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Vnímání jednotlivých faktorů kvality služeb v cestovním ruchu v Rusku
Erokhina, Polina
The aim of the thesis is to determine the importance of tourist service quality for Russian tourists when choosing the tourist destination in Russia. The main goal of this work is iden-tifying individual factors and finding out which of them influence the assessment of tourist destinations by visitors to a greater degree. Literature review defines the basic concepts that are directly linked to the tourism field, services and their quality in tourism. Analytical part describes current state of tourist market in Russia and compares the results of profes-sional research with my own that was conducted using a questionnaire. There are graphs and explanations of the survey results. Additionally, the results serve as the basis for rec-ommendations for the travel service providers.
Products Creation for Destination of South Slovácko
Kozová, Martina ; Hojačová, Dita (referee) ; Kaňovská, Lucie (advisor)
This thesis is dealing with problems of creating products in the tourist destination South Slovácko. In the introductory part there are described theoretical solutions of thesis, first of all essence of the management and marketing of destination, touristic products and product creation. In the second part there are realized analysis, which are focused on evaluate of current destination condition, including analysis of touristic demand and comparison with the biggest competitors. Closing part is dealing with the design of the products, which should make touristic destinations more attractive.
Profil návštevníka turistickej destinácie južná Morava
Szigetiová, Lucia
This master's thesis is focused on examining the consumer behavior of tourists visiting the South Moravian region. The primary objective is to identify and analyze the characteristics of visitors to the researched destination with a particular emphasis on their consumer behavior and to create visitor profiles. Additionally, the study aims to compare the behavior of visitors before and after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The research involved collecting data from 1913 respondents through a questionnaire survey. By utilizing cluster analysis, visitor behavior was identified and compared with the pre-pandemic visitor profiles provided by the CzechTourism agency. The results contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the changes in consumer behavior brought about by the pandemic. The thesis concludes with practical proposals and recommendations tailored for the benefit of tourism organizations.
Spokojnosť zahraničných návštěvníkov v destinácii Jižní Morava
Blažeková, Lenka
Blažeková, L. The satisfaction of foreign visitors in destination South Moravia. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2023. The bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of satisfaction factors in the tourist destination Jižní Morava. A face-to-face field research was conducted in 5 areas of the region of South Moravia. The questionnaire survey took place in the months of June to September 2022 to collect primary data, of which 370 questionnaires were used for the purpose of this work. The aim of the work is to compare the satis-faction in the areas of Brno and surroundings, Slovácko, Pálava and Lednice-Valtice Area, Moravian Karst and Znojemsko and Podyjí. Furthermore, the correla-tion of the rating of overall satisfaction with the rating of individual factors was examined. On the basis of the research results, suggestions for improving the factors causing visitor dissatisfaction are made.
The degree of the visitors' satisfaction in the tourist region of Posázaví
The bachelor thesis is focused on the Posázaví region. The main aim was to identify the factors, which affect the satisfaction of visitors in this tourist area. It was also assessed the perception of the quality and quantity of primary and secondary supply of tourism in the chosen region in terms of demand. Based on the information were proposed measures in order to raise the satisfaction of the visitors in Posázaví.
Ukrajina - atraktivní turistická destinace?
Kononova, Mariia
KONONOVA, M. Is Ukraine an attractive tourist destination? Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. This bachelor thesis deals with the attractiveness of tourism in Ukraine and its transformation in the context of historical events. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to compare the development of attendance in individual areas of Ukraine between 2000 and 2017 based on statistical data from tour operators and travel agencies. Two research hypotheses have been established to fulfill the main goal: 1. The Crimea annexation was marked by a decrease in the number of foreign tourists heading to Ukraine. 2. 2. The introduction of visa-free travel has increased the number of Ukrainian citizens traveling abroad. Using the literature search, basic approaches to the evaluation of tourism attendance were described. Subsequently, time series analysis, cartographic method and geometric interval method were applied in order to confirm or reject the hypothesis and to define the position of tourism in Ukraine. The practical part of bachelor thesis deals with the impact of historical events on the change in the number of tourists in individual regions of Ukraine. They are characterized by major tourist attractive destinations in each region. Then regions are divided into individual categories according to the visit rate of foreign tourists to confirm the first research hypothesis. The results of the analysis confirmed research hypothesis. The conclusion of this thesis is the characteristic of Ukraine as an attractive tourist destination, which has all the prerequisites for the development of tourism but is currently influenced by various negative impacts of political and historical events that have taken place and are currently in the territory of Ukraine. The creation of a choropleth map with relative numbers of foreign tourists in 2000 showed a considerable interest of foreign tourists in traveling in Ukraine and already in 2014, the number of foreign tourists dropped rapidly, which was influenced by historical events.
