National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Authorial Acting as (Non)education towards a Self
Pártlová, Zuzana ; SUDA, Stanislav (advisor) ; MALANÍKOVÁ, Hana (referee)
This doctoral thesis explores the potential of authorial acting as a tool for open-ended self-education. It focuses on the properties and the process of acquiring psychosomatic capacity for presentation in front of an audience as a means of self-discovery and self-realization through play (Dialogical Acting with the Inner Partner) and other preparatory psychosomatic drama disciplines. The secondary subject of this thesis is the relevance of this capacity to teachers and educators. In the theoretical section, I present the essential terms and concepts as well as the basis of my research. I explain why I use the expression "(non)education towards a self” rather than "personal education” and how one's holistic and creative conditioning relates to the skills of a pedagogue or educator in the broadest sense of the word. The qualitative research section consists of three parts which correspond to three research projects. The first part explores the "personal trajectories" of students of the two-year “Creative Pedagogy-Pedagogical Condition” (CP-PC) study program. The exploration is based on written reflections and a two-day encounter devoted to discussion and creative work. The encounter involved practical workshops as well as talks with I. Vyskočil and E. Vyskočilová and student discussions. The aim was to explore the development of the individual psychosomatic “fitness" by means that go beyond written subjective reflections and offer live confrontations with oneself and others in workshops and discussions. The second part focuses on the issue of authenticity and the triple actor-viewer-assistant relation. Using simultaneous recording with two cameras and focus groups, we tried to analyze the moments of spontaneity during the experimentation and to identify the essential features of authentic expression. The themes that significantly emerged from the research were the theme of inner and outer spectator and of body resonance and joy as main characteristics of authentic presence. In the third section, I followed up on the findings of the previous sections in 16 semistructured interviews with students of the CP-PC program as well as regular and external students at the department. These interviews were analyzed using the method of open coding combining two perspectives: a broader, theme-focused perspective and a narrower, notional one. This research reveals the complexity of tacit learning processes which, in the context of play and psychosomatics, foster a personal evolution towards an original, creative personality, i.e. "becoming one's self”. Simultaneously, this research attempts to define the essential "virtues” of authentic acting and outlines the benefits of Vyskočil´s pedagogy for education of educators.
Mechanisms of the Creative Process
Hadušovská, Michala ; HAVELKA, Jiří (advisor) ; TOMÁNEK, Karel František (referee)
In the thesis entitled Mechanisms of Creative Process, the author examines and reflects her own creation and creative process. The purpose of this study is to discover the internal order and logic of the creative process, respectively to discover the mechanisms and tools with which it works. Knowledge and awareness of the used techniques should serve to make the tools know better, consciously grasp and, above all, develop. The most important aim of the thesis was to try to follow the phases and transformations of the creative process from the creative idea to the realization of the performance. For better orientation, the process of creation and the text of the thesis are divided into four phases and two wider circuits. The first circuit deals with the period of preparation, the second part is the reflection of its practical part, the theatrical rehearsals. Tracking her own path and distinctive way and approach to creation from a distance, has given the author a clearer picture of how the mechanisms and tools work inside the process. Their knowledge and development gives them the ability to transform the thoughts, ideas and visions into reality more consciously and purposefully.
Development of creative thinking of individual in the process of cognitive activity
Ilyasova, Vladlena ; Pstružina, Karel (advisor) ; Řepa, Václav (referee)
This thesis is devoted to the development of creative thinking. The main objectives of the work are to identify, define and justify the psychological factors, stages and qualitative characteristics of creative thinking. Show through practical experiments that specially organized cognitive activity leads to the development of creative thinking through the development of its qualitative properties. In my work I analyze in detail the concept of creativity, creative thinking, and cognitive activity in terms of different scientific approaches. One important aspect is the detailed functional analysis of the process of creative thinking and cognitive activity. Cognitive activity in the context of my work is discussed as a functional space for the development of creative thinking. During the practical part by experimental work we confirm the hypothesis that the development of individual qualitative characteristics of creative thinking during a specially organized cognitive activity leads to the overall development of creative thinking. Practical work includes preparation and adaptation of Torrance figural test of creative thinking to identify creative potential, preparation of exercises and tasks for the development of each property of creative thinking, preparing a presentation to familiarize students with concepts: creativity, creative thinking, cognitive activity and the capacity to distinguish psychical phenomena influencing the creative thinking. Creating an appropriate atmosphere for the development of emotionally-positive attitude of students to the process of creative thinking. Ensuring an impact of detected psychological factors through the implementation of certain conditions. Carrying out classes targeted to the development of individual qualitative characteristics of creative thinking in the 5th, 6th and 7th classes of elementary school Janského. By creating a control and experimental groups we provide the ability to track changes in the practical section. After comparing and analyzing the results we can make the conclusion that the specially organized cognitive activity leads to the development of creative thinking. Own contribution of the work lies in the fact that the effect of each identified, evidence-based psychological factor in the development of creative thinking of individual is guaranteed due to creation of certain conditions to initiate and activate this process, while developing each of the four qualitative characteristics of creative thinking takes place gradually. The research results can be used in the practice of educational institutions to create a comprehensive program targeted to develop creative thinking and the implementation of this framework program in the school education process. During writing this thesis we used the following methods: a theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, examined the practical experience on the subject. Developing creative thinking of individual during cognitive activity was studied using experimental tests of J. Guilford, E.P. Torrance and others. The work consists of two parts. First, more theoretically oriented part, is divided into two chapters. The first chapter deals with definitions of basic terms, describes the process of creative thinking and its stages. The second chapter deals with the revelation of psychological factors and phenomena influencing the process of creative thinking and functional analysis. Second, practically oriented part, deals with the preparation of tests and tasks targeted to the development of individual qualities of creative thinking, practical implementation of research among primary school pupils and analysis of the results.

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