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Klamlivé označovanie tovaru a služieb v obchodnej činnosti
Hajdáková, Eva
This bachelor thesis deals with unfair competition while particular attention is being paid to deceptive marking of goods and services. The literature review is focused on the current legislation of unfair competition, protection of economic competition and deceptive marking of goods and services which is described in detail. The practical part is based on the analysis of specific cases of deceptive marking of goods and services in trade business which are followed by deducted economic impacts. The thesis also includes suggestions for consumers on how to effectively defend against deceptive practices and recommendations for competitors on how to avoid deceptive marking. Within the discussion, risks of unfair competition are deducted for both consumers and competitors and in the conclusion, there are summarized detected findings and economic impacts.
Greenwashing as Unfair Competition Practice
Hamáčková, Magdalena ; Hurychová, Klára (advisor) ; Patěk, Daniel (referee)
Greenwashing as Unfair Competition Practice Abstract: The thesis focuses on one of the major obstacles in the fight against climate change, greenwashing. Given the difficulty in defining and the diversity of this phenomenon, this thesis aims to introduce greenwashing and examine it through the lens of unfair competition law. In particular, it examines whether greenwashing can be an unfair competition act, i.e. whether it fulfils the general unfair competition clause, whether it can possibly also fulfil one of the special unfair competition acts and whether the current unfair competition legislation is sufficient or whether it would be appropriate to create a new special unfair competition act regulating greenwashing. The first chapter of the thesis focuses on competition, defines competition law and discusses the basic concepts related to competition. All of this is important in order to subsequently highlight how competition is changing in the context of environmental protection efforts and related activities and what threats it faces. The second chapter continues with the definition of the law against unfair competition, explains the nature of unfair competition, introduces the general clause of unfair competition and describes in more detail the three most important specific acts of unfair competition...
Vliv právní regulace reklamy na vybrané společnosti
Báborská, Veronika
The impact of legal regulation of advertising on selected companies. The bachelor's thesis focused on the issue of the influence of legal regulation of advertising and legislation against unfair competition on specific entrepreneurs. The theoretical part is focused on defining basic concepts related to the given topic. In the analytical part, an analysis of the legal sanctions imposed on the companies is carried out and then compared with the economic performance of the companies calculated from the financial analysis. Then the research is carried out using the qualitative research method of semi-structured interviews. Based on the findings, an assessment was made of whether the legislation against unfair competition and the legal regulation of advertising is valid and effective.
Nekalé praktiky v multilevel marketingu
Tomková, Karolína
Tomková, K. Unfair practices of multilevel marketing. Bachelor‘s thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2023. The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of the multilevel marketing system and the fraud that can occur here. The aim of this thesis is to formulate recommendations on how to prevent these unfair practices when using the MLM system, based on specificic objectives. The thesis consists of two parts, a literary research and an analytical part. The literature review defines the concept of multilevel marketing, structure and companies that use the MLM system in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the legal regulations that affect the MLM system from a legal point of view are mentioned here. The analytical part is devoted to the analysis of experiences and cases of opinion groups with the help of classification trees. In the discussion, the data obtained from analysis are eva-luated and recommendations are made on how to avoid unfair practices and how to copy with them. The economic consequences of using unfair practices in the MLM system are also evaluated here.
Comparison of the Czech and French regulation of unfair competition and analysis of the relevant French legal terminology with a glossary
The main topic of this bachelor thesis is an unfair competition in Czech Republic and France and an analysis of a corresponding French legal terminology. This thesis is structured into descriptive, comparative and lexical part. The descriptive part contains information about the unfair competition legislation in Czech Republic and France. The next part compares both legislations. The lexical part describes the analyses of corresponding legal terminology and their Czech equivalents. In case of non-existence of the Czech equivalents, possible translation is suggested. This part also includes the French-Czech glossary.
The relationship between rights of designation and unfair competition law
Krása, Jakub ; Růžička, Michal (advisor) ; Dobřichovský, Tomáš (referee)
Relationship between rights of designation and unfair competition law Abstract This diploma thesis discusses the relationship between the rights of designation and the law of unfair competition. The main objective of the thesis is to acquaint its reader with the issue of both systems of protection and to answer the question of whether there is any relationship between them; if so, how to define the established relationship. The topic of this thesis is mainly processed from the perspective of the Czech legal order, but it is also complemented in appropriate cases with the connection to the foreign regulation of selected European states. This thesis is divided into three chapters, which are further divided into subchapters. In the first chapter, the author deals with the rights of designation. First, the group of rights of designation is placed within the system of intellectual property law. Subsequently, a list of specific rights that belong to this group is created, based on the described characteristics. However, the author also points to different opinions of legal theory regarding the content of the term rights of designation, which leads to distinction between the rights of designation in the strict and the broad sense. The following subchapters deal with the issue of trademarks, designations of origin...
