.
Russia's Foreign Policy Since Putin: Russia as a Eurasian Great Power?
Bílý, Prokop ; Aslan, Emil (advisor) ; Střítecký, Vít (referee)
This thesis deals with the Russia's foreign policy pursued by presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev, respectively. The studied phenomenon is viewed through the lens of the theory of neo-Eurasianism, coined by the Russian philosopher and political scientist Alexander Gelevich Dugin. The starting point of the neo-Eurasian geopolitical theory is a conviction that the current world order is unipolar and that the U.S.-led globalization is an instrument of its reproduction. The alternative to the hostile, free development of nations curtailing, Atlantic order is represented by multipolarity which, according to the neo-Eurasian theory, will supposedly be established through the messianic mission of Russia-Eurasia, which has nevertheless first to free itself from the Atlantic bond. Application of the neo- Eurasian theory in the context of Russian foreign policy since 2000 then points to the conclusion that Russia's foreign policy can, to some extent, be considered neo-Eurasian.
Political and Security Issues in the Relations of Russia and Ukraine
Hořínek, Oldřich ; Žídková, Markéta (advisor) ; Karásek, Tomáš (referee)
This thesis deals with Russian and Ukrainian foreign policy. The challenge is to analyse the attitude of Russia and Ukraine towards NATO and CIS and the role of both States in the shaping of other groupings in the post-Soviet space. Russia was claiming to get back its super power status and NATO enlargement considered as threat. On the other hand Ukraine was seeking security guaranties and partners to counterbalance the imperial ambitions of Russia. CIS and some other groupings in the region posed for Russia instruments of economic and political domination of post-Soviet space. On the other hand, Ukrainian attitude in relation to CIS integration under the Moscow's leadership was very restrained and vigilant. Kiev initiated other groupings independently from Moscow. In this work were preferred descriptive and empirical analytical techniques. There was used method of comparison more precisely double case study. Geopolitics was chosen as theoretical framework. The results of comparison help us to make a conclusion about the impact of Russian and Ukrainian policy in relation to NATO and CIS towards each other and post-Soviet space. There were found fundamental differences between Russian and Ukrainian attitude towards NATO and CIS or rather post-Soviet space. In these cases the differences resulted...
China's Rising Power in Contemporary International Relations (Case Study)
Koudelková, Tereza ; Zemanová, Štěpánka (advisor) ; Maslowski, Nicolas (referee)
This Master 's thesis focuses on the rising power of China in contemporary international relations. The rise of China faces the post-Cold-War international system with one of the most significant changes in power distribution; as such, it is of significant importance for the entire field of international relations. The thesis aims to evaluate the Chinese rise to power, and determine whether the country should be considered a great power affecting the international system. To achieve this goal, the author performs a two-level analysis based on the theory of realism, which first analyzes China's position as a state and then its impact on the international system. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first one sets the theoretical framework. Chapters two to five look into China's position of power in the military, economic, political and socio-environmental dimension. The sixth chapter analyzes the influence of China on the international system in the case study of the current China-U.S. relations. The thesis concludes that China could be considered a great power, but only a partial one with a limited impact on the international system.
Weakening position of the USA in the world economy
Bilková, Michaela ; Abrhám, Josef (advisor) ; Cihelková, Eva (referee)
The paper explains what factors led to the United States becoming a superpower and deals with the changes America has gone through during the last decade. Its position in the world economy was shaken mainly because of the 9/11 and the Great Recession, the events, which influenced its domestic as well as foreign policy. The thesis aims to show the political, economic and social development of the current United States and based on the prior analysis points out the potential threats to its superpower status.