Products Creation for Destination of South Slovácko
Kozová, Martina ; Hojačová, Dita (referee) ; Kaňovská, Lucie (advisor)
This thesis is dealing with problems of creating products in the tourist destination South Slovácko. In the introductory part there are described theoretical solutions of thesis, first of all essence of the management and marketing of destination, touristic products and product creation. In the second part there are realized analysis, which are focused on evaluate of current destination condition, including analysis of touristic demand and comparison with the biggest competitors. Closing part is dealing with the design of the products, which should make touristic destinations more attractive.
Perception of Attractiveness of Poland as a Tourism Space by Population of Czechia
Kubín, Ewa ; Vágner, Jiří (advisor) ; Siwek, Tadeusz (referee) ; Kowalczyk, Andrzej (referee)
The doctoral thesis is devoted to analyzing the perception of attractiveness of Poland as a tourism space from the perspective of Czech citizens in a broader context of mutual Czech -Polish relations in tourism. The thesis is primarily based on theoretical concepts of geography of tourism and at the same time it also follows other geographical and scientific disciplines. The methodological framework of the thesis benefits from the openness and multi-disciplinary nature of tourism. Part of the thesis was created using traditional methods and techniques applied in geography, among others: questionnaire research among students, structured interviews with employees of travel agencies, semi-structured interviews with representatives of the Polish governmental institutions, and analyses of the Internet and printed sources. Additionally, there were utilized methods and techniques used more frequently in other disciplines, including: Delphi method, SWOT analysis, mystery shopping, analysis of travelogues, Internet sources of information about Poland, and content of textbooks. The empirical part of the thesis serves to realize four main aims. The most important aim of thesis can be considered the identification and evaluation of opinions of selected groups of Czechs on the attractiveness of Poland as a...
Tourist Destination Value - Dolní Poohří
Stolínová, Kristýna ; Havlíková, Michaela (advisor) ; Lucie, Lucie (referee)
The Master Thesis deal with evaluation of domestic tourism in the destination Dolní Poohří located in Usti region. Destination Dolní Poohří was defined within the project called Brána do Čech. The aim of this thesis is to determine the potential of tourism in the destination Dolní Poohří and its attractivity for domestic visitors and tourists. Subsequently evaluate if destination Dolní Poohří has a potential to growth and describe development of attractivity in the tourist destination for domestic visitors. To achieve the goals of the thesis was the following methods applied. The method of evaluating the potential of the tourist destination designed by RNDr. Jan Bína, the method ATD, which described RNDr. Jiří Vaníček in his article in the magazine COT Business and the index of destination quality Q, which used in their research Ing. Ida Vajčnerová, Ph.D and Ing. Kateřina Ryglová, Ph.D. Essential data used with above analyzing methods are obtained from the questionnaire survey, which was made during summer season in year 2016 and from a public database of Czech Statistical Office.
Proposal for the Use of Modern Forms of Public Relations for Tourist Destination
Hervířová, Hana ; Musil, Martin (advisor) ; Krbová, Jana (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to propose appropriate forms of Public Relations for chosen tourist destination in the region Jindřichohradecko. The theoretical part deals with the issue of tourism, Public Relations and the use of public relations in tourism. The findings contained in the theoretical part are serve as a basis for methodical and practical part. Analyses of the selected tourist destination are performed based on the methodical part. The outcome is a proposal of PR portfolio focusing on the modern forms of communication which would be also applicable in chosen tourist destination.

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