Wooden churches from Subcarpathian Ruthenia in CzechoslovakiaChurch of St. Paraskeva in Blansko and the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Prague
Shyshova, Yuliana ; Ottová, Michaela (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to work on the issue of wooden churches from the 16th- 18th centuries from Subcarpathian Rus, which were moved to the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic in the interwar period. The thesis was narrowed down in view of the amount of archival material and the findings that emerged from it. The thesis discusses the Church of St. Paraskeva in Blansko and the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Prague. The thesis will provide comprehensive information about the churches, including their architectural history and furnishings, as well as their current condition. Additionally, an attempt at reconstructing the iconostasis in the Church of St. Paraskeva in Blansko will be made. The thesis will focus on the political and religious situation in Subcarpathian Rus and the cultural-historical context of the time, as a result of which these churches came into the possession of the Czechoslovak state. Thorough attention will be given not only to the currently used Church of St. Paraskeva in Blansko but also to the Church of St. Archangel Michael, which was affected by a fire on the premises of the cultural monument Letohrádek Kinských in Prague in 2020.
Transformations of Sacred Space.
Mléčka, Jan ; PhDr.Martin Horáček,Ph.D. (referee) ; Doc.Ing.arch.Michal Hronský,PhD. (referee) ; Petelen, Ivan (referee) ; Šindlar, Jiljí (advisor)
The Christian church has been an inherent part of human continuity for more than thousand years. The external appearance of the Christian church has always reflected societal transformations as well as turning points in history. Moreover, it has become an integral part of our existence both in space and time. Nowadays, we frequently hear that the crisis of European society is in effect an identity crisis, an inability to ask about where we are heading and what the meaning of life is. The reduction of time givenness to the already limited scope of our own physical existence destroys the ability in a man to ask questions and find answers to them, or even enquire about the meaning and essence of things. The carefree, dispersed husk blown by the wind may seem to be free and independent; however, it has also stopped trying to actively find paths for future generations. One of the fundamental attributes of an architect should be a strong aptitude for synthetic thinking, which includes multiple knowledge of social cognition, i.e. in the currentness of present experience as well as in time. This knowledge should ideally help to identify the core of problem, and to define the general rules applicable, regardless of changes in social demand, trends or taste. This dissertation, concerned with the “change” of the Christian church, ought to provide a compact, effective platform based on a synthesis of all analytical findings in the areas of architecture, liturgy, history, and theology. This platform can be applied in architectural practice, education (both architectural and theological), pastorage, and other wide, well-researched social discourses on the current form of the Christian sacred space, its basis and likely future development. The emphasis should be put on individual interpretation of a target group rather than dogmatic interpretation of dramatic revelations. Therefore, the first half of the dissertation will analyse the theological and symbolic basis, and historic transformations. Whilst, the second half will depict the current approach to the creation of sacred space in both newly built churches and the ongoing conversions of existing spaces. In conclusion, the dissertation will debate the future direction of sacred space in post-Christian Europe.
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He is the figure or image of the spiritual temple, which is our body. The temple as a metaphor
Havelka, Tomáš
The paper mainly deals with literary metaphorizations of the Christian temple in three basic typologies of the temple, as metaphors of the human body, a prefigurative pattern of the history of Solomon’s temple transferred to the history of church communities and the metaphor of knowledge. In any religion, the temple is not just a place for believers to gather, it has always been understood as a transcendent gate connecting the created world and God’s presence. It represented the “center of the world” and gradually took on various typological and metaphorical realizations: Solomon’s temple, the heavenly Jerusalem, the divine circle, whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. This led to the fulfillment of various dispositions. On the other hand, remarkable practices are also present in the literature of the 17th and 18th centuries, interpreting the temple in the opposite way, namely as an anthropomorphic metaphor of the human body, most prominently in the case of J.F. Beckovský.
Burnt Offering in Old Testament
Niklová, Pavla ; Beneš, Jiří (advisor) ; Roubalová, Marie (referee)
The focus of this thesis will be an exegesis of the term burnt offering in Old Testament. The diploma thesis deals with the location of the cult (Tent of Meeting, temple), priests in Israel, human offerings and reconstruction of ritual burnt offerings with an evaluation of particular acts based on translation and interpretation of the first chapter of Leviticus. The purpose of this work is to detect, what function and meaning this ritual had for the community of Israel, as well as what message the texts contain, with respect to burnt offerings for the current reader.
