Odměny a tresty na SOU z pohledu žáků
Jelínková, Lenka
In my Bachelor thesis I am interested in a rewards and punishments in the sec-ondary education from the pupils point of view. The Bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part I devote a great deal to the educational effect of school, so there are several definitions of education, school, school discipline or discipline, etc. I highlight 'a few definitions' because many experts have a different view on these concepts and therefore a different view. The personality of a teacher is very important too, so I will characterize it. The theoretical part, however, will mainly focus on the main topic, which is pun-ishment in the secondary education. There are several types of penalties, each of them with different consequences, each having a different impact. I will describe the situations in which it is appropriate to apply a punishment and also the oppo-site situation where the punishment is improperly used and what consequences it may have on the individual. The terms, situations and conditions, that I describe here, are in most cases related to the school environment, but the home environ-ment of the pupil, his / her life outside school, cannot be neglected, because this factor is also highly involved in pupil formation. It is therefore necessary to take into account all factors that affect and influence the pupil, whether in good sense or bad. As I have already mentioned, I will focus mainly on punishments, but their inherent part is their opposition and that is rewards. As for the sources of infor-mation that served me to create the theoretical part, it was mostly book sources and, to a lesser extent, electronic sources. Now I would like to move on to the prac-tical part, which aims to find out what penalties are chosen at school, their dura-tion and also what penalties the pupils would choose themselves. In addition to punishments, research also includes rewards. The whole research is directed to the pupils, what their view of the issue is. In the practical part I used a quantitative research method to obtain information, namely a questionnaire. At the end of the thesis I will mention the contribution it has to pedagogical practice.
Odměny a tresty ve výuce na SOŠ
Doubková, Michaela
The bachelor thesis deals with rewards and punishments in the school area. The work is divided into the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part is defined the problems of the school and its educational impact on the student, which outlines the areas of education, schools and the related issue of the teacher's personality and his educational style, furthermore it discusses the areas of discipline or lack of discipline of pupils in the school. More attention is paid to rewards and punishments, and especially on their types, functions, policies, and risks of rewards and punishments. As for the theoretical part, the information were gained from books and electronic resources. The surveying part focuses on the questionnaire form, which I investigated the opinions and attitudes of pupils towards rewards and punishments. The discussion deals with the summary of the survey research that I have received through questionnaires. In the conclusion part, I present the contribution to educational practice in terms of recommendations for teachers.
Názory žáků na účinnost odměn a trestů na středních školách
Samková, Jana
This Bachelor thesis aims to show view of high school students on the subject of rewards and punishments. The Bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The main goal of theoretical part is to explain how elites in field understand reward and punishment. I also pay my attention to application of rewards and punishments in education and upbringing of children. Main goal of practical part is to find out, how high school students understand terms reward and punishment. Data for this Bachelor thesis were acquired by questionnaire method applied on pedagogical high school.
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Odměny a tresty na SOŠ během distanční výuky
Husková, Markéta
This bachelor's thesis is devoted to Rewards and punishments and their usage in collages during distance learning. Its purpose is figuring out, how are teachers in colleges using them during distance learning and how effective they find them. It composes of two sections, theoretical and practical. Theoretical section defines the concepts of educational process. It also discusses different types of rewards and punishments. Lastly it describes distance learning itself and its application on Czech schools. Practical section is devoted to research. The research is supposed to summarize general usage of rewards and punishments in collages during dis-tance learning, as well as capturing teachers feelings about them. It was carried out using a electronic questionnaire. The thesis also contains suggestion for peda-gogical practice.
Rebuilding the house
Mironiuková, Iveta ; Vlček, Ing Karel (referee) ; Vlček, Milan (advisor)
Diploma thesis was prepared it the level of a project documentation. The theme is the project of the rebuilding of the former school house from 1890 in the village Třešť, which is currently unused. The building will newly merge premises of the library, information center, multifunctional hall, elementary art school and exhibition space. The project solves the rebuilding of the existing building, including rehabilitation of wet masonry by chemical grouting and a new extension of sanitary facilities and escape route.
