National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Preconception of the Syntactic Relations of Coordination, Aposition and Dominance at Elementary School
Mazánková, Anna ; Štěpáník, Stanislav (advisor) ; Hájková, Eva (referee)
The objective of the diploma thesis Preconception of the Syntactic Relations of Coordiantion, Aposition and Dominance at Elementary School is to discover whether pupils in the 5th , 6th and 7th grade of elementary school are able to distinguish syntactic relations. At first, the issue of the preconception is defined in the context of constructivist teaching concept, which works with the preconceptions actively. After that, the concept of syntactic relations is described in linguistic literature and textbooks, Framework Educational Programme, and methodological publications. A research tool which consists of special prepared exercises for the research purpose of this thesis was used to investigate the preconception of syntactic relations. The pupils did these exercises individually. By means of semi-structured dialogues it was investigated, how were the pupils thinking during the work. The dialogues were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The research sample comprised of 35 pupils from the 5th to 7th grade of a Prague elementary school. The research shows that the pupils are able to think about syntactic relations on a pre-conceptual basis spontaneously but the interference of the school teaching shows in the way of their thinking, namely in a formal approach to categorization and primary looking...
Microeconomic and Macroeconomic implications of Social Security Coordination in Europe
Tepperová, Jana ; Vančurová, Alena (advisor) ; Klazar, Stanislav (referee) ; Široký, Jan (referee)
The doctoral thesis focuses on international coordination of social security systems. It covers both theoretical and practical role of coordination and also brings relevant empirical evidence about impacts of social security coordination on international labour migration. The gravity migration model is used on panel data set for 30 European countries from 1998 to 2007 for empirical evidence. Presented results show positive effect of social security coordination on migration and confirms important role of coordination in European integration policy. Analysis of labour tax cost and how it is influenced by the coordination of social security is also proposed in the thesis. Different migration structures and its tax costs are analyzed for this purpose in 2003 and 2004, the year prior the CR joining the EU and the year after. The results of the analysis did not show any decline of the tax cost in all of the migration structures after the coordination of social security was applied in the CR.
Franchising and Its Aplication in Practice
Daňkovský, Jiří ; Švarc, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Hajný, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze franchising as a business method and look at it especially from legal point of view. In the first (theoretical) part of the thesis we mention the history of franchising, then we specifie the advantages and disadvanteges of franchising and we also look at the current situation of franchising in the Czech Republic and in the world economy as well. The rest of the theoretical part is devoted to the legal aspects of franchising. The theoretical part of the thesis is followed by the practical part, which describes establishing of a franchising relationship with Vodafone CZ. Emphasis is placed again on legal aspects and much space is devoted to the contract on the future franchising agreement. The goal of this work is to introduce people considering to enter the franchising relationship with the positives and pitfalls, and assist them in deciding whether to enter into this relationship or not.
Dohody narušující soutěž v právu ES
Brixiová, Tamara ; Boháček, Martin (advisor) ; Vozáb, Jakub (referee)
Diplomová práce se specializuje na jednání ve vzájemné shodě.Poukazuje na odlišnosti ve vymezení základních pojmů v českém a evropském pojetí a snaží se tak osvětlit nutnost harmonizace české úpravy s úpravou komunitární.Problém nachází zejména ve vymezení pojmu podnik, jehož pojetí je v ZOHS naprosto odlišné od pojetí podniku jakožto single economic unit v právu evropském.I přes tyto odlišnosti však práce považuje základní znaky jednání ve shodě za v podstatě shodné v českém i evropském právu.Zabývá se rovněž odlišením nezákonné výměny informací, jež je podstatou jednání ve shodě, od situací, kdy takováto výměna může být žádoucí. Pozornost věnuje i kolektivní dominanci a dovolenému paralelnímu chování, které je v souladu se zákonem.V závěru volá po nutnosti harmonizace české úpravy s úpravou evropskou s ohledem na rozpor se zásadou rovného zacházení.

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