Možnosti eliminování stresových faktorů působících na dřeviny v městském prostředí
Kubátová, Lucie
The aim of this thesis was to monitor the effect of three types of preparations in the form of application of soil conditioners based on alginate, hydrogel and mycorrhizal fungi on linden trees Tilia cordata L. The experiment consisted of two parts. In the autumn 2019, these preparations were applied on mature trees located in Brno. The second part of the experiment took place in Lednice, where the products were applied on young seedlings grown in containers in May 2020. In the period from June to September 2020 the leaf chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence and stomatal conductivity were measured. Based on the obtained data, the best results were shown for the variant of woody plants treated by mykorrhizal fungi.
Návrh závlahové soustavy pomocí specializovaného softwaru
Nečas, Radek
The theoretical part focuses on the complexity of water irrigation and its applica-tion. It also provides an overview of basic terms in this field and describes the use in the Czech Republic and abroad. A part of the thesis is devoted to different issues linked to the topic – grants, other financial irrigation support and climate change, spe-cifically increasing periods of drought. Furthermore, the thesis also specifies which software can be used to design irrigation systems. Practical part contains a case study where irrigation system model was designed in IrriPro software for a specific agricul-tural field. The other part of the case study provides a detailed manual with instruc-tions how to use the software.
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Hodnocení vlivu mimokořenové aplikace mikroelementů na odolnost rostlin máku vůči suchu
Havránková, Veronika
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the influence of foliar application of microelements of copper and zinc on resistance of poppy plants against drought in a container experiment conditions. The chosen variety of poppy plant was the Major variety which belongs to the most often grown varieties for food use. Fertilizers were foliar applied in the 6th grow phase. Dose of 0,8 l.ha-1 Papaverin, 1,0 l.ha-1 of Lister Zn and 0,6 l.ha-1 of Lister Cu were prepared as a helping herbal preparation. Sample without the application of fertilizers served as a comparison. Half of the variations was optimally watered and the other half was exposed to draft. Parameters were analyzed in the process of this experiment at 3 different terms. The mass of dry matter was statistically significantly increased by Lister Zn 1,9 x and Lister Cu 2,3x preparations. Quantum yield was most affected by Papaverine by 2.6 % and Lister Cu by 3.4 % compared to the control, which in dry conditions even exceeded the quantum yield of the optimally irrigated variant in the second and third measurement terms. The maximum yield of variable fluorescence did not show a statistically significant difference for any preparation. The vitality index gradually increased over time. In the last term of measurement under dry conditions the vitality index was increased statistically significantly by 26 %, 35 % and 58 % for Papaverine, Lister Zn and Lister Cu. The root capacity was evaluated last, where under dry conditions the size of root capacity increased by 45.3 %, but not conclusively. By applying non-root nutrition of fertilizers containing copper and zinc, for all monitored parameters except the maximum yield of variable fluorescence, it proved to be a good way of supplementary nutrition for the resistance of poppy plants to drought stress.
Vliv stresorů na obsahové látky chilli paprik
Ferby, Vojtěch
The literature search describes the development of the importance of peppers in the history of mankind and the current level of knowledge of the species. The agrotechnics of pepper production, their ingredients and importance in the food and pharmaceutical industries were summarized. Part of the work was devoted to plant stress, its factors and plant stress responses. In the experimental part, three types of chilli peppers (4 varieties) were grown under two irrigation regimes. In the optimal variant, the volume water content was kept between 35–60 %. In the stress variant, the level was set to 18–25 % of the water volume. The harvest took place after 21 and 34 days of stress duration. The content of capsaicinoids (capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin) and ascorbic acid was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography - HPLC. Using analysis of variance and the Scheffe’s test, significant influence of all monitored factors (stress, duration of stress, interaction of stress and its length) was proved. A period of 21 days of a stressful situation was proved to be more effective for increasing the content of monitored substances. The most significant changes in the synthesis of capsaicinoids were observed in the variety 'Jolokia', which was also the hottest of the varieties used for the purposes of the experiment. The 'Bird’s Eye' and 'Puerto Rican' varieties had the same response to stress and also similar SHU values. Changes in capsaicinoid and vitamin C content were not statistically significant with 'Aji Lemon Drop'.
