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Vztah iniciálních půd a pionýrských dřevin při revitalizaci lomů
Skopalíková, Kateřina
This thesis focuses on the comprehensive analysis and evaluation of soil conditions and plant diversity of representative sites in southern Moravia, central and south Bohemia, which were significantly affected by surface mining and quarrying. They were selected locations on carbonate rocks (Hády, Růženin, Lesní, Turold, Houbův, Homolák and Krty), the metamorphic rocks, namely granulite (Zrcadlová huť and Plešovice) and sandy sediments (Plavsko and Rudice-Seč). Already closed quarries and those left to natural succession or reclaimation, but also those in which there is still an active mineral extraction were selected as representative for this BC thesis. Apropriate soil samples were taken for analysis of physico -chemical, mechanical and hydro-physical properties of soil as a part of the fieldwork that took place during 2012 and 2014. Phytosociological surveys have been realised in 2013 as well. This thesis also discus the appropriateness of uniform or reclamation of natural succession. Based on the data of analysis, it can be seriously demonstrated and confirmed that the soil in relation to the nature of the parental rock is mostly favorable with even well balanced water and air regime and the average waterholding. Representation of macro and micronutrients in the samples picture prediction, despite the low nutrient content in soils at these sites are relatively high. Another way from the perspective of plant diversity, all selected stations are is still in its early stages of development. The most represented trees of all fracture sites is silver birch (Betula pendula), followed by pine forest (Pinus sylvestris), aspen (Populus tremula) and goat willow (Salix caprea).
Sukcese vegetačního krytu na odvalu Koksovny Svoboda v Ostravě
Jaroš, Jakub
This bachelor thesis is focused on the evaluation of succession on muck stack coking plant Svoboda in Ostrava since the last research carried by Koutecký (2004) and the proposal of framework of care for similar locations. For this purpose has been made 39 phytocenological relevés where were found 177 species of vascular plants. The loss of available light and heat and increase of humidity, accesible nutrients in soil, and pH, which was attributed primarily to ongoing succession, has been detected through analysis of data files. For the purposes of recovery of similar sites have been proposed the maximum possible usage of spontaneous succession.
Potenciál využití sukcese při obnově kalamitní holiny
Květoň, Lukáš
The subject of this thesis was to analyse the success of forest regeneration on calamity clearcut incurred after wind calamity "Anthony". After decline of approximately 1,7 hectares of beech forest on rich stand, there was founded a permanent research area of size 15x110 m in 2012. On spot grid (5x5 m) was observed spontaneous development of woody and herbaceous vegetation. The outcome of the study was to evaluate the density of natural regeneration of two growing seasons. Under current legislation (Act 289/1995 Coll., Decree 139/2004 Coll.) can be regeneration evaluated as unsuccessful, mainly because of the low number of targeted tree species 7 779 pcs/ha, which do not reach limit of the minimum number of individuals per hectare. The density of other tree species amounted to only 476 pcs/ha. The following year, a decrease of targeted tree species density reached 7 619 pcs/ha and increase of other species density reached 952 pcs/ha. In the first year was recorded the highest density of beech (3 175 pcs/ha) and oak (2 222 pcs/ha), in the upcoming year these species showed the greatest decline. Very significant influence on the density of natural regeneration was distance from the edge of the surrounding forest, where up to 5 m from the edge of the stand density of natural regeneration reached 70 000 pcs/ha, over 45 m from the edge of the stand natural regeneration density did not reach more than 10 000 pcs/ha
Hodnocení stavu a vývoje sukcese na kalamitní holině (NP Šumava, územní pracoviště Stožec)
Štětina, Pavel
Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the development of spontaneous succession on a gale-disaster area in the Šumava National Park (territorial workplace Stožec). In 2015, two unfenced and one fenced areas were selected on the area. The unfenced areas were transects that reached 50 m into the spruce stand, passed across the clear-cut area and then reached 50 m into the almost dry beech stand. The fenced area was only on the clear-cut area. The transects were divided into segments (with length 10 m). In each segment, the species of natural regeneration was determined, their number and they were classified into height classes from seedlings to a height of over-250 cm. In addition, the species and thickness of standing trees were measured in the stands. The measurements took place in 2015 and 2020. According to the results, the natural regeneration of beech and spruce is most often found in an almost dry beech stand. The exceptions are fir, which was most often under the spruce stand, and birch with pine and larch, which were most often found on the clear-cut area. According to the comparison of height, it can be argued that natural regeneration grows well in all variants (i.e. spruce stand, clear-cut area and almost dry beech stand), although according to the comparison with the fenced area, it is affected by the taste of game.
Průběh sukcese lesa na kalamitní holině Soběšice
Žouželková, Lenka
This bachelor thesis has been processed on the territory of SLP ML Křtiny - Soběšice. The aim of the study was to evaluate the development of the succession focusing especialy on woody component (years 2012-2014) on salvage glade after the disintegration of young pine small pole stage by wet snow. Data collection and analysis was conducted on the network of 87 inventory plots in 3 variants of soil preparation: without intervention (41), chemical (23) and mechanical (23). On the plots were registered seven kinds of trees, the numbers per hectare decreased gradually from 7500 to 5000 units / ha. On the whole area was dominated by hornbeam and oak. The largest occurrence and density of trees was registered in mechanical preparation. In the first two years was dominated second high-rise category. (20-50 cm) and in 2014 it was the third category from 50 to 130 cm. Altogether were found 34 kinds of herbs and shrubs. The average coverage increased from 43% in 2012 to 81% in 2014. The greatest coverage was in 2014 detected in mechanical preparation and chemical variant was the lowest. Dominating substrate of soil all the time was the mineral soil. Under current legislation the state determined of ascertained state regeneration after 5 years since the establishment of clearing does not meet the time nor the space beyond regeneration, or minimum numbers per hectare. The results showed the best use of self-development with assuming completion artificial regeneration, and interventions against weeds. It must be long-term monitoring.
Vliv těžby stavebního kamene na krajinu Opatovic u Vyškova
Hermanová, Jana
Bachelor's thesis called Mining effect tectonic stone on landscape by Opatovice u Vyškova is dedicated to the issue of landscape recovery after surface mining of tectonic stone in Opatovice. The Thesis consists of general characteristics of the area, its natural conditions, recultivation development and the recultivation itself. The goal of the thesis was to analyze the changes in the landscape after mining and to evaluate the current recultivation plan. The Thesis also contains authors own recultivation plan.

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