Odměny a tresty ve školním zařízení a jejich dopad na motivaci při vzdělávání
Čekalová, Simona
The bachelor thesis focuses on students' opinions on the effectiveness of rewards and punishments in high schools and is divided into two parts – theoretical and practical. The theoretical part explains the concepts of reward, punishment, and motivation from the experts' perspective and their application in education. The practical part aims to determine how high school students perceive these concepts. The data for this work was obtained through a questionnaire survey at high schools. The overall contribution of this thesis is to provide useful information for pedagogical practice and life in general.
The issue of life imprisonment
Svatoňová, Olga ; Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana (advisor) ; Herczeg, Jiří (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to present a comprehensive view of a rather complicated issue of life imprisonment, mainly from legal perspective. It also deals with some psychological and sociological aspects which accompany long-term imprisonment. Life imprisonment is the highest sanction which is regulated in the legal system of the Czech Republic. It is imposed only in case of enumerate crimes and on the conditions stated in the penal code. Life imprisonment has been the highest sanction in our legal system since the year 1990 when it replaced death penalty which is not in accordance with principles of a democratic legal state. Similarly to death penalty, life imprisonment also has many opponents and is connected with many problems and questions. The thesis tries to define some of these problems and to bring as many findings as possible, so that everybody can make their own opinion on this issue. The thesis consists of seven chapters which are then divided into subchapters. After the brief introduction, there is the first chapter which covers the penalty as such. It delimits the term and purpose of the penalty, explains how the penalty is understood, what the terms individual and general prevention mean. The chapter also includes an interpretation of the penalty system. The second chapter covers a...
Punishment of disqualification and its control
Chovancová, Anna ; Šelleng, Dalibor (advisor) ; Dvořák, Marek (referee)
Punishment of disqualification and its control Abstract The topic of the thesis is the punishment of the disqualification and its control. The main goal is to analyse the punishment of disqualification and its control in the Czech legislation and to focus on possible deficiencies but also on possibilities of correction or other legal solutions. The thesis is fact-based from the beginning with specific examples from case law to illustrate the breadth of the topic. The text of this thesis is divided into six chapters. In the conclusion I summarise the findings of the whole thesis and suggest possible solutions to the problems. The first chapter deals with the topic of punishment in general and is divided into five subchapters. The first subchapter deals with the history of punishment in general. The second subchapter is devoted to the purpose of punishment as such. The third subchapter deals with the system of punishments in Czech legislation and the fourth subchapter deals with the possible classification of punishment. The last fifth subchapter deals with the concept of alternative punishments, which defines what constitutes an alternative punishment. Alternative punishments are associated with the performance of the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic. It is an important institution that...
Reasoning of Sentences by Regional Courts
Forman, Petr ; Drápal, Jakub (advisor) ; Říha, Jiří (referee)
Reasoning of Sentences by Regional Courts Abstract This diploma thesis addresses the question of the sufficiency of reasoning of the criminal judgement by regional courts. In the theoretical part, I focus primarily on arguments for the necessity of proper reasoning of the judgement, stemming from both the law and fundamental legal principles. Furthermore, I delve into the context of sentence reasoning within our legal system, as well as the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, along with their purposes, requirements, and shortcomings. Last but not least, I attempt to present an approach that would help minimize the typical shortcomings of reasoning. The theoretical segment thus gradually answers the following questions concerning reasoning: Whether to reason at all, what does the law, theory, and jurisprudence say about reasoning, why to reason, how not to reason, and how to reason. Thus, it comprehensively covers all essential aspects of reasoning including common arguments both for and against various forms of reasoning. In the empirical part, I will present an analysis of 300 decisions made by regional courts. The research question posed was, "Is the sentence reasoning provided by regional courts sufficient?" This question encompasses various sub-questions and aspects that were documented...