Symbolism and visual rhetoric of the Borobudur temple in the context of modern era
Pyšová, Michaela ; Petrů, Tomáš (advisor) ; Pokorný, Ondřej (referee)
Michaela Pyšová 2016 SYMBOLISM AND VISUAL RHETORIC OF THE JAVANESE BUDDHIST TEMPLE BOROBUDUR bachelor thesis Abstract The bachelor thesis deals with the Javanese Buddhist monument Borobudur, which is due to its unique architectural form and the symbolic value of the tangible important part of Indonesian and World Heritage Site. The building is a symbol of Buddhist cosmology and is used by the monks in its original ritual context even today. Javanese mentality evolved according to the transformation of religious and philosophical doctrines and changes over the centuries, similarly understanding the message of the monument by islamized contemporary society. Introduction of thesis defines cultural-historical context of Borobudur during the period ranging from the beginnings of Buddhism in India through dissemination of buddhist teachings in the Indonesian archipelago and its mingling with the local faith. The next part of thesis refers to the architecture of the monument, reliefs and message of the importance of overlapping structures into modern times. The goal of the analysis is primarily analysis of Javanese temple architecture as an ideological system that expresses the philosophical values of Buddhist culture spilling over into modern times.
"Aegean list" from the temple of Amenhotep III at Kom el-Hetan: mapping the current stage of knowledge
Bělohoubková, Dana ; Mynářová, Jana (advisor) ; Coppens, Filip (referee)
The B.A. thesis deals with an "Aegean List" from the temple of Amenhotep III at Kom el-Hettân. It attempts to answer a question of a possible reconstruction of relations between the Aegean area and Egypt. In the first part of the thesis the list is set into a wider context, dealing also with others lists of toponyms, as well as the temple, in which the "Aegean list" was found. The next part of the thesis discusses different interpretations of this monument. An evaluation of the temple at Soleb is also covered. In this case a translation of the toponym list from Soleb was created, serving as a basis for a comparison with topographical lists from Kom el-Hettân. The temple at Soleb was also used for the reconstraction of decoration of the temple of Amenhotep III at Kom el-Hettân. Using decoration scheme a symbolic function of the "Aegean List" being a part of a concept of kingship was proven. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Symbolism and visual rhetoric of the Borobudur temple in the context of modern era
Pyšová, Michaela ; Petrů, Tomáš (advisor) ; Pokorný, Ondřej (referee)
Michaela Pyšová 2016 SYMBOLISM AND VISUAL RHETORIC OF THE JAVANESE BUDDHIST TEMPLE BOROBUDUR bachelor thesis Abstract The bachelor thesis deals with the Javanese Buddhist monument Borobudur, which is due to its unique architectural form and the symbolic value of the tangible important part of Indonesian and World Heritage Site. The building is a symbol of Buddhist cosmology and is used by the monks in its original ritual context even today. Javanese mentality evolved according to the transformation of religious and philosophical doctrines and changes over the centuries, similarly understanding the message of the monument by islamized contemporary society. Introduction of thesis defines cultural-historical context of Borobudur during the period ranging from the beginnings of Buddhism in India through dissemination of buddhist teachings in the Indonesian archipelago and its mingling with the local faith. The next part of thesis refers to the architecture of the monument, reliefs and message of the importance of overlapping structures into modern times. The goal of the analysis is primarily analysis of Javanese temple architecture as an ideological system that expresses the philosophical values of Buddhist culture spilling over into modern times.
"Aegean list" from the temple of Amenhotep III at Kom el-Hetan: mapping the current stage of knowledge
Bělohoubková, Dana ; Mynářová, Jana (advisor) ; Coppens, Filip (referee)
The B.A. thesis deals with an "Aegean List" from the temple of Amenhotep III at Kom el-Hettân. It attempts to answer a question of a possible reconstruction of relations between the Aegean area and Egypt. In the first part of the thesis the list is set into a wider context, dealing also with others lists of toponyms, as well as the temple, in which the "Aegean list" was found. The next part of the thesis discusses different interpretations of this monument. An evaluation of the temple at Soleb is also covered. In this case a translation of the toponym list from Soleb was created, serving as a basis for a comparison with topographical lists from Kom el-Hettân. The temple at Soleb was also used for the reconstraction of decoration of the temple of Amenhotep III at Kom el-Hettân. Using decoration scheme a symbolic function of the "Aegean List" being a part of a concept of kingship was proven. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
The Barren Fig Tree and the Expulsion from the Temple. Mk 11:12-25
Svatek, Martin ; Ryšková, Mireia (advisor) ; Scarano, Angelo (referee)
The pericopes "Cursing the Fig Tree", "Cleaning of the Temple" and "The Withered Fig Tree" are sometimes included among the texts that are labeled as "the difficult Bible pages" or "the mysteries of the New Testament". About the tenability of this labels give evidence the numerous commentaries of the Gospel according to Mark, which are, mainly in the case of the first pericope of our interest, ambiguous and which offer several different possibilities of its interpretation. This thesis presents various possibilities of the interpretation of this problematic part of the Gospel according to Mark. In its first chapter the thesis discuss the historical and the literal context of Mark 11:12-25. In its second chapter the thesis analyses this text and compares it with a similar text from the Gospel according to Mathew (Matthew 21,10-22). In its third chapter the thesis suggests the characteristics of some of the ways of interpretation of Mark 11:12-25, that are in present times most presented. The goal of the thesis is to present current interpretations of the pericopes mentioned above and their comparison and evaluation.