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Vliv aplikace síry a bóru na výnos a kvalitu semen sóji luštinaté
Klobásová, Gabriela
The aim of the work was to assess the influence of soil and leaf application of sulphur and boron on the chlorophyll content in leaves, plant height and quantitative and qualitative parameters of harvested soybean seeds. The problematics was solved in the form of a pot experiment in the vegetation hall of Mendel University in Brno. The following variants were included in the experiment: 1. S30 + Sleaf, 2. S30 + Bsoil, leaf, 3. S30 + Sleaf + Bsoil, leaf, 4. S60 + Sleaf, 5. S60 + Bsoil, leaf and 6. S60 + Sleaf + Bsoil, leaf. Sulphur was applied to the soil in two doses (30 and 60 kg.ha-1). Sulphur (30 kg.ha-1) in the form of ammonium sulphate was applied to all variants, resp. ammonium sulphate with boron, to which a starting dose of nitrogen (29 kg.ha-1) was supplied at the same time. For a higher dose of sulphur, potassium sulphate was applied on variants No. 4-6. For foliar applications were used a suspensions of finely ground elemental sulphur at a dose of 4 kg.ha-1 and a borethanolamine solution at a boron dose of 0.5 kg.ha-1. Based on the obtained results, it can be stated that higher application of sulphur to the soil shows favourable effects on plant height, yield and seed quality. Foliar application of elemental sulphur has a favourable effect on the oil content in soybean seeds and foliar application of boron showed a higher yield, pod size, number of seeds in pods, nitrogen content in the seed and chlorophyll content in the leaves. The combined application of sulphur and boron on the leaf had a positive effect on the chlorophyll content in the leaves, seed yield, nitrogen content and seed oil content.
Mimokořenová aplikace síry ve výživě ozimého máku
Hubálková, Kateřina
The bachelor thesis is focused on effect of foliar application of sulphur in winter poppy nutrition. The aim was to assess the impact of selected forms of sulphur on yield and health condition of plants. Finally, there was also an economic evaluation done. The effect of sulphur was studied in the form of small-plot experiment realized in the grow-ing year 2018/2019 at the Žabčice School Agricultural Enterprise. The experiment was based on the application of thiosulphate sulphur (Folit ThioSulf fertilizer), elemental sulphur (Folit sulfur fertilizer) and polysulfide sulphur (Sulka K fertilizer). Not only the effect of the sulphur form was compared, but also the date of application. The positive effect of sulphur was reflected in the health condition of plants and the percentage of infected plants in the fertilized variants decreased significantly. The highest yield was achieved after the application of Folit sulphur fertilizer which was applied in long-term growth. For this variant the increase in yield compared to the unfertilized control was 9.7 %. The seed yield was least affected by the variant fertilized with Sulka K fertilizer (application in the long-term growth phase), in which case there was an increase of only 4.8 %. From the economic point of view, there was an increase in sales per seed for all fertilized variants. The highest increase was recorded in the variant with elemental sul-phur fertilized in the phase of long-term growth. Sales increased by CZK 6,513 per hectare.
Stabilizovaná dusíkato-sirná hnojiva ve výživě pšenice ozimé
Večeřa, Radomír
This bachelor thesis aimed to assess utilization of stabilized nitrogen-sulphur fertilizers on the nutrition of winter wheat. Small-plot experiments were conducted in Žabčice (South Moravian Region) and Vatín (Vysočina Region) for two years (2018 and 2019). The fertilization variants which were used: 1. CAN, 2. ANG, 3. CAN + AS, 4. CAN + AS-IN and 5. CAN + ASN-IN. CAN means calcium ammonium nitrate, ANG is ammonium nitrate with gypsum, AS is ammonium sulphate and ASN is ammonium sulphate nitrate. The abbreviation IN means nitrification inhibitor. The evaluated parametres were grain yield, N-substance content, and grain sedimentation value. Overall, the best evaluated fertilization variant was CAN + ASN-IN, which is fertilizer with a nitrification inhibitor. This variant achieved the highest average grain yield of 7.38 t/ha. This fertilization variant had the highest grain yield of 6.44 t/ha in Vatín and the third-highest grain yield 8.19 t/ha in Žabčice. This variant also had the secondhighest average content of nitrogen substances (14.34 %). The control variant of CAN was even better with an average of 14.42 %. In Vatín, the CAN + ASN-IN variant was the best, as it reached the highest content of nitrogen substances which was 14 %. As with the content of nitrogen substances, this variant reached the second-highest average sedimentation value (47.14 ml). However, in Vatín the best sedimentation value of this variant was 46.5 ml. Better results had only the ANG fertilization variant because it had a sedimentation value of 48.14 ml. Nevertheless, no difference was proven between fertilization variants in the content of nitrogen substances and sedimentation values.
