National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Determination of the ozone concentration generated by dielectric barrier discharge.
Manduchová, Ivana ; Töröková, Lucie (referee) ; Mazánková, Věra (advisor)
The bachelor´s thesis is focused on the study of determination of the ozone concentration generated by dielectric barrier discharge from high-purity oxygen gas of 99,999 9 %, at changes in different experimental conditions, using absorption spectrometry. The emphasis was put also equally on the comparison of two representatives of the basic methods determining the concentration of ozone. In the theoretical part are described characteristic properties of ozone and fields of utilization, methods of ozone generation, experimental methods of determining the concentration of generated ozone and microbicidal effects of ozone. In the experimental part was investigated the generation of ozone created by interaction of oxygen with oxygen adsorbed on the walls of ozonizer depending on variation of experimental conditions. Multiple series of experiments were conducted, where the changing variable of experimental conditions was the change of voltage on power supply, the flow change of oxygen and the change of reaction time period. Besides of these, there has been also examined the applicability of determining the concentration of ozone using iodometric titration in comparison with the method of UV absorption at conditions used in the experiment. Ozone was generated by assembly of two identical cylindrical ozonizers made from stainless steel functioning on principle of dielectric barrier discharge using dielectric from alumina.
Influence of surface electrodes on the ozone generation in the dielectric barrier discharge.
Mierna, Jana ; Dzik, Petr (referee) ; Mazánková, Věra (advisor)
The bachelor´s thesis is focused on the study of influence of adsorbed gases on the electrode surface on ozone generation in dielectric barrier discharge. The theoretical part describes some basic properties and applications of ozone, methods of its generation, determination and interaction with the solid surfaces. In the experimental part was studied formation of ozone by the recombination of molecules and atoms of oxygen on the wall of electrodes and also its destruction caused by the reaction with particles present in closed ozoniser without discharge. Ozone was generated in cylindrical configuration system of electrodes made of staniless steel and alumina ceramics as dielectric material. Several series of experiments were measured by using various operating gases (oxygen; oxygen and argon; oxygen and nitrogen). It was also examined the decrease of generated ozone concentration in long-term operation by using pure oxygen of 99,999 90 % as a feeding gas. The resulting ozone concentration for given reaction time of individual measurements was determined by the method of absorption spectrometry.
Determination of the ozone concentration generated by dielectric barrier discharge.
Manduchová, Ivana ; Töröková, Lucie (referee) ; Mazánková, Věra (advisor)
The bachelor´s thesis is focused on the study of determination of the ozone concentration generated by dielectric barrier discharge from high-purity oxygen gas of 99,999 9 %, at changes in different experimental conditions, using absorption spectrometry. The emphasis was put also equally on the comparison of two representatives of the basic methods determining the concentration of ozone. In the theoretical part are described characteristic properties of ozone and fields of utilization, methods of ozone generation, experimental methods of determining the concentration of generated ozone and microbicidal effects of ozone. In the experimental part was investigated the generation of ozone created by interaction of oxygen with oxygen adsorbed on the walls of ozonizer depending on variation of experimental conditions. Multiple series of experiments were conducted, where the changing variable of experimental conditions was the change of voltage on power supply, the flow change of oxygen and the change of reaction time period. Besides of these, there has been also examined the applicability of determining the concentration of ozone using iodometric titration in comparison with the method of UV absorption at conditions used in the experiment. Ozone was generated by assembly of two identical cylindrical ozonizers made from stainless steel functioning on principle of dielectric barrier discharge using dielectric from alumina.
Influence of surface electrodes on the ozone generation in the dielectric barrier discharge.
Mierna, Jana ; Dzik, Petr (referee) ; Mazánková, Věra (advisor)
The bachelor´s thesis is focused on the study of influence of adsorbed gases on the electrode surface on ozone generation in dielectric barrier discharge. The theoretical part describes some basic properties and applications of ozone, methods of its generation, determination and interaction with the solid surfaces. In the experimental part was studied formation of ozone by the recombination of molecules and atoms of oxygen on the wall of electrodes and also its destruction caused by the reaction with particles present in closed ozoniser without discharge. Ozone was generated in cylindrical configuration system of electrodes made of staniless steel and alumina ceramics as dielectric material. Several series of experiments were measured by using various operating gases (oxygen; oxygen and argon; oxygen and nitrogen). It was also examined the decrease of generated ozone concentration in long-term operation by using pure oxygen of 99,999 90 % as a feeding gas. The resulting ozone concentration for given reaction time of individual measurements was determined by the method of absorption spectrometry.

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