Extension of the public water supply
Čermáková, Svatava ; Hladíková, Jarmila (referee) ; Vaščáková, Alena (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the extension of the public water supply. The water supply is designed for the town of Mikulov in a brownfield area where military barracks to be. The town plans new development in this area, making it important to expand the local infrastructure. The theoretical part describes the objects in the objects in the water supply line. The textual part addresses protective zones and clearance distances for various unitily networks. The thesis includes a proposal for a urban study. The coordination situation is developer for all utility networks in the street. The work focuses in deal on the project of extending the public water supply systém. The design outlines areas for public greenery. This thesis includes materials necessary for the water management authority to obtain zoning and building permits.
The importance of association of municipalities for development of the regions
Istenčinová, Nikol ; Sigmund, Martin (referee) ; Linkeschová, Dana (advisor)
As the main topic this thesis theoretically defines the subject municipality with extended powers and voluntary associations of municipalities for developement of regions. In the practical part i focused on a research inquiry, i analyse results of this inquiry and i consider a practical use in the public area. I try to point out the importance of the strategic management by dint of all needs which mean a long-term planning in relation to methods of managerial work. Another part of my survey is to analyse all technical infrastructure of municioalities in the south moravian district. And i would like to attention to the problems and deficiencies and not only to try fix this things but find out an actual oppurtunities to help these municipalities. Facts in this work can point out the importance of unions for developement of regions.
Vařbuchta, Petr ; Hromada, Eduard (referee) ; Česelský, Jan (referee) ; Cupal, Martin (referee) ; Hromádka, Vít (advisor)
This dissertation thesis deals with the analysis of the possibilities of development of residential areas within the framework of spatial planning. The main objective was to establish an index that would show the level of potential of areas for residential development based on the conditions set by the zoning plans. For this purpose, a methodology was developed that involves the collection and analysis of data from graphical information systems of urban planning. The research question was investigated using case studies of the cities of Brno, Olomouc and Jihlava, where residential design areas and their limits were identified. The results showed that residential development can be influenced by various factors such as the character of the area, environmental constraints, technical infrastructure and other regulatory factors. Using the established Index of Residential Development (IoRD), an assessment of the level of potential for development in each city was achieved. This dissertation brings a new perspective to the assessment of residential development potential in urban areas and also provides a methodology for determining the IoRD based on zoning conditions.
The urban engineer and his role in construction practice
Tlamková, Anna ; Tichý, Jan (referee) ; Pavlovský, Tomáš (advisor)
The diploma thesis in its introductory descriptive part defines all the theoretical foundations and contexts associated with the concepts of urban engineering and urban engineer. The theoretical information is followed by the analytical part of the work, which contains interviews with real authorized urban engineers. With the help of the respondents' professional experience, the real role of the urban engineer in construction practice and the activities he should perform in such a role is subsequently formed. In the end, the obtained information is transformed into a practical example, which demonstrates the illustrative implementation of the knowledge of an urban engineer within the real functioning of the practice.
Economic Analysis of Selected Areas determined for Building in the Municipality
Bujnošková, Iva ; Dvořáčková, Šárka (referee) ; Hromádka, Vít (advisor)
This thesis aims to create a tool for evaluation of suitability to invest into a preparation of a specific area for family houses construction. This investment includes costs for land buy-outs as well as costs for public and technical infrastructures. The theoretical part of this thesis begins with types and properties of investment projects, lify cycle of a project and its financial sources. Following chapter concentrates on description of multicriteria analysis that is used for decision making process of an investing company. Its advantage is that it includes into its computation also non-economic parameters. Based on this multicriteria analysis a case study for chosen areas suitable for houses was conducted. The case study shows economic efficiency evaluation of an investment into chosen areas suitable for houses and includes suggestions of other parameters that could be added into the analysis.
Communication in building a technical infrastructure for regional development
Řeháková, Adéla ; Sládek, Roman (referee) ; Linkeschová, Dana (advisor)
Diploma thesis „Communication In Building A Technical Infrastructure For Regional Development“ deals with communication between municipality and citizens, local technical infrastructure conditions, regional development, and municipality cooperation. In the theoretical section, there are explained basic terms and described topics of communication, technical infrastructure, and regional development. In the empirical section, there is analyzed the quantitative citizen research in the South Moravia region and the qualitative research based on interviews with mayors. The conclusion contains the evaluation of the research results and possible recommendations.
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A comparison of the normal value of infrastructure easement to the prices determined by the internal regulations of municipalities
Prokopová, Tereza ; Klika, Pavel (referee) ; Sedláček, Jan (advisor)
The thesis deals with the valuation of the servitude of the engineering network by normal price and based on the internal regulations of municipalities. The theoretical part focuses on the issues related to the easements, brief historical overview, structure, possibilities of the creation and termination, as well as the description and structure of the technical infrastructure with a focus on gas conduction. The last theoretical part contains of a description of the ways and methods of the valuation of the easements. In the practical part the actual valuation of the easements based on the internal regulations of municipalities and the own calculation of the normal price are carried out.
Sedláček, Jan ; Hela, Rudolf (referee) ; Lodr, Jiří (referee) ; Bradáč, Albert (advisor)
This PhD thesis analyzes the current situation in appraisals of technical infrastructure easements created by the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic in the process of transport infrastructure development. The thesis explains the basic concepts, identifies the relevant legisla-tion and examines the appraising methods used for these easements as described in the literature. It then discusses and critically assesses, based on existing legislation and best practices, the indi-vidual appraising approaches used in expert opinions prepared for the Road and Motorway Di-rectorate of the Czech Republic. Drawing on this assessment, it makes recommendations for a standardized approach for establishing the fair market value of easements and demonstrates its application on a model example.
Use of subsidy resources for the implementation of the investment plan in the municipality
Götzel, Jan ; Vítková, Eva (referee) ; Vaňková, Lucie (advisor)
The present thesis deals with the use of subsidy sources in a municipality. Its objective is to describe the investment project and to evaluate the means of financing and influence on the development of the municipality. The theoretical part of the thesis delineates the investments, options to finance the public investments, and regional policy of the EU and its grant and subsidy schemes. The final part of the thesis outlines and evaluates the public project "Traffic Safety in the Municipality of Svésedlice“, which was co-financed from the EU subsidies. The efficiency of the project is assessed in the conclusion, along with recommendations to achieve improved efficiency.