Road Pricing and its Impact on Road Traffic in the Czech Republic
Novák, Jaroslav ; Máša, Vojtěch (referee) ; Vémola, Aleš (advisor)
This thesis deals with the toll systems which have been in operation in the Czech Republic since 2007. The first part defines the basic concepts of transportation and describes the development, goals and the direction of transport policy of the European Union, and the Czech Republic. It also describes the different ways of collecting tolls on roads and the possibility of charging for entrance into cities. The second part analyses the current state of the toll system, not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries. Practical knowledge is supplemented by the hand counting of trucks, avoiding toll communication and a questionnaire survey among carriers. The third part is focused on proposals for solving current situations. The aims are: bring trucks back to the toll roads, reduce the noise levels on highways at night, improve the quality of roads in the Czech Republic, increase user comfort levels of toll systems and increase the number of "green" trucks on the roads
Improvement in the System Quality of Toll’s Withdrawal in The Czech Republic
Marek, Jiří ; Orlíková, Radka (referee) ; Bartes, František (advisor)
The subject of this thesis “Improvement in the system quality of toll’s withdrawal in The Czech Republic” is to look into the problems of toll’s electronic withdrawal. The First part of the thesis describes the taxation quotas on the basis of a microwave technology, relevant legislative, troll’s outcomes, and work of the Czech Customs Administration as a control body and contains an evaluation of the electronic troll system with its advantages and disadvantages. The Second part states theoretical solutions as the EU legislative, which states a traffic policy strategy and a tax withdrawal for using the roads. Further on, it analyses the options of the troll’s electronic withdrawal on the basis of a microwave and satellite system in particular countries. The Third part focuses on its own solutions, which aim is to increase the users’ comfort while using this system. The Fourth part focuses on the benefits of the ideas for solutions stated in the part Three.
Toll issues
Mareček, Jakub ; Stehlík,, Dušan (referee) ; Hýzl, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the issues of toll collection in the road network. The first part of the work describes the established tolling methods and focuses on volume-distance tolling. It deals with electronic toll collection systems and the microwave toll technology used in the Czech Republic. The second part focuses on the fees charged for use of road network, function of the Customs Administration and telematic systems. The third part centers on the extension of toll to second- and third-class roads and the costs of implementation and managment of toll collection. The fourth part of the work discusses the issues and evaluation of the system of implementation, extension and collection of toll.
Road Pricing and its Impact on Road Traffic in the Czech Republic
Novák, Jaroslav ; Máša, Vojtěch (referee) ; Vémola, Aleš (advisor)
This thesis deals with the toll systems which have been in operation in the Czech Republic since 2007. The first part defines the basic concepts of transportation and describes the development, goals and the direction of transport policy of the European Union, and the Czech Republic. It also describes the different ways of collecting tolls on roads and the possibility of charging for entrance into cities. The second part analyses the current state of the toll system, not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries. Practical knowledge is supplemented by the hand counting of trucks, avoiding toll communication and a questionnaire survey among carriers. The third part is focused on proposals for solving current situations. The aims are: bring trucks back to the toll roads, reduce the noise levels on highways at night, improve the quality of roads in the Czech Republic, increase user comfort levels of toll systems and increase the number of "green" trucks on the roads
Improvement in the System Quality of Toll’s Withdrawal in The Czech Republic
Marek, Jiří ; Orlíková, Radka (referee) ; Bartes, František (advisor)
The subject of this thesis “Improvement in the system quality of toll’s withdrawal in The Czech Republic” is to look into the problems of toll’s electronic withdrawal. The First part of the thesis describes the taxation quotas on the basis of a microwave technology, relevant legislative, troll’s outcomes, and work of the Czech Customs Administration as a control body and contains an evaluation of the electronic troll system with its advantages and disadvantages. The Second part states theoretical solutions as the EU legislative, which states a traffic policy strategy and a tax withdrawal for using the roads. Further on, it analyses the options of the troll’s electronic withdrawal on the basis of a microwave and satellite system in particular countries. The Third part focuses on its own solutions, which aim is to increase the users’ comfort while using this system. The Fourth part focuses on the benefits of the ideas for solutions stated in the part Three.
Toll issues
Mareček, Jakub ; Stehlík,, Dušan (referee) ; Hýzl, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the issues of toll collection in the road network. The first part of the work describes the established tolling methods and focuses on volume-distance tolling. It deals with electronic toll collection systems and the microwave toll technology used in the Czech Republic. The second part focuses on the fees charged for use of road network, function of the Customs Administration and telematic systems. The third part centers on the extension of toll to second- and third-class roads and the costs of implementation and managment of toll collection. The fourth part of the work discusses the issues and evaluation of the system of implementation, extension and collection of toll.