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Simplified design of heat exchangers using MS Excel
Konečný, Ondřej ; Jegla, Zdeněk (referee) ; Kilkovský, Bohuslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals in the first part with the research, where the types of heat exchangers are briefly described. The next part contains the basic equations for the calculation of heat exchangers as well as different approaches to the calculation of these devices. The practical part of this thesis focused on the development of the calculation tool, the corresponding manual and the functionality checking with examples.
Digital twin of the heat exchanger station
Vancl, Radim ; Mihálik, Ondrej (referee) ; Husák, Michal (advisor)
The tesis deals with identification and realization of the simulation model of the exchange station. The theoretical part describes the concept of a digital twin and the components that are used in the model of the heath exchanger station. The practical part is divided into two parts. The first part describes the collection of data from the exchange station model. The second part describes the design of the model and the simulation of the exchanger station.
Air heater design
Peřina, Petr ; Toman, Filip (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a suitable variant of air heating for heating a sports hall. Warm exhaust air, heating water and flue gases from the gas boiler are available for air heating. The first part contains an overview of exchangers and devices used for air heating. The second part is focused on the calculation of variants of solutions to the given task. At the end, the proposals are evaluated and the best solution is recommended.
Icing on radiator used for heat pump for EV vehicles
Ostroukhov, Andrei ; Růžička, Marek (referee) ; Bazala, Jiří (advisor)
Tato práce je zaměřena na vliv kondenzace na přenos tepla chladičem elektromobilů. Teoretická část popisuje princip systému tepelného čerpadla a obsahuje také popis přenosu tepla v radiátoru a kondenzace na jeho povrchu. Práce popisuje řešení pro snížení množství kondenzátu, byly demonstrovány různé metody. Byl také popsán proces vzniku námrazy, tvorby ledu na povrchu výměníku tepla a také byli popsané mechanická poškození způsobené námrazou. V praktické části bude použit simulační software pro porovnání množství kondenzátu, který se objeví na povrchu výměníku tepla při použití některých níže popsaných metod. Simulace také určí závislost tepelného toku na množství kondenzátu.
Feedwater heater design
Holčapek, Josef ; Tomáš,, Zdeněk (referee) ; Skála, Zdeněk (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a feedwater heater. The aim of the work is to perform thermal, hydraulic and stress analysis. A preliminary technical documentation is also part of this work. The first part contains a summary of basic types of heat exchangers and processes of heat transfer. The main part is focused on thermal analysis to determine the main parameters of the heat exchanger. Next part is followed up by hydraulic analysis to determine the pressure drop of the heating water. After that is created design of heat exchanger with stress analysis of the proposed wall thicknesses of the shell, water chambers and tubesheet. Achieved results are summarized and evaluated at the end of the diploma thesis.
Wireless dataexchange for heat exchanger
Wojnar, Petr ; Hynčica, Ondřej (referee) ; Štohl, Radek (advisor)
The subject of this bachelor’s thesis is firstly an introduction to devices that are used for controlling the heat exchanger model, visualization and wireless data-exchange. For this purpose are used ROCKWELL AUTOMATION programmable logic controllers, ROCKWELL AUTOMATION terminal and SATEL radio modems. A schematic of the heat exchanger model is also included with description of each model part. The second part of this document is focused on the design of regulation, visualization and wireless data-exchange by means of already mentioned devices. The last part describes realization steps of controlling, creating of visualization and algorithm for wireless data transfer according to designs mentioned in the second part of this document.
Modification of heat exchanger for steam generation
Pačíska, Tomáš ; Jegla, Zdeněk (referee) ; Nekvasil, Richard (advisor)
This graduation thesis is concerned with a thermal exchange unit issue whereof one working substance complies with a two-phase mode of a flow. This unit is made for the steam generation. The thesis is supposed to solve operation problems causes of the given unit and to make a proposal of an appropriate solution that is supported by performed calculations. Part of the the work is strength calculation. This work also introduces the thermal-hydraulic processes issue of the steam generation equipment. There are also performed thermal-hydraulic control calculations in consideration of newly set-up operation parameters of the given equipment‘s working substances.
Algorithm for automatic selection of suitable equipment type from heat exchanger database
Havlů, Michal ; Kohoutek, Josef (referee) ; Jegla, Zdeněk (advisor)
Thesis is devoted to development of an database algorithm for selection (or necking selection) of suitable type of heat exchanger for given industrial application. Database creates a part of multipurpose calculation system containing three individual modules: (i) module for selection (or necking selection) of type of heat exchanger for given application, (ii) module for thermal-hydraulic design or rating of heat exchanger, (iii) module for calculation of investments and operating cost. Thesis describes details of method for selection of suitable heat exchanger type for given application and presents and discuss individual criteria for selection process which influence values in tables of priorites for given equipment. These tables are unavoible part of selection algorithm. Details of software application of selection algorithm are also presented in the thesis. Description of behaviour of individual types of heat exchanger creates important part of thesis. Practical application of developed selection algorithm is demonstrated on several industrial examples.
Design of Exhaust Gas Recirculation Exchanger
Bazala, Jiří ; Vančura, Jan (referee) ; Beran, Martin (advisor)
This diploma dissertation focuses on the constructional solutions of EGR exchangers in the form of a CAD model, on their CFD simulation, on the drawing of relevant conclusions, and also on the comparison of two developmental types of these exchangers.
Design of chiller for specific application
Gaverník, Michal ; Kohoutek, Josef (referee) ; Jegla, Zdeněk (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with design of chiller for specific aplication – The City Theatre in Brno. The solving equipment of cooling appliance includes complete design of heat exchanger, battery cold and dimensioning of pipeline system used for various media. One part of design is also choice of individual coolant pumps, which guarantee necessary cirkulation of cooling medium in a certain pipeline routes. Selected battery cold in this administration reduced the size of the necessary cooling resources, therefore the cost of implementation. Everything is processed in calculating software. The resulting proposal is also drafted in the design program and will serve as one of the bases for subsequent implementation.

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