Comparative advertisement - the development of regulation in the Czech legal order
Soukupová, Radka ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Patěk, Daniel (referee)
COMPARATIVE ADVERTISEMENT - THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGULATION IN THE CZECH LEGAL ORDER My thesis is aimed particularly to analyse the existing legal regulations on the comparative advertising in the Czech Republic with a view to its comprehensive treatment in the Community law and to summarize the history of the Czech laws not only of the comparative advertising evolution, but also an unfair competition or an unfair advertising in general, as the legislation governing the comparative advertising did not exist until 2001 and particularly the comparative advertising was usually qualified as an unfair competition. The work is divided into seven chapters. First two chapters briefly depict general characteristics of both the economic competition and an unfair competition terms and concepts. The third chapter is devoted to advertising in general. Chapters Four and Five form the core of the thesis. They are dedicated to the phenomenon of the comparative advertising and legislation prevailing in the Czech Republic. In Chapter Four, varying attitudes of different rules of law to comparative advertising are discussed in Section 4.1, and Section 4.2 summarizes the different types of comparative advertising. Section 4.3 is dedicated to the evolution of the legislation on unfair competition or an unfair...
A comparison of Czech and German legal regulation of unfair competition with regard to european law
Vacková, Linda ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Patěk, Daniel (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is legal regulation of unfair competition law, namely comparing Czech and German law in reference to EU law. Unfair competition law, one of the two branches of competition law (economic competition law), is a body of law prohibiting particular conducts in economic competition and setting out sanctions for a violation of these prohibitions. The central term of the entire thesis - unfair competition contains those cases in which someone abuses and deforms competitive environment in an unfair way. Unfair competition may be defined as a competition which someone spoils, hides something, or behaves in a dishonest, immoral, or unsatisfactory manner. This thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter the purpose of this thesis, a reason of having regulation of competition law as well as legal terms and definitions are laid down. The terms of competition in general, economic competition, competition law, and unfair competition are introduced. Furthermore, the second chapter is to present relevant legal sources of unfair competition law. It deals with constitutional bases, primary legislation, and EU law. The topic of the third chapter aims to introduce a vertical and horizontal competitive relationship. It is set out the meaning of legal persons which...
Spanish unfair competition law - comparison with the Czech regulation
Kartner, Martin ; Černá, Stanislava (advisor) ; Patěk, Daniel (referee)
Résumé: The thesis "Spanish law of unfair competition - comparison with the Czech law of unfair competition law" (hereinafter referred to as the "Thesis") is dedicated to the comparison of the Czech and Spanish unfair competition law. The Thesis also deals with the impacts of the law of the European Union on both national regulations. The first part of the Thesis primarily concentrates on the evolution of the law against unfair competition (both generally and on national level) and describes the relations between the law against unfair competition and other related areas of law (such as consumer law, industrial property law and law on protection of the economic competition). The second part of the Thesis contains a detailed comparison of the general clauses of the Czech and Spanish law against unfair competition. Explanation and comparison of the main concepts used by both legal regulations can be found in this part of the Thesis, such as: competitors, clients, consumers, entrepreneurs, acting in economic competition, acting in business relation, good manners, good faith etc. The third part of the Thesis is mainly focused on description and comparison of the particular examples of the unfair competition listed in the acts against unfair competition. The particular examples of the unfair competition are...
Prohibited comparative advertising
Křenková, Michaela ; Patěk, Daniel (advisor) ; Eichlerová, Kateřina (referee)
Prohibited comparative advertising The Diploma thesis, Prohibited comparative advertising, deals with prohibited comparative advertising according to Czech legislation and legislation of the European Union. The aim of the thesis is primarily to deal with what makes comparative advertising unlawful. The diploma thesis is divided into four chapters: terminology, development of the legislation in the Czech Republic, comparative advertising legislation in the Czech Republic and the EU legislation, and self regulation of advertising. The attitude of the society to advertising as such has been developing as well as the attitude of the society to the comparative advertising. The legal regulation of unfair competition in the Czech Republic has its origins in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. After the First World War, the newly created state of the Czechoslovak Republic, became a member state of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Thus, it bound itself to ensure appropriate legal remedies for nationals of other countries in the Union to suppress unfair competition. Based on this commitment, the Act on Protection Against Unfair Competition, which is the inspiration for the currently valid legislation on unfair competition, was adopted. The legal regulation of comparative advertising...

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