National Repository of Grey Literature 89 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Vývoj podílu OZE na výrobě elektrické energie v krajích ČR
Grán, Marek
The aim of the diploma thesis is to interpret the data of the use of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity at the national and interregional level in the selected time interval. The first part describes the historical development and an important period in the development of the use of renewable energy sources at the global, European, Czech and regional levels. The second part deals with the identification of the potential of electricity production from renewable sources and its fulfillment at the level of the Czech Republic and individual regions. Although energy is a frequently discussed topic, the emphasis is more on national results, on the contrary, this work deals with interregional evaluation. All comparisons and results were made with the help of data from the Energy Regulatory Office. Following these results, two map diagrams were created with a graphical representation of energy data. The first map shows the consumption and production of electricity, where the regions that are self-sufficient in electricity production were evaluated. The second map diagram graphically shows the share of individual renewable sources in electricity production in individual regions. The result of the work was the evaluation of the regions with the highest share of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity, which were the South Moravian and Liberec regions. From the analysis of the used potential of renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic, solar energy, biomass and wind energy appeared to be the most promising renewable sources. On the contrary, less and less use can be seen in hydropower.
Rozvoj projektov využívajúcich veternú energiu na území Trnavského kraja - súčasný stav a budúce perspektívy
Fabianová, Karolína
This bachelor thesis deals with issues related to the utilization of wind power as renewable energy source in Slovakia. Wind power industry is currently experiencing a global rise, mainly due to the society interest on sustainable development. The aim of this work is to suggest possible measures leading to the effective development of utilization of wind energy in the monitored area. Specific measures are created on the basis of knowledge of realized qualitative research and of evaluation of the current situation of wind energy utilization in Slovakia. The conclusion of this thesis is devoted to explicate results of qualitative research (structured interviews). Following these results, the proposals for concrete measures are processed.
Trends in renewable sources and in modern energy
Kotas, Tomáš ; Preisler, Lukáš (referee) ; Kudela, Libor (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are categorized and extensively described, including the principles of their functions and basic parameters. The thesis further focuses on the development of the position of renewable energy sources over the years compared to non-renewable energy sources worldwide and in the Czech Republic. This development is monitored in terms of both electricity and heat. Statistics indicate that the share of renewable energy sources in both forms of energy is increasing. The thesis also analyzes the origin and course of discussions related to this issue, including climate change and international cooperation. Possible predictions and specific scenarios related to the energy vision are provided for both the Czech Republic and on a global scale within the thesis. All scenarios agree on the same future trend – an increasing share of renewable energy sources at the expense of non-renewable sources. In conclusion, the thesis addresses current trends in technologies in modern energy, with the most significant technological progress in recent years observed in the fields of electromobility, hydrogen, and CCUS. The final chapter discusses methods of energy storage.
Wind power plant
Šponiarová, Petra ; Prokop, Aleš (referee) ; Řehák, Kamil (advisor)
The electricity production from renewable sources is a very current topic. It also includes the electricity made by wind power plants, which the bachelor’s thesis concentrates on. An extensive research study was conducted to provide an overview of wind turbine types. Concerning wind power plants, apart from their visual impact, noise and vibration connected to their operating is an often discussed issue. The construction of a wind turbine stands for the most important role in reducing such unwanted effects. Technical experiments following specific standards and recommendations are performed to assess the impact of wind turbines-emitted noise and vibration on humans. In order to assess noise and vibration of a wind turbine a technical experiment is proposed, which uses different approaches to determine the critical components. The selection of a suitable measuring equipment and the choice of location for its subsequent use are important parts of the design. At last, the use of wind power plants is critically reviewed.
Design of small Wind Turbine System With Savonius Rotor
Foltýn, Petr ; Macháček, Jan (referee) ; Procházka, Zdeněk (advisor)
This Bachelor’s thesis deals with proposal of constructional solving of wind turbine system with Savonius rotor. In the first part, thesis includes complex theoretic knowledge, that make for optimal construction wind energy source. In the second part, the concrete proposal of small wind turbine system has been drawn up, including 3D model and constructional drawings in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009.
Utilization of renewable energy sources in Czech Republic
Kopička, Marek ; Bok, Jaromír (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
This thesis deals with consideration of energy facilities structure in Czech Republic. It is depicted in it their evolution from point of: electric energy consumption, structures of energy facilities and electricity prices. Further, is here depicted a production of electric energy for the year 2009, from the point of: produce, sources, consumption and ratio of factories. Of course, the RSE (renewable sources of energy) effect and share of scope on this evolution and structure, is also mentioned here. The next part is pointed to basic description of each sources of electric energy. It is not mentioned here only factories which uses for it´s production renewable primary sources but also another types of factories. Their pros and cons are also summarized. The last part of this work is a thought of realization of fictive project, which could replace a part of steam power plants' share by producing electric energy through renewable sources. It is re-counted and suggested here a few possibilities of this realization from the point of needed installed power and approximate estimation of capital expenditure.
Wind power – the past, the presence and the future
Kučera, Vítězslav ; Klimeš, Lubomír (referee) ; Charvát, Pavel (advisor)
This Bachelor’s thesis deals with the evolution of wind turbines from the past to present and also concentrates on the evolution of wind turbines in the future. In first part the begin-nings of wind energy use are given, and the first wind turbine is mentioned. Further, the parts of wind turbine and its construction are described in next part, where the current state of wind turbines in the Czech Republic and in the world is presented. New concepts of wind energy are introduced. Finally, last part performs wind turbine simulation over the span of one year.
Utilization renewable energy sources inside of EPS Czech Republik
Zmeškal, Pavel ; Procházka, Zdeněk (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
The purpose of this work was the analysis of current state and further development of renewable energy in the Czech Republic. And next their effects on the electricity system of the Czech Republic. On the basis of established facts has been developed actual state of renewable energy sources. The current situation is only orientation and is still changing at this time. Another objective was to evaluate the various renewable energy sources in terms of their impact on the electricity system and recoverability in the Czech Republic. In more detail were read up the conditions for the wind power plants operation and their connection to the electricity system of Czech Republic. In fine were discuss the impact of renewable energy sources on electricity system and prerequisite for their further development in the Czech Republic.

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