Daň z nemovitých věcí jako zdroj příjmů územně samosprávných celků
Ondroušková, Martina
Bachelor thesis deals with analysis and comparison of taxes on immovable proper-ty and local taxes as a source of income for local governments. It also focuses on the use of tax powers, namely the possibility of influencing the income tax immov-able property and local taxes, the comparison of these revenues through per capita and by comparison with the national average. Mentioned are also arrears and sub-sequent deal with such situations. The conclusion formulated proposals for im-proving tax collection and fees.
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Systém sociálního pojištění a veřejný dluh
Bouška, Petr
The goal of this thesis is to prove the connection between the system of social in-surance and public debt in the Czech Republic. The thesis focuses on defining the most important factors and causes that influence both mentioned systems the most. The next part of the thesis describes social insurance systems in the Czech and the Slovak Republic and in Estonia focusing on the method of administration and financing those systems. Correlation and regression analysis serves to prove the connection between those systems and public debt. In the last part of the the-sis, the conlusion based on this comparison expresses whether the connection between those mentioned system is present in the Czech Republic or not.
Návrh a implementace aplikace pro správu pracovních cest
Macáková, Gabriela
The diploma thesis is focused on the design and implementation of application for business trips's administration. The aim of this thesis is to familiarize the readers with the issue of business trips from the economic and financial point of view, with the basics of information systems and with the designing of diagrams in UML's notation. From the practical point of view this thesis deals with the design of database and application which should be helpful for automation of the creation and approval business trip's process and also deals with the administration of all created business trips. The outcome of this thesis is the design of UML's diagrams and implementation of application for business trips's administration in C# programming language.
Mapování nežádoucích druhů rostlin v národní přírodní rezervaci Mohelenská hadcová step
Roboš, Jan
The meaning of diploma thesis Mapping of undesirable plant species in national nature reserve Mohelno´s serpentinite steppe consists of applying geographic information system and modern geoinformatics technologies in a specified area of this national na-ture reserve. The use of geographic information systems currently has a place in almost every sector dealing with territorial administration due to the ability to facilitate main-taining complex databases and implementing analysis, enabling effective management and planning. The aim of this diploma thesis consists of the selected undesirable plant species localisation around the area of interest, creating a geographical database, and presenting the results of field surveys. Localisation and registration of the geographical location of outbreaks of selected plant species are performed by using equipment that uses a global navigation satellite system. At the same time, this data is then processed in a geographic information system. This thesis could support future management in a val-uable area in suppressing the occurrence of undesirable plant species that disrupt the local protected biota.
The Project Proposal for the Implementation of an Information System for the Registration and Management of Contracts
Červinka, Michal ; Širáňová, Lenka (referee) ; Doskočil, Radek (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to create a project proposal for the implementation of an information system for registration and management of contracts in a small business that specializes in installing bath doors for people with reduced mobility. The thesis is developed using methods and procedures of project management. The thesis is divided into four parts; the first part introduces the objectives and methods of project management, the second part is dedicated to theoretical foundations, the third part presents the analyzed company and an analysis of the internal and external environment of the business, and the fourth part consists of the actual project proposal for the implementation of the information system and the overall benefits of the proposed solution.
IoT Application Deployment Platform
Hrvol, Marek ; Smrčka, Aleš (referee) ; Kočí, Radek (advisor)
The aim of this work is simplifying deployment of Internet of Things in households or smaller companies and also reducing the need of maintenance of created network. Main goal of this web application is creating platform capable of deploying applications across ARM single-board computers. Moreover, application provides intuitive preview of all registered devices including its state, shows all the necessary data and informs user about failures on devices.
Billing system and call monitoring for PBX Asterisk
Depiak, Petr ; Šilhavý, Pavel (referee) ; Krajsa, Ondřej (advisor)
This master's thesis is focused on developement of billing system with the options of monitoring individual calls for software exchange Asterisk. Billing of calls is adaptible with the help of group of individual rules, consisting of tariff impulses, numerical prefix, with help of outgoing trunk and cost of the billed unit. The first part of this work is focused on instalation, configuration and preparation of individual components of the billing system. In this work is explained the architecture of the billing system and highlighted the purpose of work of the model database. Next we focused on the purpose and the principal system invidual function of the system including solution. At last there is a simple manual to operate the system with the help of created web interface.
Management System for Sports Teams
Nowak, Jakub ; Kajan, Michal (referee) ; Korček, Pavol (advisor)
The thesis is focused on problematic of sports team management. It analyzes sports team‘s needs and requirements for a system, which could help them to organize their team activities and issues. Thesis includes an implementation of such system and its marketing strategy for future development purposes. Whole system is built on a web application basis using PHP programming language and relational database server MariaDB. System is available online for public use. It is monitored continuously and its expansion and development is based on feedbacks from its users.
Managing Mobile IP enabled networks with SNMP protocol
Závodný, Ondřej ; Vajsar, Pavel (referee) ; Skořepa, Michal (advisor)
The content of this thesis is to research possibilities of using SNMP for management of Mobile IP activated entities. The first two chapters deal with theoretical analysis of Mobile IP protocol, and Simple Network Management Protocol. The Mobile IP protocol analysis focuses especially on the elements Home agent and Foreign agent. In the SNMP chapter the analysis focuses mainly on ways to exchange messages. Another part of the document is devoted to a description of laboratory networks com- posed of routers Cisco 1841 and the configuration of them. Finally is described the programmed application to manager these devices in JAVA, which is included in Annex. The program periodically sends SNMP queries and finds relationships between the Home agent and the mobile nodes, and between the foreign agent and the mobile nodes. The application has a user-friendly interface that is shown on the attached flash animation. Finally, the thesis summarizes the concepts described in previous chapters and the goals to achieve.