Development of an automatic analyzer samples carbon and sulfur ACS 820
Jaroš, Tomáš ; Sloboda, Martin (referee) ; Polsterová, Helena (advisor)
The thesis deals wiring design of automated analyzer ACS 820 for carbon and sulfur. Describes individually all parts and their functionality. Evaluates applicable control components. Thesis discuss design of safety circuit, that will secure safe use of instrument. Part of the thesis is realisation of electrical design and completing the control box.
Sulfur dioxide emissions
Borýsek, Václav ; Štelcl, Otakar (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with emissions of sulphur oxides. First are described their properties, influence on human health and their impact on the environment. Next thesis deals with present situation of emissions and emission limits. After that selected methods of reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions are described and for representative technology mass balance has been made. Last part describes taken measurements and presents their results.
The Death Pit and the Glowing Swamp: A Permeation
Smutný, Jan ; Marek, Petr (referee) ; Cenek, Filip (advisor)
The work is connecting well-known symbols of alchemy and various esoteric traditions and giving them visual and narrative form. There is deconstruction and glorification of this type of philosophy in the same time. The characters of the story are symbolizing the german and slavic archetypes. Their voyage from the pit of death to the glowing swamp and vice versa is representing the ageless story of life and death, creation and destruction, body and soul, light and darkness. All the symbols are used in the ironic and serious way in the same time.
Batteries for medical applications
Pagáčová, Lenka ; Tichý, Jiří (referee) ; Kazda, Tomáš (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with the influence of different carbon materials on the properties of Li-S accumulators. The theoretical part of the thesis describes primary and secondary electrochemical sources with a focus on medical applications. The second chapter deals individually with a lithium article. The main part of the thesis is the practical production of electrodes for Li-S accumulators using different types of carbon materials. The effects of these materials on the properties of accumulators are investigated to determine the most appropriate in terms of capacity and stability.
Purification of flue-gas desulfurization
Křesťan, Jan ; Špiláček, Michal (referee) ; Hrnčířová, Michaela (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is theoretical elaboration of flue-gas desulfurization and emission limits of sulphur dioxide. Thesis is divided into three parts. First part is about content of sulphur in fuel, formation of sulphur oxides and their influence on human health and environment. Second part is dedicated to sources of sulphur dioxide, present emission situation in the Czech Republic and emission limits of sulphur dioxide. The third part describes methods how to reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide, especially methods of flue-gas desulfurization. The thesis is based on technical texts, Czech laws about air pollution and data from the Czech hydrometeorological institute.
Využití kombinovaného hnojiva ve výživě pšenice ozimé
Moravanský, Jakub
The aim of this work is the utilization of combined fertilizer in winter wheat nutrition. The experiment was conducted in two growing seasons (2020-2021; 2021-2022) at the experimental site in Žabčice. The examined fertilizer FertiTOP 44 NPS was applied in early spring in two doses (54 kg/ha N and 30 kg/ha N). As a control treatment, the common nitrogen technology was used with the application of LAD 27 fertilizer at a dose of 30 kg/ha N. Additional fertilization of every treatment during the vegetation was identical. (LAD 27: 65 kg/ha N; DAM 390: 40 kg/ha N). The application of the combined fertilizer FertiTOP 44 NPS in full dose positively influenced the growth, yield and grain quality of winter wheat. The plant analysis during the vegetation showed a statistically significant effect of fertilization by full dose of FertiTOP 44 NPS on dry weight. There was also increase in grain yield in both years under study (+0.6 t/ha in 2021; +0.3 t/ha in 2022). At the same time, the protein content increased (+0.5% in 2021; +1.1% in 2022). For gluten content, the results were similar to the control. For the sedimentation parameter, an increase was observed in both years (+3.5 ml in 2021; +7 ml in 2022). These results are indicating that the application of phosphorus, sulphur and trace elements in winter wheat nutrition improves the baking quality of the grain.
Využití přírodních hydroabsorbentů při mimokořenové výživě máku setého
Jelínek, Mojmír
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of a combination of foliar application of sulphur together with a natural form of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in the spring poppy variety (Papaver somniferum L.) Onyx. The effect of sulphur application in the form of ammonium thiosulphate and elemental sulphur, both without SAP and in combination with SAP, on crop yield was investigated in a field experiment on a total area of 1.25 ha in the locality of Bedihošt' municipality. The evaluation of the effect was mainly based on hectare yield, then germination and thousand seed weight (HTS) were monitored, the health status of the crop was evaluated and an economic evaluation was made both in terms of total cost and with respect to the application of sulphur and SAP alone. The best results were obtained in the plot where ammonium thiosulphate alone was applied, followed by the combination of ammonium thiosulphate with SAP. The results show a very strong correlation between yield and germination (r = 0.96). In contrast, the effect of SAP was not sufficiently demonstrated in this work. The overall economic evaluation when all costs were included was positive only for the application of ammonium thiosulphate without SAP, all other options were loss making. In a direct comparison of the variants with the calculation of only the effect of sulphur and SAP, the application of ammonium thiosulphate without SAP and with SAP came out positive, while elemental sulphur with SAP and without SAP came out negative.

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