Vliv modulované hladiny cytokininů na odolnost rostlin při působení sucha za různých teplotních podmínek
Mašlaňová, Anna
Abiotic stress factors negatively affect the plant growth and development. The diploma thesis "The effect of modulated cytokinin levels on the tolerance of plants to drought under different temperature conditions" was focused on the most serious enviromental factors, drought and elevated temperature. This topic is actual because drought is a recent global issue and is very closely linked to global warming. Photodocumentation and subsequent measurement of leaf rosette size showed that the first signs of morphological changes causes by drouhgt were recorded 3 weeks after watering termination. It has been observed that drought combined with elevated temperature promote negative effect of drought, this was documented by the substantially lower leaf rosette size of plants grown at 29 °C. Exogenous treatment of plants by cytokinins had a positive effect on plant growth at elevated temperatures on the onset of stress conditions. Conductometric analysis relevated that ion leakage and very closely associated damage to the membranes is significantly increased by drought and increased temperature during drought period has an additive effect. Cytokinins were not shown to play key role in the protection of plant membranes during drought and have a rather negative effect on plant membranes during their long-term application. Analysis of photosynthesic parameters also confirmed the negative effect of drought on photochemical processes. The maximum quantum efficiency of PSII was reduced by prolonged drought, while in elevated temperature, this reduction was more pronounced and occurred earlier. The non-photochemical quenching was also reduced by the drought, and in conditions of elevated temperature this decrease was more intense. At the same time, long-term application of cytokinins contributes to the reduction of non-photochemical quenching.
Možnosti uplatnění hydroabsorbentů při výsadbách v období sucha
Bednář, Pavel
This thesis deals with the possibilities of employment of hydroabsorbents in periods of drought. The first part of the thesis contains description of general features of hydroabsorbents, description of types used as well as description of climatic factors within the investigated area. The second part describes the research, which was carried out on four areas according to tree species. European beech, European spruce, sycamore and Conrnish oak were used. Research was carried out within the region of Hostýn Hills, at an altitude of 550 to 720 m, on forest types 5S9, 4B1, 5B1 and 4B4. Three types of hydroabsorbents were used – Fine grained Hydrogel, Coarse grained Hydrogel and terraCottem in dosages of 2 g and 4 g. A control variant without hydroabsorbents was used for comparison. In the conclusions, the results and effectivity of hydrocarbons use on investigated areas are summarized and compared. For Conrnish oak and European beech, the effects of hydroabsorbents have been proved, mainly by lower losses of seedlings. For European spruce were results influenced exactly by the damage by the pine weevil but on the root system there was a significant influence of the hydroabsorbent. The effect of hydroabsorbents on sycamore was also positive, although the effect was not as pronounced as other woody species. The substance and concentration used had an effect.
The effect of drought on forest tree species' nourishment: the chosen path of phosphorus cycling
Marfo, Theodore Danso
This research sought to evaluate the effect of drought on forest tree species with emphasis on bio-available phosphorus obtained via phosphorus cycling. Soil samples were collected at root zone depth from areas of varied altitudes and tree species thus H-horizon soils from the mountain Spruce forest at Bily Kriz, A-horizon soils from both the young Spruce monoculture at Rajec and Beech forest at Stitna. Acid phosphatase activity of the various soil samples was measured in optimal conditions of the enzyme in the laboratory using the already in use protocol developed by Tabatabai and Bremner (1969) and some modifications made by Rejsek (1991). Two other protocols were developed by this research by replacing the buffer component of the first with water to mimic the unstable pH situation which occurs in nature and simulating a drought situation in the laboratory by incubating the soil sample with powdered form of the substrate used in the original protocol and adding water after the hour-long incubation. The laboratory analyses proved that global climate changes affects conservation of forest soil fertility via decreasing soil biological activity evaluated through phosphorus bio-availability. Soil phosphorus is indispensable for forest tree species' breeding hence important for European Forestry.
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